Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

022: Restlessness, The Copy Is Open!

Under this arrow, all members of Yeying, including Tang Xin, were affected.

Received nearly 10,000 points of damage...

Except Lin Tong, the others were basically less than level 5 to level 7, and their health was only over 2,000 at most.

How could they withstand this?

With just one shot, everyone had vanished...

The sniper revenge war carefully planned by Yeying was completely over before it even began.

All those who died in this battle would be punished by being demoted three levels in a row.

This was a nearly devastating blow to an elite team that was in the leveling stage.

At the same time, after the arrow was fired, various prompts began to sound in Lin Tong's ears.


"Kill, Tang Xin"

"Dropped loot: Adventurer Ring (Bronze)"


"Kill, Mengli Fusheng"

"Dropped loot: Novice Robe"


The battle ended very hastily, and the arena disappeared again just two minutes after it was born.

And Lin Tong also began to clean up the equipment all over the ground.

After sorting out the items, there were seven bronze-quality equipment alone, and more than a dozen black iron equipment.

"It seems that I should clean up my backpack..."

The idle equipment that I changed, killed elite monsters and bosses, and donated by the Night Shadow Guild almost filled up the backpack that he had already expanded once.

"I thought this backpack was enough, it seems that I underestimated the willingness of Night Shadow to send equipment."

Opening the friend list, Lin Tong's friend list has very few people.

There are only two, Hanjiang and Jiuzhou, two gods of wealth...

"Hurry to the village entrance, there is a batch of equipment that needs your help to deal with, hurry up."

Hanjiang: "A batch?"

Jiuzhou: "Deal with it?"

Then, Lin Tong sent screenshots of the backpack to the two people respectively.

The dialog box was silent for ten seconds before it finally received a reply.

Hanjiang: "Did you rob a guild?"

Jiuzhou: "Fuck..."

Ignoring the shock of the two, Lin Tong began to walk towards the village. This time he should be able to open the dungeon after returning.

"I must get the first pass of the dungeon..."

When he arrived in front of the village, two figures caught Lin Tong's eyes.

It was Han Jiang and his partner who had arrived at some point in time. They looked like they were just killing monsters with their low health.

After receiving Lin Tong's message, he dropped everything and rushed here.

Han Jiang looked at Lin Tong excitedly: "Brother Cang Hai, are those equipments you just sent real?"

"My wallet is thirsty..."

Lin Tong smiled faintly and dumped all the useless equipment in his backpack on the ground.

The equipment piled up like a mountain not only shocked Han Jiang and his partner who had already prepared themselves mentally.

At the same time, he succeeded in making other random people around him stop suddenly...

"Second brother, you slapped me!"


"Fuck, this is true, there are so many equipments, and there are several bronze-grade equipments among them."

"The hungry man is the vice president of the two guilds, right?"

"Who is selling the equipment?"

"Boss Canghai..."


More and more people gathered around, and all stopped to take pictures and videos.

After all, this situation is really rare...

Hanjiang and Jiuzhou finally came to their senses at this moment, and saw more and more people gathered around.

The two decided to buy all of them first and divide them slowly later.

"Brother Canghai, let's discuss it. These equipments are worth 15,000 gold coins in total. Do you think it's okay?"

This amount is very huge, but it is still within their authority.

Lin Tong nodded. This number is almost the same as what he estimated in his mind. This deal can be done.

"Okay, this time it's just a friend transfer..."

Hanjiang and Jiuzhou put all the things into their backpacks.

Jiuzhou tentatively said: "Brother Canghai, such a large number of equipment should not be dropped by the boss, right?"

He seriously suspected that Canghai had robbed the home of a certain force.

Lin Tong did not hide it.

"Yes, the elite team composed of Yeying's people tried to snipe me, but I kept them all."

The two looked at each other and took a breath.

"It's you..."

"That was definitely a shocking battle!"

Lin Tong just smiled faintly and didn't explain anything.

If they knew that it took less than a minute from the start of the group to the end, they would probably doubt their lives.

After collecting the equipment, Hanjiang and Jiuzhou left quickly.

Go find a hidden place to divide the equipment...

And Lin Tong went straight to the village chief's house to submit the task.

Village chief Lauren seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Canghai, did you get anything?"

Lin Tong immediately began to talk about all the problems found in this exploration of the dark forest, and told about the necromancer.

Finally, Lin Tong handed the map he got from Mordekaia to the village chief.

After the village chief took the map away, he began to look at it...

"Ding, [Explore the Dark Mountains] task completed, the world copy (Demon's Nest) will be opened in an hour."

At the same time, the world announcement also appeared at this moment.

"World Announcement"

"Due to the completion of the hidden task by player [Canghai], the dungeon in Losikaya Village will be opened one hour in advance"


"Tip: The team that clears the world dungeon for the first time will receive additional rewards, and the rewards will be distributed within the team according to the damage ratio"


After the world announcement, the first to become restless was the village of Losikaya where Lin Tong was.

"What the hell?"

"Our village is the first to open the dungeon?"

"Doesn't this mean that we have an innate advantage?"

"Everything should be attributed to Boss Canghai, Boss Canghai is simply the eternal god."

"Kneel down!"

Everyone knows how much benefit the world dungeon can bring, and because of Lin Tong.

Let Losikaya Village have an absolute innate condition that is ahead of other novice villages.


At this moment, everyone began to go to the dungeon and began to quietly wait for the arrival of an hour.

As for Lin Tong, the village chief asked him to wait for another hour.

At this time, Lin Tong chose to go offline and take a rest. After all, continuous mental entry into the game will cause fatigue.


At this time, after the world announcement appeared, the original forum was like a bomb that completely exploded.

The center of the discussion was only a few names.

Rosikaya Village, World Dungeon, and Canghai!


ps: Please support, flowers, collections, and evaluation tickets!

Reading during the Dragon Boat Festival! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (activity time: June 8 to June 10)

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