Xu Qiu didn't hold the idea of pets drinking water, and looked down at the attributes of [slimes

]: [Name]: Slime

[level]: Level 1

[Attribute]: Water [

attack] : 328 (Magic Attack X70

% + Physique X100%) [Defense]: 104 (Magic Attack X20% + Health X1%) [Health]: 4146 (Magic Attack X800% + Physique X1500%)

[Talent]: [Active Constitution], [Soft Body

] [Skill]: [Taunt]


[Active Constitution]

Description: Can't kill me! It will only not kill me!

Effect: Regenerates 1% max health per second.


[Soft Bullet Body]

Description: Wet and slippery, inextricable

effect: 30% of the damage received is stored, gradually lost in the next few seconds, and the stored damage is no longer deducted after killing the source of the damage.



Description: You come over without skills! If you have the ability, forget it.

Effect: Increases defense and magic resistance by 20% and forces opponents to attack him for 3 seconds.


"What meat!"

Xu Qiu couldn't help but sigh.

This is only a level 1 [Slime], and the health has already reached 4146!

Naturally regenerates 41 health points per second!

Plus Catherine's [Holy Light Blessing] BUFF.

This slime, who has just reached level 1, has a terrifying 56/s in health recovery!


It also has a [Soft Bullet Body] that can store damage.

[Taunt], which can improve defense and magic resistance!

Xu Qiu was like holding a little lion, holding up the slime in his hand:

"From now on, you and I will have the first tank!"

The two soft and elastic gel bodies under the slime also made a shy voice

: "Babbling~

" Xu Qiu smiled:

"I still have 8 first tanks like this!"

Looking around at the slimes who gathered themselves in a circle, as if they were holding some cult ceremony, Xu Qiu also discovered a new point of attention by the way.

"These [slimes]... There are properties. "

On each slime's attribute panel, there

is a column: [Attribute]: Water

"This is the first time I've seen a summon with 'attributes'."

Xu Qiu Rua looked at the slime in Rua's arms, feeling the delicate feeling, and wondered:

"Could it be..." "

My [slime] summons can have other attributes?"

Slime shook slightly:


Xu Qiu understood Slime's response and was quite surprised!

It stands to reason.

The creature 'Slime' does have different models and different attributes.

However, after the player contracts, they will only get slimes with that attribute and model.

Locked up.

And the news from Slime is:

in Xu Qiu's summoning card, the seal is not 'Slime', but 'Slime's pronucleus'!

These pronuclei, as long as the conditions are right....

You can even change shapes!

[Fire Slime] that can deal range damage.

[Tuslime] that can cause anti-injury damage.

[Grass Slime], who can summon a doppelgänger with seeds


Just a few examples.

Just let Xu Qiu feel that the future is infinitely bright!

"Yes, you, the cake painted for me is so good, I will eat this set!"

Xu Qiu put the slime on the ground, and immediately began the familiar krypton gold!

Gold-29, Silver-50: [Summon Slime] Level 1→

Level 7: [Name]: Slime

[Level]: Level 7

[Attribute]: Water

[Attack]: 648 (Magic Attack X130% + Physique X220%) [Defense]: 529 (Magic Attack X50% + Health X4%) [

Life] : 9318 (Magic Attack X1400% + Physique X4500%)

[Talent]: [Active Physique], [Soft Body

] [Skill]: [Taunt]

"This defense power is almost as high as the attack power!"

Slime's defenses.

One is related to Xu Qiu's 'magic attack'.

One has to do with its own maximum health.

The more meat it is!

The harder it gets!

Xu Qiu smiled slightly.

Very happy with [Slime]!

This hasn't gained much essence, and it's just a blue fine-level little obedient.

You already have the combat power to stand alone!

So, Xu Qiu casually dropped the slime.

Slime: ???


It understands why the predecessors said that the master is a bad man who always abandons chaos, eats inside and out, and likes the new and dislikes the old.

