Name: Lingguang Shenjun (Suzaku)

Level: 1v239 (7th Order Great Luo Jinxian)

Identity: One of the Four Elephants of Heaven and Earth, the former Southern Protector of the Old Throne of Taishang, and the head of the Southern Star.

The probing technique flickered in his pupils, and the Suzaku information formed by the fusion of the seven southern stars appeared in Luo Nan’s eyes.

And this short message also made Luo Nan’s heart quite shaken.

The title of Lingguang Divine King, Luo Nan had heard Song Yuyan mention it.

In Chinese mythology and legend, there are four elephants in heaven and earth, namely the Eastern Green Dragon, the Western White Tiger, the Northern Xuanwu and the Southern Suzaku.

These four elephants are powerful beings of heaven and earth, and they also represent the stars of the heavens.

Later, Taoism arose, and the four elephants were canonized.

The Green Dragon was crowned as the Meng Zhang Divine King, the White Tiger was crowned as the Supervising Soldier Divine King, and Xuanwu was crowned as the Celestial Divine King, and the Suzaku was naturally the Lingguang Divine King.

When he first heard this, Ronan thought that these four gods were four independent individuals.

But at the moment, it seems that these four gods are obviously not individuals, or really independent individuals.

Each god king is formed by the fusion of seven star kings.

And these Star Lords, who originally only had the peak strength of the Golden Immortal, after merging into one, their strength could already reach the level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal!

Moreover, even among the Great Luo Golden Immortals, it was a fairly strong existence.

For example, at this moment, this Suzaku incarnation in front of Luo Nan’s eyes was the Lingguang Divine King, with a level of 1v239, and it was only one step away from the Eighth Order Great Luo.

“However, the identity information found out shows that these four divine princes are the protectors of the Taishang Old King’s Throne, presumably only serving as guards of the Heavenly Court, but they are not sent by the Jade Emperor’s old sons.”

Luo Nan secretly said in his heart, “This can also explain why the Jade Emperor has such a powerful thug, but always sends Li Jing’s father and son out to work, because these four divine kings can’t command at all!” ”

After a moment’s thought, Ronan had already guessed the secret.

To put it simply, the power of the Heavenly Court was very powerful, but there was not much power controlled by the Jade Emperor.

At least at present, the most capable of fighting is that Li Jing father and son.

And Li Jing’s father and son, one who was taken by Luo Nan as the treasure of his life, and the other who was suppressed by Luo Nan, were already powerless to resist.

This is undoubtedly excellent news for Lonan.

The less power the Jade Emperor controlled in his hands, the easier it would be for Luo to return to Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s second daughter Linggen!

However, the most important thing at the moment is the previous Suzaku incarnation!

Approaching the Eighth Order Great Luo Jinxian, Luo Nan thought that he had no chance to win, and even if he opened the super game state, he would at most guarantee undefeated.

However, because of the large consumption of immortal power and physical strength, the duration of the super race was limited, so Luo Nan faced this Lingguang Divine King, at most, it would be a time to hold on to a burning incense.

Once you exit from the super tournament state, you can basically wait for death.

“However, death can’t be in vain, if you can cause some damage to this firebird before you die, you will certainly be able to gain a lot of experience, after all, this is a real Luo Golden Immortal!”

Luo Nan murmured in his heart that before going to the Heavenly Court, Luo Nan knew that it was impossible to kill the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall with a single blow.

What he had to do was to fight with battle, give full play to his bloodline advantage in the battle, and then step by step walk to the front of that hundred ninjas!

The previous Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General, Li Jing’s father and son, was just an appetizer for Luo Nan.

The real battle he faces, or his path to upgrading, has only just begun!

And just as Luo Nan was thinking about this, the Suzaku that was full of rising fire gradually changed shape, and finally became a Daoist figure with a bird head and a fiery red robe.

Lingguang Divine Emperor flicked his sleeve and said to Luo Nan, “I felt the breath of the Emperor of the Flintstones Dojo in your body, presumably you are the Terran that the Emperor of the Flints favors, right?” ”

Luo Nan was ready to move, but he didn’t expect that this Lingguang Divine King suddenly came up with such a sentence, like an old acquaintance meeting to talk about a few words.

The Lingren Clan had a favor for Luonan, and the Lingguang Divine Emperor in front of him seemed to know the Lingguang Clan, and Luonan was not good at doing it directly, so he only said, “I did go to the Fulin Emperor Dojo once.” ”

The Lingguang Divine Emperor looked up and down at Luo Nan for a while, and then he said, “Emperor Fu’s vision is really good, he can use the cultivation of the Heavenly Immortal Realm to snatch away Li Jing’s magic weapon and suppress Nezha, it is really extraordinary…”

After sighing, the Lingguang Divine Emperor said, “Emperor Fu once had a favor to me, and it is reasonable to say that I should not hinder your way, but guarding the Heavenly Court is the order of the saints, and I cannot disobey it.” ”

The look of helplessness on his face flashed away, and the Lingguang Divine King continued, “If you leave here, I won’t hurt you, I won’t chase you, and I can also guarantee that the other three people won’t be enemies of you, but if you insist on breaking into the Heavenly Court… I can’t spare my men! ”

Luo Nan nodded, he naturally knew very well who the ‘other three’ in the mouth of the Lingguang Divine Emperor was referring to, it must be the Meng Zhang Divine King, the Zhiming Divine King, and the Supervising Soldier Divine King!

But for Lonan to retreat, that was impossible.

Therefore, Luo Nan also said directly at this moment: “I have received the kindness of the Divine King, and we both have our own perseverance, and we don’t have to spare our subordinates!” ”

Lingguang Shenjun shook his head and sighed, “Then be careful.” ”

As the words fell, the Lingguang Divine Emperor stood still for two breaths, and after two breaths, a large amount of fire suddenly rose from the body of the Lingguang Divine Lord!

This fire is not an ordinary flame.

Instead, it was the companion flame at the time of the birth of the Suzaku of the Southern Land, which was one order of magnitude higher than the true fire of the three tastes, and the cultivation was burned when the economic deficiency was touched!

Obviously, in the case of the saint’s command, the Lingguang Divine King would never leave his hand!

Luo Nan felt the scorching heat coming from his face, and the wind was already under his feet, and he stepped on the Writing Secret Technique to rise up and avoid the flames around the Lingguang Divine King.

“The remaining Immortal Force and physical strength in my body can still support about five minutes of Super Race Form, and within these five minutes, I must inflict as much damage on the Lingguang Divine King as possible!”

After murmuring a word in his heart, Luo Nan’s five fingers closed and he pressed directly towards the Lingguang Divine King!

Suddenly, the sea of fire in the sky stood still! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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