“This magic power is quite wonderful!”

The Lingguang Divine Emperor Fire Sea was fixed, and he whispered to himself in his mouth!

From his point of view, he naturally would not mistake Luo Nan’s prison finger for the Taoist Divine Concentration Technique.

However, when he saw that the magic power used by Luo Nan was actually quite similar to the Fixation Technique, the Lingguang Divine King was also quite surprised.

After all, the Fixation Technique is one of the supreme divine powers of the Taoists, and it is already very difficult to be similar to it.

“However, this technique can only fix the body, but it can’t fix the soul, which is still quite different from the fixation technique!”

At the same time as his heart murmured, the Lingguang Divine Emperor waved his sleeve, and the sea of fire that had originally been fixed by Luo Nan seemed to be rejuvenated, and suddenly rose up again!

At this moment, Ronan’s five fingers had been snapped one after another.

Under the fusion of the five fingers, a huge finger, with the breath of the Great Desolation of Reason, directly pierced the Heavenly Dome, as if it had crossed over from outside the heavens, and went straight to the Lingguang Divine King!

Seeing this huge finger, the surprise in the eyes of the Lingguang Divine Emperor instantly transformed into consternation.

Originally, he was still just staring at the sea of fire with that finger of Luonan, but he never thought that fixing the sea of fire was only the beginning of Luonan’s divine power!

The real means of attack is obviously this finger after fixing the sea of fire!

The time for the Lingguang Divine King to survive was far longer than that of the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle, but he was not yet called the Lingguang Divine King.

As a being who had lived in the flood since the beginning of the heavens and the earth, the Lingguang Divine King was naturally very familiar with this great desolate breath, and he also knew what it meant that a type of divine power could attach this breath.

Therefore, at this moment, I put away my contempt and began to deal with Ronan’s attack cautiously!

In the face of the finger that fell from the sky, the Lingguang God Junque beaked and let out a crisp Suzaku chirp.

At the same time, the arms of the Lingguang Divine Emperor stretched flat, as if they had turned into a pair of wings.

Above this wing are vermilion feathers, burning with red flames, emitting a terrible smell that makes people palpitate.

Among the flames burning on it, shadows constantly appeared, which were the battles that Suzaku had experienced since ancient times, recording the enemies that Suzaku defeated with one sound.

The residual breath of these countless powerful beings combined with the powerful power of the Lingguang Divine Emperor itself, and a torrent formed between them, straight into the clouds!

Huge fingers falling from the sky, a torrent of energy soaring into the sky!

The speed of both is incredibly fast, and it carries a powerful momentum of indomitable progress.

After that, the two finally met!

At this moment, the whole heaven and earth fell silent, as if it had stopped running, and even the Yuan Qi flowing between heaven and earth had a sudden condensation at this moment.

However, whether it was Luo Nan above or Lingguang Divine King below, they all knew in their hearts that this silence was not really silence, just the last bit of calm before the storm came.

Sure enough, a moment later, a roar suddenly resounded between heaven and earth, and the endless Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi instantly went berserk, forming an indescribable energy storm, centered on the battle site between Luo Nan and the Lingguang Divine King, spreading in all directions.

That loud sound even resounded through half the heavenly court!

Whether it was the Jade Emperor sitting firmly in the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall, or the Queen Mother Lady walking in the peach orchard, or even the rabbit-hugging woman in a palace far northwest of the Heavenly Garden, at this moment, she couldn’t help but turn her head and look in the direction where the South Heavenly Gate was located!

And the many immortals above the heavenly court even made their hearts shake with a sudden sound behind their backs, wondering what had happened to the heavenly court that had always been calm and peaceful?

The last time the Heavenly Court made such a noise, it seemed to have been done by the monkey more than ten thousand years ago.

Is it true that there are people who want to make a big fuss about the Heavenly Palace?

With such an idea, many gods and immortals hurriedly pinched their fingers and calculated, thinking about how to be blessed and avoid disasters.

Inside the South Heavenly Gate, the center of the battle between Luonan and the Lingguang Divine King.

The energy storm produced by the confrontation between the two was so powerful and huge that even the two nearby hanging islands suffered a senseless disaster and directly shattered into powder!

And Luo Nan and Ling Guang Shenjun were not unharmed, and the clothes on their bodies were quite damaged.

Of course, compared to that, Luo Nan’s injuries were definitely a little worse than those of the Lingguang Divine Lord.

However, for Ronan, the injury he suffered did not matter at all, the big deal was death, how many times did he die on the road to rise?

For Luonan, as long as he is not directly killed, he can hurt the enemy in the war, even if he only suffers a little injury, he will not lose money!

At this moment, the Lingguang Divine King had already suffered some injuries.

“But that’s not enough!”

After murmuring a word, Luo Nan repeated the trick and stretched out his finger to press the Lingguang Divine King.

However, the Lingguang Divine Emperor obviously did not intend to give Luo Nan a second chance to cast the same magic power, and when his body directly turned into a firebird and soared into the sky, he came to Luo Nan’s body in an instant.

Luo Nan’s heart moved, his fingers clasped, and the figure of the Lingguang Divine King instantly froze in mid-air.

However, this stagnation was only for a moment, and it was easily broken free by the Lingguang Divine King, and the duration was so short that mortals might not realize it!

With Luo Nan’s current cultivation behavior, it was obviously impossible to fix the existence of a Great Luo Golden Immortal who was close to the Eighth Order.

However, that extremely short period of time was enough for a strong person of Ronan’s level!

The Lingguang Divine Emperor wanted to hit Luo Nan unexpectedly, but being blocked for a moment was enough for Luo Nan to prepare.

Suddenly, I saw that the whites and pupils of Luo Nan’s eyes had all dissipated, and his eyes were directly engulfed in a darkness!

At this moment, Luo Nan’s eyes had almost turned into two bottomless black holes, emitting a deep and chilling atmosphere.

The next second, two black rays of light were projected directly from Luo Nan’s eyes, directly enveloping the Lingguang Divine Emperor in it!

This eclipse of black light, the true immortal will die when he touches it, and even if the Golden Immortal encounters it, he will be seriously injured!

Lingguang Shenjun was the Great Luo Golden Immortal and the Suzaku incarnation of one of the Four Sacred Beasts, and his defensive power was supposed to be extremely strong.

However, at this moment, he was enveloped by this eclipse of black light, and a little black spot actually appeared on the skin of his body!

Although the speed of the spread of these black spots was relatively slow, it was undeniable that the Lingguang Divine Emperor could not completely resist the black light emitted by Luo Nan, and he was already injured by it at the first encounter! _

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