Moreover, not only the players, but also the immortals and demons who wandered around the Southern Zhan Continent, their desire for secret treasures was also a little bit.

After all, everyone is cultivating the same Heavenly Dao, and the secret treasures that players can use, they can still use!

So, around the valley where the Lonan retreat was retreating, three forces soon gathered.

After the three forces, You Xian’s combat effectiveness was undoubtedly the weakest, and the number was also the smallest.

After all, the vast majority of Youxian lived in Dongsheng Shenzhou, and only those who really couldn’t mix would go to the place where the vitality of the Southern Zhan Sect was not abundant.

Most of the time, this so-called third force is nothing more than playing soy sauce.

The real battle is still the two camps of demons and players.

After all, five years ago, when the world was just changing, players were generally weak and powerless, and they were oppressed by demons.

Even almost everyone, relatives and friends have died at the hands of demons.

The hatred between the two sides has long been deeply buried and cannot be resolved!

If you don’t meet, it’s okay, once you hit it, you will definitely have to hit your head and break the bloodshed!

“This group of cattle, not good to eat grass nose is sensitive, actually smelled here from afar!”

“Hmm, the audio frequency of this hum is strange, it can be transmitted thousands of miles away, it is not an ordinary thing!”

“Yes, in my opinion, the secret treasure hidden in this valley is no weaker than the stone seal that the Gongxi City Lord got back then!”

A young celestial immortal said with a determined face, and many players around him took a breath of cool air after listening.

The lord of Gongxi City, Honmei Gongxi Sheng, was originally only a C-level bloodline player, which can be said to be unremarkable.

But just two thousand years ago, Gong Xisheng got a stone seal because of good luck, and since then, he has been reborn, not only the combat effectiveness has soared, but the upgrade speed is like riding a rocket, and now he is one of the ten major city lords!

You must know that the city lords of those ten immortal cities are basically equivalent to the entire Pangu World, and the player’s combat strength is at its peak.

Of course, it is not excluded that some people are indifferent to fame and fortune and do not like to be in the limelight, and are willing to idle clouds and wild cranes.

But even with these people, the Ten Great City Lords are definitely in the top thirty of the player’s battle power rankings!

Needless to say, how attractive it is to be able to jump from doing nothing to the top thirty!

“This treasure will certainly not be available to those animals!”

“Yes, first join forces to kill those animals, and then go and grab the secret treasure!”

“When the time comes, each will be lucky!”


After a few words of communication, the players here temporarily reached an alliance agreement, staring at the gathered demons and ghosts.

And those demons, of course, have already joined forces and confronted the player group.

Suddenly, the flames of war were ignited, and the two sides fought directly above the valley where Luonan was closed!

All kinds of magic weapons, with colorful brilliance, collided above the valley.

Hundreds of players and demons shot at the same time, the sound of the explosion directly shook the entire valley, and under the collision of the magic weapons, it even made this valley crumble and petrify countless earth!

In the cave where Luo Nan was located, it also trembled because of this, and even the surface of the cave had cracks in the road, and it seemed that it was not far from collapsing!

The little fox nestled in front of Ronan’s body was now wrapped up in a big tail and shivering, and his small eyes were full of water mist, obviously frightened by this change.

And Luo Nan, who was closing his eyes and concentrating on deducing the Fighting Holy Law to the critical moment, was disturbed by this disturbing thoughts, and directly opened his eyes under the frown of his brow, and his dark pupils were full of cold!

“Whoever is disturbing my retreat, will not find death!!!”

A roar resounded across the sky!

The demons and ghosts and a large number of players who were fighting over the valley all spat blood under this roar, as if they had been deeply damaged!

This scene made everyone present look shocked in their eyes!

Among these people, at least they were all Scattered Immortal Level cultivators, and they could shake them to the point of spitting out blood with just one sound, so what realm of terrible existence must they have?

“What terrible existence is hidden in this valley?”

“No, there are already strong beings who have come first!”

“Who the hell is that?!!”

While the players and demons were thinking about this, Luonan, who was disturbed in the cave, had summoned the Black Lotus in a fit of rage.

As soon as the black lotus appeared, it directly emitted a black light of the Dao Dao and shot towards the surroundings.

Seeing this unknown black light appear, most of the players and demons did not dare to approach and immediately flew back.

There are a few slow movements that are too late to escape, and after being swept by this black light, their souls will be annihilated in an instant, falling directly from mid-air, and finally completely corroding into the black light!


Seeing this scene, the players and demons who escaped by chance couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air.

Even those You Immortals, who had never participated in the battle, were shocked.

“What is this black light?” So overbearing!! ”

Yi You Xian exclaimed in surprise and shouted out the words that everyone present wanted to shout.

However, his questions are doomed to remain unanswered.

Because among the people present, they had not yet been able to recognize the existence of this eclipse black light.

In particular, after the Spirit Erosion Black Light merged with the Annihilation Black Lotus, there had been some changes, and even fewer people could recognize it.

After this hand threat, those player demons who were lucky enough to survive no longer dared to make half a sound, for fear of being directly obliterated by the powerful beings in the valley.

However, the curiosity in their hearts about the secret treasure made them reluctant to leave.

After all, in addition to the strength of the secret treasure, it is more about luck!

At the beginning, Gongxi could not win the C-level bloodline and was unremarkable among the contenders, but the stone seal was finally obtained by him, which is a living example.

At this moment, these players and demons also have the same idea in their hearts.

Although the presence in the valley is strong, they may not have no chance!

However, what these players and demons could not have imagined was that there was no secret treasure in this valley.

They mistakenly believed that the Heaven and Earth Hum of the Secret Treasure was actually just the roar of Luo Nan’s body when he was cultivating the Battle Holy Law!

However, this movement is too shocking, and these guys will mistakenly think that there is a secret treasure in the world, and they will believe it!

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