Thousands of miles away from Mount Olympus, on top of a snowy peak, Lonan’s figure suddenly appeared.

Unfortunately, the next second after Ronan’s body was formed, a large number of fine cracks appeared on his body skin again.

These fine cracks expand at a very rapid speed, and in the cracks are black lightning bolts containing terrible energy.

After only one breath, the body that Luo Nan had just generated exploded again, turning into powder, and floating on the snow peak.

However, it wasn’t long before Lonan’s body reappeared.

The body that reappeared seemed to be a little stronger than before, but in the face of the black lightning attack that was like a bone-attached gangrene, it was still unable to resist and soon exploded again.

In this way, Ronan’s body was constantly reborn, exploded, reborn, and exploded again at the top of the snowy peak thousands of miles away from Mount Olympus!

There was no pause for a moment in this reciprocation, just like the experience of the resurrection point outside Shanyang City after picking up two artifact fragments.

Time passed, rebirth and death kept handing off, and Ronan had long been numb to his own deaths.

Even the pain of the body constantly exploding, under the condition that the Saiya bloodline passively reduced the level of pain, could not have any effect on Ronan’s spirit, so that Ronan could concentrate on observing the changes in his body.

The two thunderbolts he had obtained in Shanyang City had also allowed Luo Nan to encounter such a situation as he was now, so he was still experienced.

With the rebirth of death again and again, the time that Ronan’s body was able to resist the black thunder had been getting longer and longer.

From the first breath, to the second breath, and then to three breaths and four breaths.

While the resistance time increased, the strength of Luonan’s body was also increasing step by step.

It was because of those two thunderbolts that Luo Nan’s physical strength itself was much stronger than that of the same level.

Luo Nan was sure that after the experience of this black thunder, his body would be more tenacious and indestructible!

In this way, time is constantly running out of snow peaks.

At the same time, on Mount Olympus.

After Zeus beat Artemis to death in the quiet court, he returned to the Temple of the Gods.

In the temple of the gods, the gods were all sitting in their seats, and when they saw Zeus return, their faces showed a strange color.

After all, Zeus’s love for Artemis was well known throughout Mount Olympus.

But now Zeus had punished Artemis for millions of years, much beyond the expectations of the gods.

And what surprised the gods even more was that the weak little insect from the outside world actually dared to swallow the thunder and lightning of Zeus, and it was simply a life star who drank arsenic cream and looked for death.

The gods had wanted to discuss the matter, but after seeing Zeus’s cold face, it was also extremely wise not to mention this stubble again.

Zeus sat on the throne of the temples, his eyes closed as if contemplating something, and the entire shrine was silent, and the needle could be heard.

This silence is three days and three nights!

Three days later, Zeus opened his eyes and said slowly to the gods below, “All the things that happened on Mount Olympus, I hope you can take care of the zuiba, don’t spread the word out, let the Titans see the joke.” ”

“It’s nature, Father don’t worry!”

“I will keep it a secret, and I have ordered the guards of Mount Olympus to forget about this moment!”

“The God King is assured that outsiders will never know what is happening on Mount Olympus!”

After hearing the words of the gods below, Zeus nodded calmly, and then shifted the topic to the previous matter.

“A few days ago, as soon as the sun died and the sun was clear, according to Athena’s calculations, the sun god Helios had confirmed that he had died at the hands of outsiders…”

When Zeus said this, the voice suddenly stopped, and the gods below also frowned at the same time.

“Is there any connection between the outsider who killed Helios and the guy who just broke into Mount Olympus?” Ares questioned.

“Most likely, Athena, can you deduce where the outsiders who killed Helios came from?” Vulcan Hephaestus asked.

Known as the goddess of wisdom, Athena, who was extremely seated before the examination, had a plain face and slowly spat out two words in her mouth: “Oriental!” ”

These two words sounded in the temple of the gods, and the gods had different faces, but they were already sure in their hearts that these two outsiders had some connection.

Hephaestus, the god of fire, concluded, “To know more about the two outsiders, I am afraid that I will have to ask Artemis, after all, she came back with the outsider, and may know the truth about Helios’s death.” ”

Hephaestus was right, but at the moment Zeus’s last wanted name was Artemis, so he also glanced at Hephaestus in disgust, which made Hephaestus a little embarrassed.

“How did Helios die and what does it have to do with us?” That’s something the Titans should care about, but the position of the sun god vacated after Helios’s death is something we must get! ”

As soon as Zeus’s voice fell, Hephaestus’s eyes lit up, he was the god of fire, and it was not impossible to be the sun god at the same time.

But just as Hephaestus was about to introduce himself to his father, Zeus had already spoken.

“Apollo has gone to the Sun to receive the Sunflower and the Sun Scepter, and in order to prevent the Titans from causing trouble, you must assist him!”

Hearing this, a flash of resentment flashed in Hephaestus’s eyes, he was not liked by Zeus because of his ugly appearance, and such an unfair thing had happened many times!

But because of the lack of the ability to retaliate against Zeus, Hephaestus could only secretly hope in his heart, the son who predicted that Zeus would overthrow him, hurry up!

Just as the fire god Hephaestus was thinking about this, most of the gods in the temple had left to carry out Zeus’s instructions.

Soon, only Zeus, Ares, and Hephaestus were left in the temple.

And just as Zeus was about to wave his hands to drive his two sons out of the temple, the faces of the three changed at the same time.

“Is it him?” Hasn’t he already turned into fly ash under his father’s black thunder, how can he come back! ”

The eyes of Ares and Hephaestus converged on Zeus, the first one.

And at this moment, this god king’s face was as deep as water!

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