The black thunder released by Zeus, although it was only a blow, also let Ronan know the terrible power contained in this thunder, and he was more aware of the huge gap between himself and Zeus!

This huge gap is simply insurmountable by the current Luonan!

He was now level 95 of the Scattered Immortal Realm, while Zeus was equivalent to the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, level 298, and the gap between them could already be described as coming down from heaven and earth.

In fact, the gap between different levels is quite large and difficult to overcome.

Luo Nan could abuse the True Immortal and kill the Golden Immortal for two reasons.

First, his body possessed an extremely pure immortal force.

This group of immortal forces was originally roughly equivalent to the fifth-order true immortal level, and after Luo Nan entered the Scattered Immortal Realm, it crossed to the ninth order true immortal level.

It can be said that although Luo Nan’s realm is only scattered immortals, the power he has mastered is a solid level of true immortals.

Second, the Great Desolation Prisoner Heaven Refers to this secret magic power, which has become extremely strong in Luo Nan’s hands, and is comparable to the Taoist Supreme Divine Ability Fixation Technique, so it can allow Luo Nan to kill the Golden Immortal with the power of the True Immortal!

However, the Golden Immortal was already the limit of Luo Nan now, and it was also the kind of Golden Immortal who did not have a particularly powerful magic weapon.

As for the Great Luo Jinxian, it was simply impossible to deal with.

What’s more, Zeus in front of him was still standing at the apex of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and he was one of the most powerful beings in the Divine Realm!

Luo Nan knew that if he didn’t do anything, within two breaths, he would be destroyed by the black lightning that seemed to have an entity.

Although he was not afraid of death, he did not want to die without any value.

Since it had become a luxury to gain experience by injuring Zeus, Ronan could only have another thought in his mind!

Luo Nan’s rise was inseparable from the two artifact fragments that fell when the gods and immortals above Shanyang City fought.

It was the artifact fragments that belonged to Thor and Thunder Zhenzi respectively that brought Luonan two thunderbolts.

And these two thunderbolts are also the first bucket of gold that Ronan took off.

“Since those two clusters of thunder can be successfully refined, why can’t this black thunder in front of you?”

Luo Nan thought about this, and as soon as he thought about it, he directly opened his heart and swallowed the black thunder coming towards him into his mouth!

If it was someone else, borrowing a hundred guts would never dare to do such a thing.

Even if he summoned Hou Yi, who was also a Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, he would definitely not dare to swallow this black thunder into his mouth.

Because this black thunder was one of Zeus’s most powerful attacks, just as Zeus did not dare to open the zui to swallow the arrows fired by Houyi.

At their level, resisting each other’s attacks is a helpless move when they really can’t dodge, let alone swallow the other party’s attack.

Therefore, when Zeus, who was high above, saw this scene, he almost stared out of his eyes, and Zuiba’s face was full of shock, where was there still a little bit of the majesty of the God King?

“This boy… Neurosis now! ”

At this moment, Zeus couldn’t help but have such a thought in his mind.

Zeus had faced countless enemies in his life, but he had never seen such a way as to find his own death, and he was simply refreshed by the three views.

But what Zeus didn’t know was that swallowing thunder was a trivial matter for Ronan.

Count the past.

Luo Nan had eaten himself to death by eating the peach, and had eaten the blood of the saint to death, so what about eating the next thunderbolt now?

Are you Zeus’s thunder worse than the blood of a saint?

After swallowing the black thunder, Luo Nan only felt that the thunder spread out in an instant, and the indescribable breaking power of the fury melted into his limbs and veins, wantonly destroying everything.

Even Luo Nan’s Yuanshen was unable to withstand this force to disintegrate, not to mention his flesh, and there were blood cracks one after another.

In the blood-stained cracks that covered his whole body, there was a flash of black thunder, which was obviously about to explode.

Zeus saw this and shook his head, a trace of pity flashed on his face.

He had wanted to slowly torture and kill Lonan to vent the hatred in his heart, and Lonan died so that Zeus’s anger could not be vented.

At this moment, he also looked at the soon-to-be-exploded Luo Nan and snorted coldly: “Find your own death, you can’t complain about others!” ”

And Luonan’s zui corner was a sneering smile: “Wait a moment, I’ll be back right away!” ”

As the words fell, Ronan’s body exploded directly in mid-air.

This time the explosion did not have any sound, nor did it have half a gorgeousness.

Luo Nan’s body, in the instant it exploded, turned into a piece of powder and fluttered.

Zeus saw that he had thrown his sleeve away, and this piece of powder had also disappeared.

Not even a speck of dust remained, which showed the depth of Zeus’s hatred for Lonan.

As for the words that Ronan said before he died, Zeus did not go to his heart.

In Zeus’s view, it was nothing more than the last reluctance of a poor creature before he died.

After completely erasing the last traces of Lonan’s stay in the world, Zeus’s gaze shifted to Artemis in the distance, and then his brow frowned.

At this moment, Artemis seemed to have lost his soul, looking up at the sky that exploded in Ronan and constantly murmuring, “You promised me that you would not die here… You bastard…… Obviously promised me… Why doesn’t it count…”

Artemis’s dark blue gaze was mixed with incomprehension and grief.

Perhaps it was only at this moment that Artemis finally understood how passionate he was for the man who had taken his first time.

But it all seems to be too late.

The grief in Artemis’s eyes made the fire in Zeus’s heart more intense.

At the thought of his daughter’s body and mind being taken away by an inconspicuous bug, Zeus’s mood was difficult to calm down.

“Oh, I actually lost to a weak bug…”

Zeus took a deep breath, and then looked at Artemis with a cold look in his eyes: “The person on the outside is dead, as for you, punish you to go to the quiet court to face the wall for a million years, and think about what you have done wrong!” ”

As soon as the words fell and Zeus waved his palm, Artemis’s figure disappeared directly into the same place, appearing in an isolated place inside Mount Olympus.

After doing this, Zeus turned around and tore through the space and stepped back into the temple on the top of the mountain!

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