Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

088: The Weight Loss Therapy Was Successful, And Everyone Laughed At It!

Vic immediately realized that Lin Tong wanted to get something for free...

"You are looking for death!"

The smile on Vic's face disappeared, and his eyes flashed with a strong cruelty.

"I wanted you to live a little longer, but since you are looking for death, you can't blame me."

"Chop you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Vic swung his human knife and chopped at Lin Tong.



Lin Tong directly activated the skill, and when he appeared again, he was already on the back of the sacred griffin.


Accompanied by the high-pitched voice of the griffin, the Japanese griffin rushed straight into the sky at an extremely fast speed.


Vic missed his attack and immediately looked up.

But what greeted him was a large-scale skill...

[Frost Field]

[Purification Rain of Arrows]

The two range skills went straight to Vic's direction from top to bottom, accurately piercing his eyeballs.

Since then.

There is another one-eyed mountain bandit king in the world.

"-37086 (Critical Hit)"

"-2000 (Bleeding)"

"-1800 (Toxin)"

Various damage prompts kept popping up on Vic's head, and the severe pain made him furious.


"You damned asshole, I must kill you......

Vic roared at the sky angrily.09

[Ice Slash]

Vic waved his knife and looked at the sky, a ray of ice power went straight to Lin Tong, but unfortunately he couldn't keep up with Lin Tong's speed after being slowed down.

The attack missed......

"Take the bow and arrow, shoot him down for me!"

Vic covered one eye and roared angrily at his men around him.

At the same time.

A bottle of potion emitting blue light was poured into his mouth.

After a while, the eye socket that was originally flowing with blood was restored to its original state, and the vision returned to normal.

On the other side.

Hundreds of bandits have taken out bows and arrows, and are hiding behind houses or trees to aim at Lin Tong.


Accompanied by Vic's roar, hundreds of arrows were shot out in unison.

He went straight to Lin Tong who was half suspended in the air. Tong went ... "Dr-" The sacred griffon immediately stimulated his wings, and the green storm was brewing in it. Holy Shield] It can provide a layer of shields for themselves and people who ride. Ke said: "Damn!" This kind of enemy with a flying mount is too annoying. Tong had a smile on his face.


He raised his bow, predicted Vic's escape route, and then launched a violent attack.

"-5193 (Critical Hit)'


"-2000 (Bleeding)"

A bunch of various damage numbers appeared above Vic's head.

Although he was in a moving state and it was difficult to aim, with Lin Tong's archery skills, at most two arrows missed in each round of shooting.

The average output per second was close to 50,000 points.

Lin Tong's arrows left big holes in Vic's body.

Blood gushed out continuously.

Because the world is digitized, this kind of injury has no effect on movement, but the pain is always there.

"Damn it, come down and fight me head-on!"

"Sitting on a griffin, what kind of man is it?!"

"Get down! Get down for me!"

"Ahhh! My kidney hurts so much!"

Vic's screams echoed in the valley.

The bandits were trembling with fear.


Are all archers so cruel?

The outside world is so deep.

I'd better stay in the mountains and forests to retire.

As the wailing became smaller and smaller, the bandits looked up at the sky and found that Lin Tong had flown far away.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They felt a strong sense of gratitude towards the bandit king.


You are really our good brother!

Thank you for attracting the firepower of this perverted archer.

When you die, we will definitely build you the most luxurious tomb on the mountain.

The minions silently said in their hearts.

On the other side.

Vic was almost crying because of the arrows...

Just then.

He saw the cave where he lived.

"We are here! We are finally here!"

Vic seemed to see the dawn of hope.

He ran and rolled into the cave.

"Asshole, you can't get in now, right?" "If you have the guts, come down and fight melee!" The bandit king said arrogantly. It fully demonstrated what "the wound healed and the pain was forgotten". Seeing this, Lin Tong let the griffin fly down. He jumped to the entrance of the cave. "You............" The bandit king widened his eyes. He never expected that Lin Tong, as an archer, would dare to run into a small cave and fight him in close combat? "Stupid guy!" "Vic was ecstatic. He picked up the big knife on the weapon rack and chopped it with a ferocious face. Huh! A violent wind sounded in his ears. Lin Tong had already predicted the bandit king's attack and moved a little to the right to avoid this move. "Die!" Vic held the knife with both hands and chopped at Lin Tong's waist. However. Lin Tong quickly reached out and pressed the back of the knife, took advantage of the force to jump, flipped to the left, and pulled a few meters away. "Ice Slash!" Vic's combat awareness was not weak either. Turning around, he used a skill and tried to chop at Lin Tong.

In an instant.

An arrow hit his body, causing him to be afraid for 1 second, forcibly interrupting the skill.

Lin Tong seized the opportunity to attack.

Vic's health dropped by 40%.

Vic suddenly stepped forward and launched a violent charge.

[Ultimate Instinct]

Lin Tong easily avoided the attack.

Next, it was time for Lin Tong to show his skills.

The cooldown of each skill and passive.

The attack rhythm.

He grasped it perfectly.

The health of the BOSS kept decreasing, and a look of despair appeared on Vic's face.

He was going crazy.

His attacks didn't hit Lin Tong once!

Either he was dodged or interrupted.

Even the [Splitting Earth] with the invincible effect was avoided by Lin Tong with flash.

This is good.

He couldn't beat Lin Tong in the cave.

He couldn't beat him outside either.

What can he do?

"Archer, please spare my life! I am willing to give you all my treasures!"

"Please stop fighting!"

"I surrender!"

"Dad, uncle... please stop!"

Vic knelt down and kowtowed with tears in his throat.

This behavior is so filial.

What a pity.

Lin Tong is still calmly outputting.

Vic still has 100,000 HP left.

This HP line is too high!

Must be reduced a little more.

Soon, Vic had tens of thousands of HP left, and his body was full of holes caused by arrows.

As a two-meter big man, he weighed less than 100 kilograms.

This shows that the weight loss therapy is very successful!

ps: Please support, self-order, full order, flowers, evaluation votes!

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