Medanzo tore open the space without saying a word and fled, making the two brothers and sisters of Izanagi and Izanagi frown without a trace.

Izana opened a little cherry red mouth again and sighed lightly.

Immediately after that, Izanagi put away the long practice, then waved his hand to tear open the space in front of him, stepped into it, and prepared to chase after the fleeing Medanzo.

At this time, Izana Meimei reached out and stopped his brother and shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, Izanagi stopped and stopped where he was.

Lonan, who was watching all this from a distance, was wondering what the brother and sister had in mind.

A scream suddenly rang out around this azimuth.

The next second, the area covered with yellow sand that Luo Nan was in directly shattered.

Several people fell into a sea of blue at the same time!

And in this plane covered by the ocean, there are two figures standing opposite each other at this moment!

One of them was Medanzo, who had escaped for a few seconds.

At this moment, Medanzo’s face is ugly and his brow is wrinkled!

Opposite Medanzo was a strong man with a naked upper body with bronzed skin and exploding muscles.

This strong man wears a crown on his head, and there are strips of secret text on his bronzed skin, and if you look closely, there is a tendency for your mind to be dragged and lost.

The strong man rode a white elephant under his crotch, the white elephant’s eyes were closed, but it seemed to have the power of the sky, and the sharp ivory was even more flickering and cold!

At this moment, the most eye-catching thing about the strong man was that in the palm of his hand, he was grasping a large handful of golden feathers!

This golden feather was obviously forcibly torn off from the wings on Medanzo’s back!

“Medanzo has reached 1v382 after being poured with that holy light, which is not much worse than the two brothers and sisters of Izanagi Fate, but this guy can forcibly tear off Medanzo’s feathers, and there is definitely a big head!”

At the same time as Luo Nan murmured in his heart, the probing technique in his eyes also flashed without hesitation.

Name: Shakyamuni Indra (Emperor Shakyamuni)

Rating: 1v389

Identity: One of the supreme gods of the Great Brahma World, Emperor Nengtian, Emperor of Heaven, Director of Thunder and Lightning and Battle!

Seeing this news, Luo Nan also couldn’t help but smirk darkly.

“Obedient, what day is today, net meet some big people!”

Ronan sighed involuntarily.

Emperor Shakyamuni, the name of Shakyamuni Indra. Nan hadn’t heard of it.

However, the three words of Emperor Shi Tian were like thunder.

This god, who originally belonged to Hinduism, shined in various literary works.

Now that he saw the Buddha-figure, Loyudo looked twice.

“Jesus took the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and ran to the Great Brahma World to kill him, not only severely injuring the would-be Saint Midora, but I am afraid that the Shi Po will not be spared, and now this Emperor has released the heavens, and it is clear that he is seeking revenge.”

Luo Nan glanced over and understood the current situation: “It seems that this Medanzo is surrounded by three sides, and the three people who surround him are all stronger than him, which is embarrassing!” ”

Thinking of this, Ronan couldn’t help but have some schadenfreude thoughts in his heart.

As the saying goes, the wicked have their own wicked grind, and not long ago Medanzo was still in a spirited interception to kill Lonan.

However, after being put on a line by Lonan, Medanzo obviously began to have bad luck.

Now, Medanzo, surrounded by three powerful sub-saints, was already in a stalemate!

Medanzo’s face was livid, he glared at the three people surrounding him in front of him, and gritted his teeth: “You, is this going to join forces against me?” ”

“This is not a place where you can come and go when you want.”

Izanagi who had never spoken since he appeared, finally opened his mouth at this moment.

His voice was soft, but there was a hint of anger in his tone, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with Medanzo’s wanton destruction of the Heavenly Imperial World.

Medanzo’s eyes were cold and introverted: “If it is because of what I did before, then I apologize to you, and you two will immediately turn around and leave, this matter should not have happened, otherwise, sooner or later, I will purify the world with the Holy Light!” ”

Before the words fell, Izanagi and Izana had not yet opened their mouths, and Emperor Shitian, who was riding on the white elephant, had already raised his hand, and a sneer flashed on his face.

“You can rest assured of this, I assure you, you don’t have that chance!”

“Hands on!”

With a loud cry from Emperor Shi Tian, the three sub-saints shot at the same time!

The incomparably majestic power of chaos suddenly stirred and vibrated in this azimuth world.

Even though Luo Nan had flashed far away, he was still swept away by the qi and blood of this terrible mighty impact!

But soon, Ronan’s eyes exploded with two clusters of essence.

Because of Luo Nan’s unexpected discovery, the battle set off by the four sub-saints now actually filled the entire plane with a violent chaotic atmosphere. 、

This violent chaotic aura, when other beings encounter it, as long as they do not reach the quasi-holy realm, will be destroyed in an instant, which can be said to be the most terrible disaster.

However, this disaster is undoubtedly a great boon for Lonan!

Ronan’s current body could hold up to ten rays of chaotic power.

Once the spell is cast through these chaotic powers, the power of the spell can reach the sub-saint level in a short period of time.

And this is also the cost of the battle between Lonan and the quasi-Saint Ya Sheng.

However, this money has a flaw, that is, it cannot recover on its own, and can only rely on Ronan to refine it himself.

To obtain the power of chaos, going deep into the endless chaotic void is naturally the best way.

However, that was too dangerous for Ronan, and if he didn’t pay attention, he would be lost in the endless chaotic void and could never return to the big world.

Therefore, it was quite difficult for Ronan to replenish the power of chaos.

But now, the great battle of these four sub-saints has invisibly created an excellent opportunity for Luonan!

Feeling the chaotic atmosphere of the surrounding space, Ronan whispered to himself.

“If I can recover some of the power of chaos, I can participate in this fierce battle from a simple spectator, and maybe I can earn another experience!”

Thinking of this, Ronan no longer said much, and directly closed his eyes to refine the power of chaos! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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