The sky is shaking, and the waves are rushing!

If I had to use an adjective to describe the scene of this azimuth world at this moment, it would be chaos!

The battle between the four sub-saints, the aftermath alone, could have caused this aspect of the world to shatter countless times.

However, this aspect had already been shrouded in a treasure by Emperor Shi Tian.

Not only was it able to cut off the possibility of Medanzo tearing open the plane to escape, but it also made the toughness of this aspect world rise to an extremely terrifying level, and it was even able to resist the bombardment of the four sub-saints!

The aftermath of the battle of the four sub-saints was blocked in the plane world and could not be dispersed, and under the impact of the four directions, it also made this aspect world tremble, and the waves were even more amazing!

In the midst of this chaos, Ronan was at the bottom of the sea, immovable, sucking in the chaotic breath of the surrounding space as much as possible.

Because now the entire plane world was enveloped and sealed by the magic weapon brought by Emperor Shi Tian, it was impossible for the chaotic aura to escape for a single moment.

As a result, the concentration of chaotic aura in the entire plane world continued to increase, and soon reached a point where Ronan had never experienced it.

Moreover, after entering the Golden Immortal Realm, Luo Nan could truly feel that the speed at which he absorbed the chaotic breath and transformed it into the power of chaos had greatly increased.

When he was in the Great Brahma World before, it would take Ronan nearly an hour to refine a trace of the power of chaos!

But now, just a few minutes later, Ronan had already refined a trace of the power of chaos!

Moreover, with the increase in the concentration of chaotic breath in space, Luo Nan’s refining speed was also increasing.


Outside, above the boundless sea.

The battle between the four sub-saints had already entered a white-hot stage.

In terms of combat strength, Medanzo was undoubtedly the weakest of the four.

In terms of numbers, Medanzo is now facing a siege of three people alone.

In any case, it is a doomed defeat!

However, the resilience and vitality of Ya Sheng were completely incomparable to those of ordinary immortals!

So even if he is at a disadvantage for a long time, even if he is at a disadvantage for a long time, Medanzo still has not reached the point of failure!

Emperor Shiten, Izanagi and Izanami wanted to defeat or even kill Medanzo, but even if the means were exhausted, it would still take some effort.

In this way, the fierce battle continued.

At such a time, no matter which sub-saint had the energy to pay attention to Lonan who was hidden at the bottom of the sea.

And this also gives Lonan the best chance!

Time passed, more than an hour passed quickly, and the big war outside still came to a halt.

But Luo Nan, who was at the bottom of the sea, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment!

“Ten silks of chaotic power, have been accumulated to complete!”

The essence in Luo Nan’s eyes flickered, it was because of the long battle between the four sub-saints that the chaotic aura of the drum filled the entire plane space, and he was able to accumulate ten traces of chaotic power so quickly!

Through the layers of sea waves, Luo Nan’s eyes quickly locked on Medanzo, who was being besieged.

The zui horn rose up, a cold smile appeared on his face, and Luo Nan murmured, “Since you are still struggling to support, let me add a fire to you!” ”

The moment the words fell, Luo Nan moved the secret technique of the word, and his figure directly turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the sea above.

For the enemy, Ronan will never be soft.

There is no chance to do it, the opportunity for revenge is in front of you at this moment, how can Ronan make Medanzo feel better!

Moreover, if he could really pull down the sub-saint of Medanzo, the experience gained would be very expensive, and Luo Nan would be distracted!

Soon, Luo Nan’s figure appeared above the sea level, not far from the fierce battle of the four sub-saints!

When Lonan appeared, the four sub-saints naturally sensed this at the same time.

However, the four people who were busy with the fierce battle did not look at Ronan’s side more.

For this result, Luo Nan was not only not dissatisfied in his heart, but secretly happy.

Not being noticed is best!

“According to Medanzo’s original strength, it is absolutely impossible for him to persist for so long without losing defeat under the siege of these three people, and ninety percent of the reasons why he can do it now are because of the holy light sent by Jehovah!”

Ronan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Medanzo and muttered in his heart, “So…”

The next second, Luo Nan’s eyes flickered, and he directly opened Super Race Two, and his breath soared a hundred times!

Immediately afterward, the Battle Saint Law opened, and the five strands of chaotic power in the body were directly integrated into the palm of the hand.

The next second, Luo Nan, filled with the palm of the power of chaos, drew a circle directly in front of him!

With the palm of Ronan’s hand swiping, the space in front of him directly added a dark circle.

In which circle, it is as if the entire plane world has been reflected in it!

The figures of the four sub-saints are impressively listed!

“It’s that trick again!”

Medanzo, who had already been severely injured once, was obviously the first of the four sub-saints to come to consciousness, and he immediately felt a shock in his heart and wanted to rush out of the well world!

However, in the face of the other three sub-saints, Medanzo had to stop, missing the best time to escape from the world in the well!

“Month for all things in life!”

After the well was completed, Luo Nan looked at the well surface, only to see that the reflections above had gradually turned into a round of crescent moon.

Among these hundreds of crescent moons, there was an extremely bright one, which was the rich holy light that had crossed over before!

And that’s exactly what Lonan is aiming for!

The next second, Ronan reached directly into the surface of the well and grabbed the crescent moon to raise the water.

However, this round of seemingly small crescent moon is extremely heavy, and no matter how hard Luo Nan tries, he cannot pull out of the water.

This made Luo Nan’s face sink involuntarily: “Hmm, since it has turned into a dead moon, do you still want to resist my means?” ”

After a cold snort, Luo Nan once again mobilized two traces of chaotic power from his body and merged into the body particles activated by the previous cultivation of the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Force.

Suddenly, Luo Nan only felt as if his body was filled with the power of the dragon elephant.

And the weight of that remnant moon could no longer resist the power of Luo Nan, and was directly dragged out of the well!

At the same time, Medanzo’s breath was rapidly weakening, and the wings behind him were instantly dimmed…

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