Lin Tong turned his head...

A familiar figure came into Lin Tong's sight.


The knight in front of him was the knight who was rescued in the depths of the dark forest, Captain Noti.

But they met again here...

"Mr. Canghai, long time no see."

Lin Tong asked: "Why are you here?"

"I have been stationed here for more than a month under the assignment of the Empire. I met you when I was chasing the Undead Wizard some time ago."

"So that's how it is..."

On the other side, the burly man glared at the enemy who had no ability to resist in his hand.

"Tell it out..."

Under such a strong pressure, the man in black still chose not to speak, but just glared at the burly man.

"You are the running dog of the church, and you are also qualified to judge..."

Before he finished speaking, under the pressure of a force of light.

The man in black lost all his vitality in an instant, collapsed heavily on the ground, and then a strong fire of light gushed out.

The man in black was burned to ashes.

"Damn bugs..."

Lin Tong, who witnessed this scene, was shocked even though he had prepared himself.

If he didn't know his identity.

I'm afraid he would really mistake him for a big devil who kills without blinking an eye.

Noti, who was standing by, noticed Lin Tong's surprise.

"General Brom executed a spy from the Dark Empire, who has killed more than 30 civilians in our country."

"So you must not mistake General Brom as a bad guy."

It seems that this is not the first time Noti has explained this kind of thing.

Lin Tong nodded when he heard it.

This General Brom is indeed one of the few people with pure faith among the high-level officials of the Bright Empire.

He is resolute and has a strong sense of justice.

However, in the middle of the game, he also suffered some troubles because of this character.

At this time, General Brom looked at Lin Tong.

"Hello, adventurer..."

"Hello, General Brom."

After the two greeted each other, General Brom asked, "Noti, do you know this adventurer?"

Noti nodded excitedly and recounted the story of Lin Tong saving him.

At the same time, he also told the story of Lin Tong sealing the Demon Nest alone.

After hearing this, General Brom looked at Lin Tong with admiration.

"It is indeed a hero in his youth. It is not easy to save Noti and kill Mordekaia."

"You actually sealed the Demon Nest alone?"


As soon as the voice fell, a prompt sounded in Lin Tong's ears.


"NPC Brom's favorability +30"

Brom continued: "Since you are here, I believe you should know that we need your help."

"Please say..."

"In order to invade, the Dark Empire used the curse technique to summon a large number of cursed creatures in the Dark Forest."

"This has seriously affected our actions and the safety of the villagers."

The relationship between the Dark Empire and the Light Empire is now like fire and water. Both sides are making arrangements everywhere to prepare for war.

"And we have people here who need to deal with the problem of undercovers and assassins, so I hope you can help solve the problem of cursed creatures."

"How about it?"

Lin Tong agreed without any hesitation.

"Okay, I promise you..."


"Main quest: Kill the cursed creatures in the forest"

"Progress: 0/200"

"Reward: 5000 experience, 100 gold coins, professional black iron equipment treasure box x1, professional black iron skill book x1"

The rewards for this quest are not very rich on the surface.

But if you kill enough cursed creatures, the level of the reward will also increase.

If you can destroy the summoning altar.

Then you can get a private reward from Brom.

There are quite a lot of good things in it...

At this time, Notty put a token in Lin Tong's hand: "This is a pass issued by the Third Army of the Empire of Light."

"With this, you can move freely within our range."

Lin Tong nodded and accepted the token.

At this time, Lin Tong suddenly remembered that he had another task here.

"Noti, your father in the village asked me to tell you that you can go back if you have time."

"He has something to tell you..."

I thought this mission would not be completed, or I would only meet Noti when I went to the main city in the middle period.

I didn't expect to meet him here today.

Hearing this, Noti looked a little lonely.

He really hasn't been home for a long time...

But in the current situation, it is difficult for him to get away.

"Thank you, Mr. Canghai, I will go back."


"Hidden mission [Priest's Entrustment] Completed"

"Please go to the church to collect the reward..."


After Lin Tong left the camp, General Brom was full of emotion.

"When I was young, I also hoped to be a powerful adventurer like him."

At this point, Brom sighed.

"It's a pity that I unexpectedly passed the Choice of Light and became a general of the Empire of Light."

"So annoying..."

Hearing such a Versailles speech, the other knights were speechless.


The existence below one person and above ten thousand people...

You still dislike it?

If you don't want it, I will!

At this time, Brom noticed the change in Notty's expression: "Go back after a while, I'll give you a leave."

"Anyway, this place is very close to the village of Losikaya."

Hearing this, Notty's melancholy heart finally became happy.


After leaving the camp, Lin Tong entered the warning area of ​​the Dark Forest.

Due to the special nature of this place and the appearance of various cursed creatures, there are very few players coming here.

Even if there are.

It is basically a team of large guilds.

It is rare for a lone man like Lin Tong to come alone...


A group of huge monsters walked out from not far away.

[Cursed Shadow Wolf]

Rank: Black Iron

Level: 20

HP: 6w/6w

Attack Power: 1000

Skills: Extreme Speed ​​Attack, Cursed Bite

Lin Tong immediately took out his longbow: "This kind of monster should be able to break my defense."

He guessed correctly.

The Shadow Wolf immediately pounced on Lin Tong and attacked him.

At the same time, a series of damage also appeared on Lin Tong's head.



"-10 (Critical Hit)"

Since looting the Blood Armor in the copy of Sakura Country, Lin Tong's defense has reached a new level.

Under this defense.

The Shadow Wolf's attack can't even reach three digits.

It can only hover around ten points of damage.

Lin Tong is too lazy to even dodge.



The rain of purifying arrows whistled in.

For a moment, a large string of damage appeared on the heads of all the shadow wolves, and the damage caused in one second was about 15,000.

And this, Lin Tong only shot the first arrow...

He easily took away a quarter of the shadow wolf's health, and it was still decreasing at a speed of 4,000 per second.


"Too mediocre!"

After complaining, Lin Tong continued to shoot arrows at the shadow wolf.

"-2500 (Critical Hit)"

"-2500 (Critical Hit)"


With Lin Tong's current terrifying high critical hit rate.

Basically three arrows can trigger two critical hits, and this is only the damage without any negative effects.

Very scary!

At this moment, Lin Tong killed a shadow wolf with residual blood in three seconds with nearly 15,000 damage per second.


"You killed [Cursed Shadow Wolf] and gained: 1900 experience points"

"Successful plunder: Extreme Speed ​​Attack"


One minute later. A dozen shadow wolves have turned into spoils and corpses all over the ground, and several of them attracted Lin Tong's attention.

"Trophies: Shadow Wolf Boots Design x1, Shadow Wolf Armor Design x1, Shadow Wolf Pants Design x1"

This is a pretty good thing.

In the previous life.

These three pieces of equipment are called the three-piece set for casual players.

Because the set attributes of these three pieces of equipment can increase the four-dimensional attribute points by twenty, which is stronger than three pieces of loose bronze equipment.

The most important thing is that the production method is simple and the cost is also low.

"Go back and discuss it with Hanjiang and the others..."

This is a business opportunity!


ps: Please support, flowers, collections, and evaluation tickets!

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