
[Poisonous Yalong] eyes flashed a red light that flooded because of 'mockery'!

Suddenly flew towards the ground!

But because of the effect resistance of [Yalong Physique].

He hasn't really touched the ground yet!

The red light in your eyes has dissipated!

But it didn't return to the skies!

Instead, they continued to kill the [Wood Slimes] on the ground!


Just now!

When you kill those bats yourself.

This group of slimes didn't use [taunt] to quarrel themselves!

As soon as it comes to the ground!

He displayed his strongest ability, [Death Aura]!

For a while, all the [Frost Lizard], [Wood Slime], [Blood Bat] around.

[Highly toxic] BUFF appeared above their heads at the same time!


The one whose blood falls is called a fast!

Xu Qiu couldn't help but gasp:

"It's good that I became meat..."

Under the influence of [Green Spirit Cloak].

Health has exceeded five figures!

Successfully reached 10152!

This kind of blood drop speed can still hold on!

But Xu Qiu still continued to move and opened the distance between him and [Highly Toxic Yalong]!

It's okay to talk about the environment alone, but if you get beaten, it's a big deal.


While Xu Qiu was in position, he stretched out his hand to summon the [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf]!

Because they are ground melee units, they were unable to attack it before because [Poisonous Yalong] was in the sky...

I can only retract Xu Qiu's card first.

Otherwise, it will be pure blood consumption outside.

But now!

They have a chance to play!!



The moment the [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf] was summoned!

Don't waste a word of time!

Directly rushed to [Highly Toxic Yalong]!


and facing these melee [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf].

[Highly Toxic Yalong] is not interested at all!


He is a male dragon with [Death Aura]!

That's a million blood!

It takes a lot of time for them to hit themselves!

This time!

Even if you don't move!

It's enough to poison them with the poison of [Death Aura]!

As the [Poison Yalong] of the [Glow Poison City] branch of the [Dark Church].

It has this self-confidence.

So stretch out a slap!

First prepare to shoot [Wood Slime] to death with his [mocking] success!


Sharp dragon claws streak through the air!

Slapped [Wood Slime] hard!

Shoot it straight into a green pie!

Huge force shakes up dust!



came this very soft sound.

[Poison Yalong] sensed something was wrong.

"This feeling, didn't smash?"

In the dust!

It also saw the health of that [Wood Slime]: [


slap himself seriously!

Unexpectedly, he only killed this [Wood Slime], which was no more than the size of his palm, but only four tenths of his health?!






Take less?!

This time blood speed!

Faster than yourself!!

Every second!

This wooden slime's health is recovering rapidly!

Just three or four seconds!

The slime is back to full blood!!

Own attack!


And so on....

Full of blood?!

Isn't he releasing [Death Aura]?!

How can there still be creatures full of blood?!

It blinked its eyes and found that all the [Wood Slime] around it, the blood bar above its head was beating:




That numerical health regeneration effect....

Not unique to this slime....

But what all slimes have?!


They are so close to themselves!

Only 140 blood is deducted every second?!

It's almost a fraction of the Slimes' automatic blood return....

Just while it was still relieving itself from the shock of those few seconds.

The [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf] in the distance has approached its side!


One of the [Elite Demon Wolf] at the head took two bites first!

-1963 (

Unity +4%) - 2041 (Unity +8%)


[Poisonous Yalong] let out a howl of pain!

These two bites, although it hurts, but it's okay!

Since this group of two-headed wolves has high attack power, then the health must be low, right?


It fell on the body of this [Elite Demon Wolf] again!


A self-satisfactory damage figure appeared on the wolf!

The health of that [Elite Demon Wolf] was displayed in front of its eyes

: [■■

■■■■■■■■□] [Poison Yalong]: ???

This wolf cub

More flesh than that slime?!!

This slap of his own only killed one-tenth of his blood?!


What's going on with this bunch of guys?

How is it so meat?!

Have you been in the [Dark Church] house for too long?

Have all the creatures out there evolved?

But right now.

Three identical human little girls appeared in front of them at an extremely fast speed!



So small?

Not as big as my own nails.

How could they be on the battlefield?

And the next moment....

Three little kicks out of three!

Kicked himself hard in the leg!

-7519 (Unity +148%) -7517 (Unity +148%) -

11279 (Critical Hit)! (Unity +148%)

The stacked [Unity] BUFF directly taught [Poison Yalong] a lesson!


A sharp pain in my legs!

Just wake it up!

Let it unconsciously bend over and fall to the ground!

These three humans!

Does the damage hurt so high?!

But at the moment when the body bends!

The wolves all pounced!

The [Frost Flame Lizard] in the distance also began to spit out its own damage!

"Stinky guy! Shoot you! "

Xiao Xi couldn't hit [Highly Poisonous Yalong] before, but he saved a lot of anger.

This time it can attack the back.

Don't mention being motivated!

Just this moment!

[Poisonous Yalong] has suffered several times the damage before!

120,000 health points evaporated in an instant!


It hurriedly let out a roar!

Straighten up and shake off the [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf] who are lying on their bodies and biting!

Hurry up and want to take off!

Get off the ground!

Damn it!

This kind of guy on the ground is really difficult!

But it just flickered its wings.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain at the root of my wing!


Just now when it lay down.

Wings have become the main care area of [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf] and [Frost Lizard]!

The three little ones are working together to grab one of its wings!

I want to pull it off abruptly!


This feeling of almost separation of flesh and bone makes it painful!

It also makes it even more annoying!

Its body shook suddenly!

Will directly throw off the three little ones!

Then step on it hard!

As a result, as soon as I stepped down, I found that it was not a person who stepped on it, but a huge man-eating flower.


How many places annoy dragons!


But also take advantage of this time.

It took off again.

Although the movement speed is much slower, it can't fly so high.

But, it's also enough to get off the ground!

Just get off the ground!

Those wolves and those slimes will no longer be a threat to me!

But...... It's not good to fight!

It feels like it sleeps during this time.

So much has changed outside!

He now has less than half blood left.

Extremely poor state.

What he is best at is poison, not combat.

Since the poison is useless to them....

Or not....

Run, right?


It's ready to withdraw!

Xu Qiu's brows frowned slightly:

"If you let it escape..." "

I go to [Glow Poison City] and it seems that I will also be targeted..."

Even Taruna can't cover it, right?

"[Blood bats]! Pursue! "

As long as you can hold it down, at least there is still a chance!

"Let's use [whip] and [strengthen] again..."

But just as Xu Qiu was about to add a BUFF.

The sky suddenly went dark!


[Poisonous Yalong] was suddenly fixed in the air! Motionless!

It's like there are invisible chains.

It's like shackling it in the air!

"What's going on?"

Just when Xu Qiu was a little puzzled.

A familiar woman's voice also came from her ears:

"Lord Poisonous Dragon, just go back like this, your face is not very good

~" "It's better, don't go back~"


PS: Can anyone guess who this woman is?

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