“But what can I do if it is such a miraculous power?”

The Tiger Face of the Overseer God King was full of rampant intentions!

And Luo Nan, after seeing that the huge fingers summoned by his five fingers were actually smashed by the sword of the Overseer God King, there was also a flash of surprise on his face.

After all, this is something that has never happened before.

Even in the previous battle with the Lingguang Divine King, the Lingguang Divine King was slightly injured under that finger!

“The Western White Tiger is worthy of the main offensive force, and its strength is indeed terrible!”

Ronan murmured, but there was no fear in his heart.

Although the Overseer God King was powerful, could he really stop him?

Even if you can stop it once or twice, can you stop it three or four times?

For Ronan, there is no invincible enemy in this world!

With the support of Saiya’s bloodline, the stronger Luo Nan fights, the more frustrated and courageous this will never change!

So, no matter who the enemy is, the only difference for Ronan is that some people may be able to defeat them once, and some people may have to win two or three times.

Just like when facing the Lingguang Divine King, although Luo Nan failed, his strength had increased greatly, and now facing the Lingguang Divine King would definitely be able to make the Lingguang Divine King suffer more serious injuries.

The same is true of this Overseer God King!

“Hurt you, I upgrade, it’s that simple!”

With a silent thought in his heart, Ronan immediately discarded the distractions and focused all his attention on the battle in front of him.

In fact, as early as when he was fighting with the Lingguang Divine King, Luo Nan had already found that the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger was no longer able to cope with his current battle.

Divine mysteries are of course a great improvement in combat strength.

Mastering powerful magic magic, there is also the possibility of cross-level combat!

The Great Desolation Prison Heavenly Finger is the root of all kinds of cross-level challenges along the way!

But now, when Luo Nan had to face the Great Luo Golden Immortal with the cultivation of the Seventh Order Heavenly Immortal, even with the fifty times the combat power bonus of the Super Race State, the Great Desolation Heavenly Finger would inevitably become weak.

Because the gap in cultivation among them was really too huge, the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger was no longer able to help Luo Nan cross this level of gap.

Facing the Lingguang Divine Emperor before, the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger could only cause some damage.

Now in the face of the stronger Overseer God King, the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger was already useless, and it was easily broken by the Overseer God King!

“In this way, if you want to inflict damage on the Overseer God King, you must rely on more powerful magic magic!”

As soon as Luo Nan thought about it, the Overseer God King had already turned into a white stream of light and rushed towards Luo Nan.

“Fighting with me actually dares to be in a daze and think about it, and live long to find death!”

At the same time as the cold humming voice of the Overseer God Jun fell, his figure was already out of front of Luo Nan’s body, and the long knife in his hand was even more slashing towards Luo Nan.

The hurricane carried on top of the long knife made the long knife crack in the skin of Ronan’s shirt before it could touch Lonan!

As the scarlet blood was scattered, Luo Nan immediately took a step forward and flew backwards, forcibly pulling away from the Overseer God King.

But the speed of the Overseer God King was not slow, and the wind under his feet was desperately chasing after this Luonan.

At this moment, Luo Nan’s brow frowned, and then the whites and pupils of his eyes disappeared at the same time, and then his eyes were engulfed in darkness, as if they had turned into two small black holes. 、

The next second, two black rays of light shot out directly from Luo Nan’s eyes, just enveloping the Overseer God King in front of Luo Nan!

Eclipse the black light, corrode some!

The Overseer God King was wrapped in the black light of the Eclipse Spirit, and a few black spots appeared on the skin of his body.

However, unlike the Lingguang Divine King, the Resistance of the Overseer Divine King to this Spirit Erosion Black Light was quite high.

Although there are also a few black spots on the body, the corrosion rate is quite slow!

“Hmm, if you cultivate to really have the Great Luo Realm, this Spirit Erosion Black Light may hurt me, but right now… It’s still far off! ”

The Overseer God King let out a cold snort, and then his hands held up a layer of white starlight!

As soon as the white starlight came into contact with Ronan’s eclipse black light, it instantly emitted a “whoosh” sound like hot iron entering the water.

And the Eclipse Black Light was also blocked by that white starlight, and it couldn’t hurt the Overseer God King behind it at all!

With this white starlight as a shield, the Overseer God King was no longer afraid and accelerated towards Luonan to kill!

Seeing that his two great divine powers were broken apart one by one, Luo Nan’s brow frowned slightly.

Obviously, neither the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger nor the Spirit Erosion Black Light could be less than the gap between Luo Nan and the Overseer God Jun’s cultivation realm.

Just as the Overseer God Jun said, if Luo Nan had the Great Luo Realm, this Spirit Erosion Black Light would definitely hurt him!

But now, it can’t!

“In this way, only divine powers that are more powerful than the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger and the Eclipse Spirit Black Light can make up for the gap between me and the Overseer Divine Emperor Cultivation Realm and injure it!”

Luo Nan’s eyes flickered, and he murmured in his heart, “There is only one magic secret technique that I have mastered, and that is the art of fishing for the moon in the well!” ”

Thinking of this, Luo Nan exploded at full speed, and while his fingers lightly tapped on the Overseer God King, he released the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda from his body and hung it above the Overseer God King’s head to suppress it slightly!

The Prisoner Heavenly Finger plus the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda only stared at the Prison Soldier God Junxiao, and the imprisonment effect was almost broken by the Prison Soldier God King almost in the blink of an eye!

But in this moment, Luo Nan had successfully distanced himself from the Overseer God King.

The next second, Luo Nan reached out to draw a circle, and a ripple suddenly bullied in space, like a wave of water in the mirror!

As for the Overseer God King, he only felt as if he had been stripped out of the heavens and the earth, and he could no longer feel half of the Heaven and Earth Yuanqi, and the connection between him and the Heavenly Dao was also directly cut off!

“What a magic this is!”

The face of the Divine Emperor flashed with horror for the first time.

Then, without hesitation, he clenched the long knife in his hand and slashed at the surrounding area, trying to break the unknown things around him.

The slashing power of the Overseer God King was terrifying, and Luo Nan even felt that the well that was slowly spawning actually had the posture of being crushed by the Overseer God Jun!

While feeling the horror of the attack power of the Overseer God King, Luo Nan also accelerated and catalyzed the divine power, making this Heaven and Earth Well quickly generate!

After a breath, the Well of Heaven and Earth appeared!


The Well of Heaven and Earth appeared, and Luo Nan let out a soft sigh in his mouth!

Because, through this well of heaven and earth, Luo Nan found that the breath on the body of the Overseer God King was not one, but seven Dao!

The breath of the Seven Golden Immortals Peak!

This caused a sudden flash of essence in Luo Nan’s eyes: “Doesn’t this mean that if I fish out a breath, the White Tiger Seven Stars will no longer be complete, and the Overseer God King will naturally dissipate!” “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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