Standing in the middle of the forest, the nine-tailed fox took a deep breath, and his face was full of enjoyment.

“Finally came out of that ghost place…”

Inside the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, the place where the nine-tailed fox spirit is imprisoned is also quite charming to say, but there is a fatal flaw in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, that is, there is no half heaven and earth vitality.

No matter who it is, as long as you stay in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, the vitality in your body is not enough, and the more you use it, the less you use it.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit had been imprisoned in the Seven Treasures Pagoda since the Battle of the Ancient Gods, and endless years had passed so far.

It can be said that the immortal power in the body of the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit has long been consumed in these endless years, and at this moment it is like a dry desert.

And now that Luo Nan was released into the outside world, he naturally began to frantically swallow the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi around him.

With the continuous replenishment of Heaven and Earth Yuanqi, the Immortal Force in the Nine-tailed Fox Essence was also accumulated a little bit, and even with the breath emitted from his body, it was also getting stronger and stronger.

Originally, the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit was only entering the Heavenly Immortal Realm in Luo Nan’s view.

Now, this cultivation realm actually climbed all the way, crossing the first and second orders, crossing the fifth order and the sixth order, and then breaking through the eighth and ninth orders, and finally directly fixed in the True Immortal Realm.

This also made Ronan feel a little unexpected.

After Xiu Wei recovered to the peak, the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit looked into Luo Nan’s eyes again, with a lot of gratitude.

Even more straightened his face, put away his flattery, and slightly owed himself to Luonan: “The little girl can be free again, thank you for the help of the little brother, the great grace is unforgettable!” ”

“You don’t have to do this, the reason why I let you go is only because the information you told me helped me get out of the Buddha’s kingdom in my hands, otherwise, with your bad past, I wouldn’t have been able to let you go.” Lonan is on the right path.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit had a faint glint in his eyes, and a bitter smile appeared in the corner of the zui.

And Luo Nan didn’t want to have too much to do with this fox spirit, and at this moment, he didn’t say much about directly rising from the ground and leaving this mountain forest.

The nine-tailed fox is seductive, but isn’t it a poison?

After releasing the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit to understand a period of cause and effect, Luo Nan followed the record on Jade Jian and sped all the way to the nearest Xiu Immortal City.

This Xiuxian city, named White Jade City, was originally founded by a celestial being named Jing Bai Yu, who was also the first lord of White Jade City.

However, Jing Baiyu had not appeared in front of people for a long time, and he did not know where he had gone.

Half a day later, Luo Nan, who was speeding in the sky, suddenly stopped and looked at a magnificent city that appeared in the distant vision!

This magnificent city occupies a huge area, the whole floats in mid-air, and the various forbidden flashes around it emit a plain white light, which is really like white jade.

Standing in the sky, I saw that the White Jade City seemed to be a towering beast hovering in mid-air, several times more magnificent and domineering than the City of Ten Thousand Demons that Luo Nan had ever seen!

After all, that Lion Camel City was only the establishment of the Golden-winged Roc Eagle as a True Immortal Realm.

But this White Jade City was the result of the joint efforts of a large number of Heavenly Immortal Scattered Immortal Infant Cultivators!

As soon as his figure flashed, Luo Nan descended directly to the city gate and walked in with the crowd of people passing by.

He just wanted to go into the city to have a look, so in order to avoid causing a commotion, Luo Nan had already gathered all his breath at this moment!

After entering the city, Luo Nan looked around and couldn’t help but be a little dazzled.

At first, even if he was in the Heavenly Court, Luo Nan only felt majestic and did not have a dazzling feeling.

It is only because this White Jade City is not as grand as the Heavenly Garden, but if it is compared to the complicated tricks, it is incomparable to the Heavenly Garden.

Looking at everything in front of him, Luo Nan also had to admire the imagination of these players, which was simply higher than those immortal Buddhas.

Wandering leisurely in the White Jade City, Luo Nan also saw a lot of things that he had never seen before.

These things are not treasures, but they all surprised Ronan.

For example, the flying sword that allows people to fly in the Daoji Realm, the elixir that can change their appearance, and even various tamed spirit pets and magic weapons with strange uses, all of which have opened Luonan’s eyes, and he secretly thinks about what strange things these players have understood.

Luo Nan turned around in this white jade city for half a day.

The top of the White Jade City was cast by the gods with magic magic and magic powers, so the city had no night.

Half a day, while opening Lonan’s eyes, it also gave Lonan a certain understanding of the situation of today’s players.

To put it simply, it is to turn over as a serf and sing, and no longer have to live in the fear of being remembered by the demon beasts.

Of course, the infighting is still very fierce, and there will be people who will fight it.

Of course, in a sense, this is not entirely a bad thing.

After all, competition is the biggest driver of progress.

Players can develop to the point where they are today in just five years, and competition is inseparable.

“Now that you’ve traveled all over the White Jade City, it’s time to leave here and head to the world of Olympus!”

After murmuring in his heart, Luo Nan prepared to leave the White Jade City.

But at this moment, a familiar breath suddenly appeared in Ronan’s senses.

After determining the identity of this breath, Luo Nan’s brow couldn’t help but frown, it was the Nine-tailed Fox Spirit that he had lost in the mountain forest before!

However, at this moment, this nine-tailed fox spirit was not humanoid, but turned into a small white fox, and the look was full of anxiety.

The little fox turned into a white light and walked through the crowd, and soon came to Luo Nan, a small face full of grievances.

“I’m chained, and I can’t run away in this life!”

The little fox’s voice sounded in Ronan’s ear, very gloomy.

Luo Nan frowned, reached out and propped up the shield that shielded the sound from the voice, and then asked, “How did you become like this?” ”

The little fox looked dim, and tears flashed in his eyes: “After you left, I knew that my body was banned, and once I left the pagoda, I would be repaired to fall, and in less than a day, I fell from the True Immortal Economy to the Jindan Realm, and if I fell down again, I would not be far from death…”

At this point, the little fox cried with a wow.

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