Looking at the white fox crying and drooling in front of him, Ronan zui couldn’t help but twitch.

Is this still the nine-tailed fox spirit he knows?

This is exactly the urine of a little fart!!!

After being stunned for a while, Luo Nan rubbed his forehead and thought: Could it be that at the same time that this nine-tailed fox spirit economy fell back to its original form, even the IQ was infinitely dropped?

Luo Nan raised an eyebrow and looked behind the white fox in front of him, and found that only a big furry tail was left, and the other eight were no longer there.

He carefully probed the side of the little fox with his divine insight, and only then did he believe that what the little fox said was true.

After the little fox’s cries had gradually stopped, Ronan asked, “How did you find me?” ”

Little Fox Stretch. The furry paws pointed to his nose, with a hint of pride on his face: “My nose is very sensitive, and it follows the smell of your body.” ”

Luo Nan was surprised to hear this, he didn’t expect this nine-tailed fox spirit to have this skill.

However, the little fox in front of him was no longer a nine-tailed fox essence, at best, it was a fox essence, or a young fox essence that could not even be incarnated.

Rubbing his forehead, Luo Nan looked helpless: “You said that if you leave the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, the realm will continue to fall until death, do you want to return to the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda for the rest of your life?” ”

Although the little fox’s IQ fell, he still had a memory.

Thinking of his lonely years in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, his body immediately trembled, and his little head shook like a rattle.

Lonan frowned, so what are you going to do?

“Well, the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda is in your body, as long as the curse around you will not take effect, I can also cultivate slowly, maybe one day I can grow nine tails again…”

The little fox held the only tail he had left, said pitifully, and when he was finished, he stared at Ronan.

Seeing that Luo Nan had a tendency to refuse, the little fox Zuiba was stunned, and there was a tendency to cry loudly if he did not agree.

This made Luo Nan inevitably have a big head, if the nine-tailed fox spirit was so entangled. Tangled, he had already slapped it over.

But in the face of this little fox like a child in front of him, Luo Nan couldn’t get his hands on it.

After hesitating for a moment, Luo Nan could only sigh, “Well, since I promised to return your freedom, I will certainly do it, and since you have a curse on you now that you can’t leave, wait until I have the ability to break this curse for you!” ”

Hearing Luo Nan’s words, the little fox who was originally crying immediately turned from yin to sunny, and his already small eyes completed a slit, and then he jumped on Luo Nan’s shoulder and rubbed and rubbed his soft big tail on Luo Nan’s cheek, as if expressing gratitude in his heart.

With a furry white fox on his shoulder, Luo Nan walked all the way out of the White Jade City, and then all the way south, towards the edge of the South Zhan Bu Zhou.

In Lonan’s memory, the space node where Raphael took him to the Olympus world was on a small island south of the South Zhanbu Continent!

However, not long after Luo Nan left the White Jade City, his look suddenly moved, stopped in the sky, and looked down.

At this moment, below Luonan, there was a hundred-foot-tall giant, holding a mighty wooden stick and chasing hundreds of players from the Heavenly Immortal Realm to kill them!

The giant looked ugly, his whole body was blue-blue, his skin was full of pustules, and the low venom in it could even make the mountain stone decay in an instant.

And once the player is contaminated, even the Heavenly Immortal Realm can’t last for three breaths, and he will directly disappear.

As for the protective body magic weapon in the hands of the players, between encountering the venom, it will lose its luster and turn into a mortal thing.

“What is this thing, so domineering!”

After staring at the battle below for a few breaths, Ronan frowned slightly, and the probing technique in his eyes finally flickered.

Name: Frost Giant

Level: lv167 (Third Order True Immortal)

Identity: Jotunheim from one of the Nine Planes of the World Tree, one of the descendants of the Archaeopteryx Giant Yumir!

Seeing this information, Ronan frowned involuntarily.

He had already learned from the mouth of the Fu Ren Clan before that several worlds were in chaos now, and among them, the flame of war that burned the most was undoubtedly the Nine Dimensions of the World Tree!

The Nine Planes of the World Tree are very different from other worlds, and although other worlds have had disasters in the past, most of the gods have survived safely.

However, the nine planes of the World Tree were almost all destroyed in a catastrophe that was called the twilight of the gods!

It was only with the help of the power of this great road that it was resurrected, which showed the belligerent level of the gods of this world.

In the five years that Lonan refined the Twelve Pinnacles of the Black Lotus, Michael the thirty-six-winged fiery angel under God Jehovah personally led a team into Warnerheim and forced the Warner Clan to surrender to God by force.

Then the Frost Giants also formed an alliance with the Nile God Domain, in addition to igniting the war in the nine planes of the World Tree, the alliance armies of the Nile God Domain and the Frost Giants also launched tentative attacks at other times from time to time!

And this frost giant in front of him was obviously one of these tentative attacks!

For the Nile God Domain, Lonan did not have the slightest favor.

After all, Osiris, who destroyed his hometown, was one of the Nine Pillar Gods of the Nile God Domain.

This also made Ronan not even have the slightest affection for the Frost Giant.

At this moment, seeing this Frost Giant chasing hundreds of Heavenly Immortal players and beating him, Luo Nan also snorted coldly, and immediately went to clean up the Frost Giant!

But just as Ronan was about to swoop down, his neck suddenly tightened, and when he turned his head to see that it was the little fox who was holding his neck and shaking his head, his small face full of fear.

“Are you afraid?” Lonan asked.

“Hmmm!” The little fox nodded his head and secretly glanced at the Frost Giant below, and his small body trembled involuntarily.

Seeing that the former nine-tailed fox spirit had become what it was now, Luo Nan almost laughed out loud.

However, Luo Nan still summoned the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda: “You either go in and hide, or you honestly lie on my shoulder.” ”

The little fox looked at the pagoda in front of him, and then at the frost giant below, and fell into a struggle.

After a long time, the little fox sighed, and looked at Luo Nan pitifully: “When you finish fighting, you must remember to let me out, okay?” ”

After seeing Luo Nan nodding, the little fox entered the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda…

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