
[Poisonous Yalong], who was bound to the sky, suddenly spat out words after seeing the woman: "

What are you doing?!"

"Lord Poison Dragon slept for too long and his head was broken?"

When Taruna heard the sound, a charming smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Isn't it obvious

~" "I want to send you down the abyss~"

The words just fell!

Taruna directly turned into Xu Qiu's familiar appearance!

The body is slightly enlarged, and two black leather wings grow out of the lower back.

A little further down the triangle, a curved black tail (yi) grows.

It looks like it feels good in the hand.

Thinking of this, Xu Qiu slapped himself in his heart on the spot!

Xu Qiu, Xu Qiu!

This is a battlefield where you die and I live!

Why are you still thinking about astringency? It's so depraved!


I heard that the tail of the succubus is also a nerve-dense organ, and it is also equally sensitive....

Bah! Can't think anymore!

Xu Qiu looked at Taluna's little white hand that stretched out slightly.

In her hands.

Also floating were two balls glowing with a dark purple glow.

"That was... Eye beads?

After Xu Qiu recognized the props in Taruna's hand, he also looked at her again after transformation:

"This is turning on the serious mode?" But...... I don't feel any killing intent.

Immediately, Xu Qiu smiled ruefully:

"It's just that there is such a strong aggression in the words..."

Think about what you think every day?

But the [Poisonous Yalong] in the sky did not have the heart to think that what Taluna said was wrong:

"Release the bondage! Taruna! "

You're trying to betray [the dark camp]!"

"How so~?" Taruna smiled sweetly, but a pure helplessness rose on the enchanted face

: "People are only acting on orders

~" Then pursed her lower lips and said reluctantly:

"After all, your life is a hazard to the city lord~"

Xu Qiu's eyes narrowed and remained silent.

The cliff is fake.

"[Shatan]?!" When [Poisonous Yalong] heard the sound, his eyes flashed with killing intent:

"He is a little city lord, dare to make a move on me?!"

"Ho!" That's the power I'm after.

"It seems that I have been sleeping for too long, and the small human beings have forgotten me..." [

Poisonous Yalong] muscles bulged, and his body trembled slightly!



In the dark sky, there was a sound of iron chains breaking!

An invisible chain that bound [Poisonous Yalong] was broken by it!


With a roar, the chains that bound [Poison Yalong] could not withstand the power and began to collapse one after another!

Taluna's face changed, revealing a 'panicked' expression that Xu Qiu had never seen before:

"Stop it!"

Xu Qiu raised his eyebrows, and instantly understood!

Acting, huh?

Xu Qiu just gritted his teeth on the spot! Red eyes! Sweat oozing from the forehead!

"Deliver! To give! I!

Xu Qiuhun's body was full of madness that his life was dying after being poisoned!

A big wave of your hand!




All the summoned beasts did their best to leap into the sky of [Poisonous Yalong]!

It seems that they are all ready to exchange death for injury!

'I lean on? As

soon as I saw this posture of Xu Qiu's summoned beast.

[Highly Toxic Yalong] was even a little flustered for a while!


So ruthless?!

The scene of his own injury just now is still vividly remembered!

If you drag it on, you may really explain it here!

Damn it!

That's the [Shatan's] scheme!

Stay in the green mountains, not afraid of no dragons!

"Want to stop me? Pipe dream! "

[Poisonous Yalong] after snorting coldly!

Turn your body!

The green light on the tip of the tail and the tip of the wing is brighter!

Immediately threw out the 'green water'!

These green waters condensed into fishy green eggs in the air!


Those eggs, in just a few seconds, solidified and formed, and then broke!

From this, small [Poisonous Yalong] were born!

"Flying lizard?"

Xu Qiu's eyes narrowed....

That's a good thing.

If you can kill this [Poisonous Yalong], maybe [Blood Bat Night Monarch] can usher in a new wave of evolution.


Look at Taluna's appearance....

Obviously I want to make trouble.

The moment when more than a dozen small [highly toxic dragons] were born.

BOSS [Highly Poisonous Yalong] suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared: "Roar——! "

After the momentum is full!


Just turn around and run....

Before leaving, he did not forget to leave a cruel word:

"Human, wait for me!"

"Shatan, wait for me!"

"[Glow Poison City], wait for me!!"

After issuing three hateful words in succession, Xu Qiu was silent: "..."This

[Highly Toxic Yalong]... Is it so provocative?

But after it took off again, it was out of Taruna's control.

I want to play the intensity of the output just now....

It's not that easy.


This runs?

"Is it because I'm acting too good?"

It was between Xu Qiu's doubts.

Those small [highly toxic dragons] in the sky have also been cleaned up.

These summoned beasts are not a small pressure for others.

But for yourself ....

The evaluation is that it is not as good as [poisonous swamp dragon lizard].


[Green Fox] also made a loud sound at this time.

Once again, mana is consumed, and [Healing Pollen] is activated.

Restore health lost due to poisoning for summoned beasts.


After all.

This is the center of the battlefield!

The poisonous fog is very powerful!

Even if [Wood Slime] absorbs the toxin, all summoned beasts still lose blood all the time.

As a matter of course, [Green Fox] was treated as a 'blood pack' and began to be squeezed by Xu Qiu!

"Shhh (Can't eat enough...) "

The [green fox], which has been squeezed dry again, is already a little overwhelmed:

"Hey, heh... (No milk, really no milk...) "

Just as the summoned beasts recovered.

Xu Qiu raised his head and looked at Taruna in the distance.

At this time, Taruna had already flared her wings and flew in her direction!

While flying.

The wings and tail behind the waist are constantly shrinking.

Waiting for the time to land in front of Xu Qiu.

It was no different from the normal form she saw two days ago.

At this time, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and she made a complaining voice:

"Why didn't you stop it?"

Xu Qiu's eyes narrowed:

"Don't make trouble, your own people."

When Taruna heard the sound, her face turned from cloudy to clear

, and she smiled: "I didn't expect ~ little

brother, you really understand the meaning of your sister~" "With such a confidant brother as you

, my sister is very happy~" The corner of Xu Qiu's mouth grinned, revealing a sunny smile

: "If my sister wants to know the bottom of my brother, my brother is also very happy~

" "Hehe~" Taluna smiled more happily for a while, and her eyes lifted:

"After capturing [Glow Poison City] and killing the city lord [Shatan], my sister will give you a reward."

Xu Qiu's face was serious for a while:

"But my brother is just alone."

"I heard that the water in [Glow Poison City] is very deep, I haven't been in the city yet, I'm afraid I won't be able to grasp it

~" Hearing this, Taruna leaned over and brought a burst of fragrant wind:

"It's okay, give it to my sister~

" "Sister takes you, try the depth of [Glow Poison City]~"


PS: Today is August 6th, please make your choice:

A, One Piece 5th gear Luffy.

B. TFboys 10th Anniversary Concert.

C. Uzi playoff playoffs.

D. Xiao Yan killed the Yunlan Sect.

E, set a point to see Ji Ji's Xiaohuang... Serious chapter updates.

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