After killing the Frost Giant, the ethereal sound that suddenly sounded in his ears made Luo Nan stunned!

Killing this lv160+, which is roughly equivalent to the Frost Giant of the Third Order True Immortal Realm, brings Luonan experience is actually not much.

However, Luo Nan had only a little experience before to break through the shackles of the Heavenly Immortal Limit, and now with these supplements, he had also directly advanced to the True Immortal Realm.

What really surprised Luo Nan was that he had actually realized a new magic secret technique while advancing into the True Immortal Realm!

“Battle Holy Law!”

With a silent recitation in his mouth, Luo Nan knew that this was not the place to study this, and it was also directly transformed into a stream of light at the moment, and it completely disappeared from this place in an instant.

Only the hundreds of Heavenly Immortal players were left, and their eyes were confused and immersed in the shock that Ronan brought them!

After Ronan moved the arcane technique and ran thousands of miles in one breath, he found a valley with a beautiful environment and no one disturbed him, and stopped.

After stopping, Luo Nan reached out and summoned the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda and released the little fox.

As soon as the little fox came out, he took a deep breath, as if he was about to suffocate in the Shippo Linglong Pagoda, and his furry little paws patted his stomach, looking quite cute.

Ignoring the fox spirit whose IQ had completely dropped, Ronan’s mind quickly focused on the magic he had just obtained.

At the same time that ethereal voice sounded in his ears, the information about this Battle Holy Law had spontaneously poured into Ronan’s mind.

At this moment, Ronan closed his eyes and began to read the specific information.

After a long time, Luo Nan’s eyes opened, and a Dao Essence burst out of it!

“The Holy Law of Fighting is the ultimate art of fighting in the world!” My long-range attack is now powerful, and the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus is even more integrated in attack and defense, and the only weakness is that my melee combat ability is a little worse. At this moment, with the addition of this Battle Holy Law, in line with the fifty times the combat strength bonus of my super race state, the only short board will also be directly filled! ”

Ronan murmured, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

The next second, Luo Nan took out the list of the Flood Desolation Divine Powers given by the Dao Dao from the storage ring, injected information about the Battle Holy Law into it, and began to search for it.

However, there is nothing on this list of desolate powers!

“Sure enough, this Battle Holy Law did not come from the Pangu World, but came from outside the realm like the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger!”

Lonan muttered to himself.

At the beginning, Ronan also thought that the mysterious magic in the novel, such as the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger, was derived from the novel by the Dao, and his own Saiyan bloodline, which should be the same.

However, when refining the Twelve Pins of the Black Lotus of Annihilation, the news he learned from Luo Hu’s mouth made Luo Nan overturn this assumption.

“That man’s surname is Lin Mingdong, and he calls himself Wuzu…”

Remembering what Luo Hu said, Luo Nan couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

Obviously, in this endless chaotic void, it is not only these mythical and legendary worlds, but other worlds should also exist at the same time.

“I have obtained the Writing Mystic Technique and the Fighting Holy Law, which proves that the world of the Great Emperor is also there, and I don’t know if I have the opportunity to see it with my own eyes…”

After muttering, Ronan threw these complicated thoughts out of his mind and began to think about the problems he had in front of him.

“With my current power, even with the Twelve Pins of the Black Lotus of Annihilation, it may not be an easy task to storm Mount Olympus and take Artemis away. After all, if nothing else, that God King Zeus was a true Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, and although he had not reached the limit, he was also very terrifying! ”

Thinking of this, Luo Nan’s eyes flashed and his hands clenched slightly: “If you can learn this Battle Holy Law first, then your strength will increase greatly, and then it will be much easier to break into Mount Olympus!” ”

After having a measurement in mind, Ronan also waved directly at the side of the mountain. A cave was opened on the peak, and then he sat in it and began to close his eyes to deduce this Battle Holy Law.

The matter of regaining Artemis is not urgent.

Besides, five years have passed anyway, and there is no hurry for these few days!

The Holy Law of Fighting is a divine magic that expresses the ultimate fighting in the world.

While Ronan deduced in his mind, he also gained a lot of combat experience.

At this moment, although Luo Nan’s body had not moved, his soul thoughts had already been practiced in an incomparably vast space.

The heavens vibrate between the waves, and the thunder roars as you walk!

One punch and one kick, all mixed with the terrible power of destroying the heavens and the earth, this is the terrible power of the Fighting Holy Law.

At the same time as the spiritual thought exercise, the fairy baby in Luo Nan’s body also began to pinch the seal.

Along with the flow of this seal, a large amount of pure immortal power suddenly flowed out of the fairy babies.

These immortal forces, at this moment, according to a very special trajectory, flowed through the hundred marrow meridians of Luo Nan’s body, and constantly broke through one blocked node after another.

Every node was broken, and in that spiritual space, the more powerful the Luonan Consciousness practiced the Battle Holy Law!

Moreover, every time Ronan breaks through a blocking node, his body is bound to emit a humming sound like a bell!

This humming sound has a long history and spreads in all directions for a long time, even if it is thousands of miles away.

Officially, therefore, this humming sound that would ring out every once in a while soon attracted many powerful beings passing by.

Among these beings, there are demons and ghosts, there are idle clouds and immortals, of course, the largest number is still the players who now occupy the entire Southern Zhan Continent!

Everyone, while hearing this humming sound, their first reaction was to think that there would be a secret treasure born here, after all, this kind of thing had happened a lot in the Southern Zhan Prefecture in recent years.

Just two years ago, one person got a stone seal, and then with that stone seal he hit half of the Southern Zhan Sect, and his rank soared, and now he was ranked as one of the ten city lords!

There is such a precedent, and the player’s desire for the birth of the secret treasure can be known at a glance.

In such an era, who does not have a soaring ambition in their hearts?

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