"Keep going."

Xu Qiu gave an order to the summoners.

It's not a problem to stay where you are all the time.

Even if [the swamp monster] dies, there is stinky mud all around.

It's not too late to change to a place with better air and look at the rest.

On the road.

Xu Qiu also checked out his god-level talent, the new effect of [Destiny]: [

Charm Luck]!

"I don't know why, as soon as I saw this 'glamorous luck', the corners of my mouth couldn't stop rising~"

Immediately, the panel of talent was also displayed in front of Xu Qiu's eyes

: [Destiny]

Introduction: Your fate is not recorded by the long river of fate, your future will not be understood by any existence, and your fate is up to you.

Level: Red God-level

Hit Star: 6

Effect 1: [Fortune]: Each time you kill a monster, you can get an additional drop of random multiples between 1~ (level) (only experience, currency, materials).

Effect 2: [Kill Luck]: Each attack on an enemy can deal additional damage in a random multiplier between 1~ (level/2).

Effect 3: [Charm Luck]: Each time you intersect with a character, you can get an additional favorability of a random multiple between 1~ (level/3).

Effect 4: (Level 40 Unlocked)


"Get extra... Favorability?

Xu Qiu glanced at the multiplier.

Myself am now level 20.

In other words, if you interact with NPCs, you can make the other party feel up to 6 times more favorable to you!


A righteous smile appeared on Xu Qiu's face:

"This... Not quite okay ~ "I

don't know why.

Xu Qiu remembered the 'black headlights'.

That [Black Robe Sacrifice], Taruna.

"I whipped her, and her favorability increased a little."

If there is still a chance to meet her....

Smoke a few more whips, will the favorability become a positive number?

When the favorability is still negative, she is so bold with herself!

"If the favorability with her is raised to a positive number, what will it be?"

Xu Qiu subconsciously straightened his waist!


When it comes to protracted wars, I have never been afraid of anyone!


I don't know how long has passed, [Bloodthirsty Batman] came with a hint.


Xu Qiu smiled slightly:


Stepping over a highland, Xu Qiu saw a huge empty mudflat!

"Here, this is the destination!"

Xu Qiu opened the map and compared the coordinates given to him by the beautiful shooter captain [Sylvie].

"It's here, that's right."

As soon as he arrived here, the [Qingfeng Compass] in Xu Qiu's backpack suddenly sent a harsh prompt!

Drop by drop!

This also means:

a 'Blue Wind Knight' who is more powerful than the Blue Wind Archer Reconciliation does not know how much....



Suddenly, a fishy wind struck!

Xu Qiu's head was black!

A huge shadow flashed blue-black wings that covered the sky, and suddenly appeared in front of Xu Qiu!

[Corrupted Wind Eagle Beast]

Introduction: A wind eagle beast that has been eroded by the abyss breath for a long time.

Level: 23


: Blue Fine Attack: 2000 Life: 200000


[Flying Feather], [Barb], [Corrosion Blue Mist], [Flying Feather! ]


[Flying Feather]

Description: Click (upper magazine)! Yikes!

Effect: On each attack, an additional feather with a 'penetration' effect is fired at the target, leaving one feather in place.

'Penetration': The attack can penetrate the target until it reaches the limit of 'attack range'.



Description: Come back you!

Effect: [Corrupt Wind Eagle Beast] retracts all the feathers that fly out and deals 'penetration' damage to all enemies in its path.


[Corrosion Blue Mist]

Description: This is the smell!

Effect: Spend health to generate a huge poisonous fog in the target area, and apply a [Suffocation] effect to all enemies within the poisonous fog.


[Flying Feathers]

Description: Let me!

Effect: Shoot 3 waves of feathers in succession from the forward sector to create a 'penetration' effect!


PS: After the scene is changed, the rhythm begins to speed up, I hope you book friends have fun watching ~

I jump!

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