Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

089: Return! Old Thief, I Will Make You Pay Double!

"What about the treasure?" LIN TONG said indifferently. Treasure, I will not attack him. According to the contract, all the treasures on the body are handed out, and the ground is piled up into a small mountain, most of which are jewelry gold coins and weapon armor. ”

Since the rules did not react, it means that Vic's words are true.

Lin Tong nodded.

He pretended to be ready to look at the treasure.

Seeing this, Vic suddenly drew out two long swords and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, Canghai, you've been fooled!!!"

"Die for me!"


He held the two swords and instantly stabbed Lin Tong's body.


"-4900" The damage Lin Tong received.


"-2010" The damage Vic received.

Damage appeared on both heads.

Before, Vic still had more than 20,000 blood points.


Because of the bleeding and poisonous effects, his health value has been reduced to more than 2,000.

So he was directly killed by two counter-injuries.


Vic's face was full of disbelief.

Lin Tong waved his hands and said innocently: "This is none of my business. I didn't attack you. You took the initiative to attack me. ”


Vic spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes became dull, because he had lost his vitality.


Vic's body fell to the ground with a bang.

". "Ding"

"Killed Bandit King Vic, and gained 450,000 experience points"

"Successfully plundered: Ice Slash (Excellent)"

"(Holy Griffin) upgraded to level 19"

Another excellent quality passive is obtained.

Lin Tong looked at the passive panel.

[Ice Slash]

Quality: Excellent

Effect: Add (Spirit x 50%) ice damage to your arrows.

Number of layers: 1/5

With your own spirit value of about 1,000.

The damage added to each arrow is about 700 points.

The damage is very low now.


Once the passive reaches the full layer, it can provide spirit x 250% ice damage, which is equivalent to each arrow with a black iron-level skill.

In the late game.

Lin Tong's arrow is equivalent to 10,000 skills.

I just want to ask you if you are afraid?

The amount of damage can only be described as "unbelievable".

And Frost Slash is a common skill for warriors.

It is easy to stack up to 5 layers...

After reading the passive skill, Lin Tong turned his eyes to Vic's treasure.

He waved his hand and put the things into his backpack.

"Gold x150w, [Shadow Leap Skill Book] x1, Skill Experience Symbol (Large) x5"

Lin Tong roughly browsed the loot.

Although the value is very high, most of them are things for warriors, knights and mages.

There are very few items for other professions.

There is no priest item at all.

Then, Lin Tong picked out the items that he could use.

[Unyielding Cloak]

Quality: Diamond

Level: 25

Life +2500

Defense +90

Constitution +100

Agility +20

Features: Life Recovery +15%

He put on the cloak directly.

His health suddenly increased to about 9.3w points, not far from the 100,000 mark.

"After participating in the celebration of the Prophet's Church, I should be able to achieve the goal of 100,000 health points."


Lin Tong looked at the only epic quality item in the pile of loot.

This is a stealth skill book for all professions!

[Shadow Leap] is as valuable as a normal legendary skill book.

Lin Tong learned the skill without hesitation.

Clap his hands.

The skill book turned into light and merged into his body.

[Shadow Leap (Epic)]

Level: Iv1

Effect 1: Hide yourself in the shadow world, ignore physical terrain and attacks, and leave an invisible clone, which can be used again to return to the original place. The best choice is "Spirit x2" meters.

Effect 2: Active attack once will not reveal.

Consumes 100 mana per second.

Cooldown 60 seconds. (Calculated after the skill ends)

The effect description is very brief.

But its strength is self-evident.

As an epic skill.

Only when the priority reaches the epic stealth breaking effect can it affect the phantom jump.

The same is true for the perception effect.

Then Lin Tong used eight skill experience symbols


"You consume 6080 experience points to upgrade [Phantom Jump] to: Iv2."

Lin Tong spent 8 million experience points to upgrade the skill to level 6.

[Phantom Jump (Epic)]

Level: Iv6

Upgrade: 48.5w/32 million experience

After invisibility.

As long as the moving distance does not exceed 3348 meters, Lin Tong can return to the original place.

In addition.

The first three active attacks will not make you exit the stealth state.

This skill also makes it convenient for Lin Tong to do certain things.

He is very satisfied with this harvest.

"`||Okay, it's time to go back to the main city of Tianxing."

Lin Tong summoned a griffin.


The sacred griffin flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

Half an hour later.

Lin Tong returned to the main city of Tianxing through the teleportation array in the city.

The Prophet Church.

"Canghai, why are you back?!"

Seeing Lin Tong's figure, Bishop Adam was quite surprised.


Bishop Adam seemed to remember something and smiled: "Do you want to ask the husband about the news of the Sun Feather?"

"No." Lin Tong shook his head and said: "I have got it!"

After that.

He took out the Sun Feather.


Bishop Adam's voice suddenly rose several degrees.

(De Zhao) He was shocked: "It's only been more than an hour, where did you get the Sun Feather?"

Lin Tong raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "Is it important?"

"Uh, it's not important." Bishop Adam laughed a few times and reached out to take the item.


"Congratulations on completing the mission: [Searching for the Feather of the Sun] Completed."

"Rewards: 100,000 experience points, Prophet Church reputation +1,000, Prophet God's guidance x1.

Tsk tsk... It's worthy of the Prophet Church's mission.

It's really stingy.

Fortunately, Lin Tong was mentally prepared.

At this time, Bishop Adam suggested intimately: "Canghai, you give the orb to me. By the way, this time it will cost 20 million gold coins.

"Okay." Lin Tong agreed calmly.

A total of 25 million gold coins were spent.

He remembered this number in his heart.

Tomorrow, if I can't double the money from Bishop Adam.

Write your name backwards!

ps: Seek support, full order, custom order, flowers, evaluation votes!。

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