"Finally up to level 20!"

Xu Qiu first opened his own attribute panel and began to assign the 16 free attributes obtained.

Strength +3:42→45


Physique +4:116→120Intelligence +


" In this way, the attributes are much more pleasing to the eye ~ "After the attributes are

assigned, without saying a word, directly take out the skills at the bottom of the box in your backpack!

【Ding! Do you learn the skill Green Excellent skill - [Flying Card]?

Although, his own ontological combat effectiveness is no longer weak.


"As long as I learn this skill, my output will be doubled!"

Xu Qiu directly clicked to learn!

【Ding! Congratulations on your successful learning skills – [Flying Cards]! [

Flying Cards]

Introduction: Hey! I'm leaving! Hey! I'm back! You hit me!

Quality: Green Excellent

Class: [Card Master]

Level: 1

Effect: Consume 100 mana, shoot an energy card forward, reach 2 times the attack distance and fly back, causing continuous decay damage (magic damage X 100% + magic cap X1% ~ magic damage X 50% + magic limit X 0.5%) to all enemies in the path. Energy cards enjoy attack effects. COOL 10S.

This is not strong enough!

Immediately, Xu Qiu took out two [Skill Upgrading Stones (Green)] from his backpack!

Without saying a word.

Directly slapped one of them on [Flying Cards]!

【Ding! Your Green Excellent skill [Flying Card] has been successfully upgraded to Blue Excellent! [


Card] Quality: Blue

Elite Class: [Card Master]

Level: 1

Effect: Consume 100 mana, fly forward to shoot an energy card, reach 3 times the attack distance and fly back, dealing damage (magic damage X 150% + magic cap X 2%) to all enemies in the path. Energy cards enjoy attack effects. COOL 10S.


[Flying Cards] After leveling up!

Not only can the attack range of the shot be improved.

Increased attack range from 2x (40 yards) to 3x attack range (60 yards)!

Base damage has also been greatly increased!


It will not be damaged because the flight distance is too far!

No matter how far you fly! How many people to attack! The damage doesn't change!

"With my current attributes..."

Xu Qiu squinted his eyes and began to calculate:

the original green excellent level [flying card] would cause 407~203 damage to all enemies on the flight trajectory.

And now.

The level remains the same, and the damage is fixed at 659 points!

I don't know how much stronger than the original!

Moreover, the more people you hit, the higher the total damage you can cause!

Not only that!

This 659 number is only basic damage!

This skill may not be much stronger for others.

But for a [Card Master] like himself who attacks a lot of special effects, it is much stronger!

I still have a 52% critical strike chance!

There is also [Kill Luck] that can add 1~10 times additional damage!

Moreover, this is still a range attack!

"If only I could come out with another electric knife, Hydra, Rumbard, Hurricane Luana... Pull up the special effects, it's even cooler~" Thinking

of a peach, Xu Qiu immediately looked at his critical strike chance.

In the [Gentleman] suit, he has a hidden 8th piece of equipment - [Gray Cloak].

This cloak has a god-level 2nd effect!

[Resonance]: For every 1 summoned beast, the critical strike chance is +1%.

Previously, these summoned beasts around him gave themselves an additional critical strike chance bonus of 47%.

And now!

Rise to level 20 yourself!

"I can fuse new summon cards!"

Immediately, Xu Qiu took out the card from his backpack!

[Summon Slime]!

But before summoning slime again, Xu Qiu first came to the [Swamp Monster].

At this point, the stench has dissipated.

Xu Qiu leaned his hand over in disgust:


【Ding! [Fate] trigger, gain additional experience +18018 (18x), copper +462 (11x), [pronucleus with slime] +6 (6x)! 【

Ding! The material [pronucleus with mucus] contains essence - [soft elastic body

], [split], [rubber catapult], [sticky contact]...] After collecting the material, Xu Qiu showed a smile:

"In this way, my [slime] can become stronger!"

Immediately, Xu Qiu directly slapped his hand on the card!

【Ding! Congratulations on your successful summoning - [Slime] group! 】As

the system prompt sounds!

A familiar light lit up around Xu Qiu.


This time the summoned beast.

It doesn't come straight out of the light.

In the light, only spherical 'mechanical pronuclei' were born.


The mechanical easing slowly floats downward.

Immediately, the swamp at Xu Qiu's feet suddenly looked strange.

Drop by drop, handful of pure water, extracted from the swamp.

Gradually, with the pronucleus as the core, it rotated and condensed and expanded.

It soon froze.

It turned into a pure, transparent slime with a hint of light blue color!


Not a lump.

That's 8 lumps!

【Ding! [Gray cape] effect 2 [Resonance] update! 【

Ding! [Vibes] already gives you a 55% critical strike chance! 】

After adding 8 more summoned beasts!

Xu Qiu's critical strike rate also reached a total of 60%!

"Rounding up is a knife crit!"

Xu Qiu squatted down and observed the slime closest to him.

Supple and sleek.

As he moved, Xu Qiu could also see the liquid in the slime's body shaking.

It's like a water balloon.

Water polo?

Xu Qiu blinked, then stretched out his hand and squeezed it.

It is slightly cool and tough.

The soft and elastic slime skin sank down Xu Qiu's fingers!


Part of the slime skin also flowed from Xu Qiu's fingers.

It became a familiar 'strangled feeling'!


Slime also made a soft and sticky sound at the right time.

Sounds cute.

Xu Qiu also nodded secretly in approval: Like


It's very similar!

Retracting his hand, Xu Qiu thought about it, and just like when he held [Bloodthirsty Bat King], he reached out and took the slime into his arms.

Nothing else.

Simply feel that in this sweltering [swamp forest], only slime can give himself a touch of coolness.


Just at this moment.

The pets who were hiding on the side to 'watch the play' leaned over one after another.

As soon as [Bloodthirsty Bat King] exited his stealth state, he came to Xu Qiu's side.

I found myself 'out of favor'.

"Squeak..." For

a while, [Bloodthirsty Bat King] cried so much that it was a scream!

And [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf] and [Frost Flame Dragon Lizard] leaned over, indicating that they were used to it.

After all, the owner is a bad man who likes the new and dislikes the old!

Xu Qiu glanced at them, and they were instantly well-behaved and did not dare to say more.

They all looked at Xu Qiu with a kind smile, looking like nothing had happened just now.

The three little ones only leaned over.

Crouch on the ground and poke the slime that just appeared on the ground with your little finger.

Then licked the water on his fingers

: Doudou's eyes lit up with stars: "Sweet! A

smile appeared at the corner of Bubble's mouth: "Cool!"

Silently nodded:

"Good water."

PS: Speaking of slimes, I don't know who comes to mind?

I am dedicated to the moe king!

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