"Another rare passive..."

[Undead Domain]

Effect: The third arrow forms an undead domain around the target, causing -500 damage per second and blinding effect for five seconds.

Number of layers: 1/1

Another attack type passive.


It is a very good control effect. Lin Tong's current attack has attached many negative effects.

Poisoning, deceleration, confusion, defense breaking, blinding.

If the passive is stacked to a certain number of layers in the future, there will be hundreds of negative effects after one arrow is fired.

How terrible is the effect?

Put away the weapon and open the personal attribute page.

ID: Canghai

Level: 10

Health: 11200

Mana: 3200

Attributes: Strength 177, Constitution 213, Spirit 95, Agility 101

Attack: 354

Magic Damage: 190

Attack Speed: 4.3/s


Now the comprehensiveness of this value has far exceeded that of a level 20 player, especially the more than 10,000 health points.

It is not the health points that an archer should have.

To describe it in general, it is strong!

Even too strong...

He closed the personal attribute page with satisfaction, and then came to Mordekaia, who had become an ice sculpture.

He stretched out his hand and tapped the ice sculpture gently...

The next second, it turned into fragments on the ground.

"I didn't want to kill you. It was you who didn't have eyes and guessed the trap yourself. You can't blame others."

After leaving the valley, Lin Tong began to walk towards the village.

He had figured out the meaning of this hidden task and the map.

If he guessed correctly, he could open the first world copy after handing it over to the village chief.

The first copy in the previous life was officially opened by the Dynasty at dawn the next day.

After the opening of the novice village where the Dynasty was located...

Other villages also gradually found the location of the demon nest on the third or fourth day and opened the copy.

And the accurate map in his hand directly skipped the steps.

Open the copy directly...

"In this way, can't I be the first person to enter the copy?"

Thinking of this, Lin Tong's heart began to get excited.

It should be clear that the first person to pass the copy will have a very generous reward.

Enough to boost Lin Tong's combat power again...

Go back to the village!


Tang Xin and his group have been searching the Dark Forest quest area for a long time.

But they still haven't seen Lin Tong...

"President, is he not here?"

Tang Xin said, "Impossible, today's main quest and the monster spawning points suitable for him are all here."

"Besides, didn't someone see him enter the Dark Forest before?"

Hearing this, his subordinates were a little embarrassed.

"But we have wasted a lot of time, and our progress is slower than Tianyun..."

Before the subordinates finished speaking, Tang Xin's eyes were fixed on the depths of the Dark Forest.

Since there is a possibility of refreshing level 10 monsters in the depths of the Dark Forest, they did not search deeply.

"Is that... Canghai?"

An archer gradually appeared in the distance.

It was Lin Tong who was preparing to go home...

At the same time, Lin Tong, who was not far away, also found Tang Xin and others.

"What a coincidence, we meet again?"

Seeing that the dozens of people in front of him were all wearing black iron equipment and looking at him murderously.

Lin Tong immediately knew what this group of people were doing...

Sniping him!

In fact, he had already thought of this, after all, Ye Ying was famous for his revenge.

He was the only one who wiped out the team last time. If they could swallow this breath.

They are not Ye Ying...

Tang Xin's eyes showed excitement: "Cang Hai, I finally caught you. This time I want to see how you run."

Lin Tong looked around...

"Who said I want to run?"

As soon as this was said, Tang Xin's anger emerged again.

"I won't talk nonsense with you. Now I will give you another chance. Give me all the equipment on you."

"And apologize to Ye Ying publicly..."

"Otherwise, you will regret it!"

This time he was fully prepared, and all kinds of unexpected situations were prepared, and there would be no accidents.

Lin Tong looked at Tang Xin as if he was looking at a fool.

"You are a little sick..."

Seeing that Lin Tong had no intention of giving in, Tang Xin sneered and took out a scroll from his backpack.

Lin Tong recognized the thing.

"The Arena?"

"Since you know this thing, you should know its function, but it's too late to regret now..."

The scroll in Tang Xin's hand is the Arena scroll.

It is a rare item that he promised Feng Hanxiao that he could take down Lin Tong, and then asked for it.

Its function is to construct a closed space with the power of the scroll.

The people who are covered in it originally had to enter the arena and start a life-and-death battle.

It will not end until one side is completely dead...

The defeated party will receive a -3 level penalty, and the equipment drop rate will increase by 60% when dying.

It is a must-have sniper artifact at home...

Lin Tong, who knows the function of this thing, has begun to get excited.

"I have never fought such a rich battle!"

"Tang Xin, I have to say that you are a talent. Why can't I think of this method? I must get a few in the future..."

Tang Xin snorted coldly: "Poor?"

The next second, the scroll was crushed in his hand.

The huge force wrapped everyone in an instant, and at the same time a bloody smell filled the surroundings of everyone.

"I don't need to tell you what the rules are, right?" Lin Tong took out his weapon and blew off the dust on it. "Hurry up, I can't wait to receive it..." Hearing this, Tang Xin was furious and looked at a priest beside him. "Do it!" The next second, the curse fell on Lin Tong. "Cursed, some defensive effects disappear for 10 seconds" Lin Tong was stunned: "Not a bad talent..." "This is a talent specially prepared for you. Now your weird defensive talent will be useless." "I still need to defend when I hit you?" Then, at Tang Xin's order, everyone rushed towards Lin Tong. Lin Tong did not dodge or avoid, and raised his bow and arrow. Fury started... Enchanted heavy attack, combined with purifying arrow rain! The terrifying power began to brew on Lin Tong's arrows, and the purifying power alone made Tang Xin stunned. "What skills?" Unfortunately, no one could answer this question... The arrows whizzed out, combined with rage and enchanted heavy attack! In just a moment, the powerful force covered all the Night Shadow members like a tide.





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