If Han Jiang and others can mass-produce this kind of equipment with set attributes, it will definitely be a lucrative income.

After all.

Three pieces of black iron set.

Kill three pieces of bronze bulk in seconds.

With such good attributes, which casual player can refuse?

After putting away the design, Lin Tong began to continue hunting shadow wolves in the forest to complete the task.




"You killed [Cursed Shadow Wolf] and gained 1900 experience points."

"Successfully plundered: 7 physical fitness"

"You are promoted to level 17 and gain: four-dimensional attribute points +5, free allocation points +5"

Under Lin Tong's damage.

The cursed shadow wolf can only be a lamb to be slaughtered, and Lin Tong can slaughter it.

The task of 200 was quickly completed...

At the same time, a very good full-level passive was plundered.

[Extreme Speed ​​​​Strike]

Effect: Arrow accuracy +20%

Number of layers: 20/20

Good guy...

It turned out to be a passive that improves the accuracy of attacks.

Isn't this the skill that archers dream of?

With Lin Tong's original archery skills, coupled with this 20% accuracy, he can already shoot without missing a single arrow.


"What is the highest accuracy?"

The highest accuracy in the original can reach 40%.

But Lin Tong has the SSS talent, which can plunder the passive of accuracy. If he can break through the limit.

Reach 100%...

Then, is it a headlock?

Shoot an arrow at random to automatically find the target?

"Worth a try..."

In addition to the passive, Lin Tong has some free allocation points.

Open the personal page to allocate them.

Personal attribute page

ID: Canghai

Level: 17

Occupation: Apprentice Shadow Hunter

HP: 3.5w

Mana: 1.4w

Attributes: Strength 599, Constitution 614, Spirit 430, Agility 499

Attack: 1198

Magic Damage: 860


Attribute points are naturally given to strength......

"Still as strong as ever."

Close the personal attribute page.

The next thing to do is to complete the very rare hidden task.

But Lin Tong has to speed up...

Because this hidden task in the previous life was discovered by the exploration team of Yeying, and they invested huge resources for it.

Of course.

The rewards obtained are also unexpectedly rich.

It even became a turning point for their guild...

But the Yeying in this life has long been killed by himself, and his combat power is simply incomparable to that of the Yeying in the previous life.

According to the road in memory, he came to a dangerous area.

The fog flowing in the air here is more dense than other places...

"Who is there?"

Lin Tong suddenly noticed movement behind the tree in the distance.

Hunter stance activated!

For a moment, Lin Tong's vision was improved by 150%, and he could see what was happening in the distance at a glance.

"Another familiar person?"

Not far away, the person behind the tree was Ye Ying. Tang Xin.

Since he was an old friend, there was no need to make any arrangements.......

Zhang Gong put an arrow on it!


The arrow shot out quickly.......

At the same time, Ye Ying and others not far away also noticed this situation.

He turned his head suddenly.

"Cang Hai?"

Without a moment's hesitation, he turned around and ran.

What a pity.

With Lin Tong's current attack range, even if he was allowed to run a hundred meters away, they would not be able to run away at all.

"-2700 (Critical Hit)"


"You killed [Ye Ying.233], and obtained: Teleportation Talisman x10"


Various prompts kept appearing.

Tang Xin said angrily: "Cang Hai, you bastard..."

"I will make you regret it!"

Not long ago, they, Ye Ying, and other guilds organized an assassination plan of hundreds of people.

The target is Lin Tong...

Once successful, Lin Tong will be under the feet of Yeying forever. For this reason, they even have someone monitor Lin Tong 24 hours a day at the entrance of the village.

But who would have thought...

Lin Tong actually came to them when they were looking for hidden tasks?

With this exploration team, it is not enough to fight.

Tang Xin knew that he could not escape.

He could only turn his head and glare at Lin Tong.

"I will make you regret it and make you unable to raise your head for the rest of your life. You..."

Before he finished speaking, an arrow pierced his chest directly.

The negative effect of 10,000 damages per second is not exaggerated.


"You killed [Ye Ying, Tang Xin], and obtained: Gold Ore x100"

Lin Tong was stunned...

There is also an unexpected gain?

Could it be that these guys have found the location of the mine and dug it?

If so, I really should go to their door to send them warmth after a while, and help them check the quality of the mine.

Clean up the spoils all over the ground.

"Ye Ying's people are really Lei Feng..."

"They will send some equipment to the door every now and then. Where can I find such a good person?"

If Tang Xin could hear Lin Tong's extremely humiliating words, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

But unfortunately, he couldn't hear it...

After cleaning up, Lin Tong turned around and stepped into the hidden mission area.

The next second...


The originally barren open space suddenly cracked.

The soil under his feet was replaced by a stone platform, and around Lin Tong, five stone statues of different appearances appeared.

Some of them used bows and arrows, and some used long swords...

Warriors of various professions.

They are the guardians of the sealed altar. If you want to get the hidden task, you must kill them all first.

But four of the five stone statues are fake statues, and only one is the core statue.

"Quick battle, quick decision..."

Lin Tong's eyes began to look around.

The stone statue holding the heavy sword successfully attracted Lin Tong's attention because the pattern on his chest was different from the others.

Much denser...

"It's you!"

The arrow whistled out and embedded heavily into the body of the stone statue.

"Intruder... die!"

Accompanied by a dull voice, all five stone statues moved.

[Guardian of the Sealed Stone Platform]

Rank: Boss

Level: 20

HP: 30w/30w

Attack: 1950

This is a boss monster...

Stronger than elite monsters, and inferior to lord bosses, so he is often called a small boss.

Generally appears in the gate of the dungeon.

"No skills..."

The panel of this small boss in front of him does not show any skills.

But they have another ability.

After the stone statue took the first step, a magical imprisonment force swept over and enveloped Lin Tong.


"Affected by the altar array, the active skills of units below level 20 will be banned."

In an instant, Lin Tong's active skills were all banned.

But this has no effect on him...

He is an archer.

And the power of a low-level array is not enough to affect the passive skills brought by his SSS talent.


The battle started...

Five stone statues rushed towards Lin Tong at the same time.

But Lin Tong did nothing at all, just stood there quietly and launched a counterattack at the stone statue with an attack speed of six arrows per second.

This kind of stone creature has a disadvantage.

That is the slow movement speed...

Unfortunately, Lin Tong's passive [Black Flame] can just reduce the movement speed.

For a moment, the pace of the stone statue was infinitely reduced.


"-2300 (Critical Hit)"

"-2300 (Critical Hit)"

In addition to the original physical damage, many passives are also madly increasing the damage caused per second.

It is still close to 18,000 damage per second...


"You killed [Sealing Stone Guardian], and gained: 0 experience points"

"Successfully plundered: 20 points of physical fitness"

Killing this kind of creature will not gain any experience.

This time, the battle before and after did not exceed 20 seconds in total, and this boss with 300,000 health points was successfully killed by Lin Tong.

The speed can be said to be unexpectedly fast...

Once the core stone statue died, the other stone statues turned into fragments on the ground.


"The seal stone platform is invalid."

As soon as the voice fell, the seal array pattern in front of him suddenly exploded, and a force gushed out from it.

"Adventurer, did you save me?"

A weak shadow appeared from under the altar.

Just after the shadow appeared, a prompt sound appeared in Lin Tong's ear.


"NPC wizard merchant. Di Tong has ill will towards you, favorability -30"

Lin Tong was stunned...

Old man?

I saved you, and you still have ill will towards me?


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