Previously, the seven stars of the White Tiger had merged into one and become the Overseer God King representing the White Tiger, and Luo Nan did not see any clues!

However, at this moment, under the reflection of the technique of fishing for the moon in this well, Luo Nan had discovered the biggest weakness of this Overseer God King!

That was the Overseer God King, and in the final analysis, it was not the real Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, but an aggregate formed by the fusion of seven top-level Golden Immortals!

This aggregate may not manifest weakness in the face of others.

But in the face of Ronan’s Technique of Fishing for the Moon in the Well, it was enough to become the biggest weakness!

If the Overseer Divine King was completely integrated, then even if Luo Nan relied on this technique of fishing for the moon in the well, it would be difficult to fish anything out of the Overseer Divine King’s body.

After all, the economic gap between the two sides is too big and too big!

However, the Overseer God King was not completely one, and Luo Nan looked through the well surface and there were seven breaths in the body of the Overseer God King entangled with each other. Entangled together, and each of these breaths was only the level of the Golden Immortal Peak.

Luo Nan couldn’t deal with the Eighth Order Great Luo, couldn’t he still deal with the Ninth Order Golden Immortal?

That golden-winged eagle was already one of the strongest beings among the Golden Immortals, was it not hoisted up and beaten by Luonan?

What’s more, at this moment, Luo Nan was much stronger than when he was fighting with the Golden-winged Roc Eagle!

It was not too easy to deal with that Golden Immortal Breath!

At this moment, the Overseer Divine King, who was trapped in the middle of the Well of Heaven and Earth, had already sensed that something was wrong and was frantically attacking the surroundings!

But when this well is formed, the well is heaven and earth, it is the firmament!

If the Overseer God King wanted to break through the well, it was equivalent to making an enemy of this side of the firmament.

With the strength of his Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, it was obviously not enough!

At this moment, Luo Nan, who saw the hope of victory, the essence in his eyes also flashed, and then he directly opened his mouth!

“Turn all beings into the moon!”

With the sound of Ronan’s voice, everything reflected in this well changed into a round of bright yellow in this instant. Colored crescent moon!

Kui Timber Wolf, Lou Jin Dog, Stomach Earth Pheasant, Pleiades Chicken, Bi Yue Wu, Fire Monkey, and Ginseng Water Ape!

The Seven Stars of the White Tiger, at this moment in this well, are the seven rounds of crescent moons, and their cultivation, divine powers, magic weapons, and everything has become the moon in Luo Nan’s eyes!

Just think, nothing can be fished!

Taking a deep breath, Ronan popped his palm straight out and went deep into the well.

Suddenly, the surrounding space stalls rippled layer by layer, as if the surface of the water was touched.

The next moment, a round of crescent moon, dragged by Ronan in the palm of his hand, was directly fished out of the well!

After the crescent moon left the well surface, it transformed and eventually transformed into a palm-sized monkey-type yuan god.

It was the seventh ranked water ape among the Seven Stars of the White Tiger!

This water ape was directly grasped by Luo Nan, and his face was full of unconcealed panic!

He could never have imagined that his Yuan God would actually appear directly in Luo Nan’s hands!

Logically, his Yuanshen should have merged with other White Tigers and reshaped into a complete White Tiger Yuanshen in general.

How could this guy in front of him be able to strip him out of it?

Moreover, his Yuanshen was stripped and extracted from it, so wouldn’t the other six people…

Thinking of this, the Ginseng Water Ape Meta God immediately turned his head and looked down.

Then I saw that the body of the Overseer Divine King had split into six clusters of starlight at this moment, and had re-become the White Tiger Six Stars.

Above the faces of those six star lords, there was a shock that was no different from that of the water ape at this moment.

The original arrogance and self-confidence are no longer there, only the slow fear!

At this moment, a soft voice came from Ronan’s ear.

“Congratulations on defeating the Overseer God King, the experience gained has been written!”

“Ding, congratulations on your promotion to 1v138!”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v139!”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v140!”

Four consecutive voices sounded, directly announcing that Luo Nan had completely entered the realm of the Eighth Order Heavenly Immortal, and had been promoted to the first rank compared to before!

This surprised Luo Nan a little, he did not expect to gain experience just by defeating the Overseer God King.

However, this has always been related to the way the Overseer God King existed, after all, it was formed by the fusion of the seven Yuan Gods.

Truly killing the Overseer Divine Emperor was actually only equivalent to killing this White Tiger Seven Stars.

Thinking of this White Tiger Seven Stars, Luo Nan’s eyes flashed with coldness, and then the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda flew out directly from his body!

After summoning the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, Luo Nan directly threw the Yuan God of the Mercury Star King in his hand into it and suppressed it.

The remaining six Star Lords below had all changed their faces, but at this moment, they were trapped in the well, isolated from the entire heaven and earth, and there was nowhere to escape!

“You little devil, do you really dare to suppress me?”

The Kui Timber Wolf, who was the leader of the Seven Stars of the White Tiger, was staring at a pair of wolf eyes at the moment, and pressed Luo Nan.

“The twenty-eight stars have the same roots, and if you suppress me and so on, you will be surrounded and suppressed!”

Lou Jinxingjun also pointed at Luo Nan and drank, but it was difficult to say whether this voice was to intimidate Luo Nan or to strengthen his own courage.

However, with Lou Jinxingjun’s words, the look of fear on the faces of the rest of the Xingjun really dissipated quite a bit, and they regained the taste of self-confidence and arrogance, sharing the same root as the Overseer God King!

Pleiades shook Zhen on his Daoist robe and said, “Although you were lucky enough to defeat me and so on, but the Meng Zhang Divine King and the Zhiming Divine King are not something you can deal with, and you can’t break into this heavenly court!” ”

Saturn Jun snorted coldly: “Release Old Seven, and quickly retreat, I can wait not to worry about you, otherwise…”

Biyue Xingjun zui Corner appeared coldly and threatened, “Otherwise, when Meng Zhangshenjun hears the news, you will be beaten into the nineteenth layer of hell and will never be able to be reborn, even if you have the resurrection secret technique, you will be trapped in it forever!” ”

A few Star Lords, when you say a word to me, actually began to threaten Ronan.

It was as if it wasn’t them who were defeated at this moment, but Ronan!

Luo Nan raised his eyebrows, directly reached out and swiped his hand, canceling the technique of fishing for the moon in the well!

When the six star kings saw the situation, it was still their threat that worked, and Luo Nan was really afraid, and the madness on his face couldn’t help but be more victorious.

Lou Jinxingjun’s face was proud, pointing at Luo Nan and commanding, “You boy is not quick to release Old Seven, and then get out of the Heavenly Court!” ”


Suddenly, a crisp sound sounded, and Lou Jinxingjun was directly slapped by Luo Nan and flew out, and several pieces of bloody canine teeth were spat out of his mouth!

Luo Nan shook his palm and looked at him coldly: “If you are defeated, you must have the appearance of a defeated person, hasn’t anyone taught you?” “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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