Li Yao’s voice spread throughout the battlefield, leaving everyone in a daze. And those enemies of Xinghuo changed wildly.

The price they paid to kill Li Yao was too great. They started eating Human Demon and sacrificed five hundred people, and then wasted twenty pieces of gold outfits. This was simply cutting meat on them.

Especially the guild that took out the killing move Haka Divine Idol, they all cried as Haka Divine Idol shattered.

It is simply trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off, not too bad luck. Originally, the last time Li Yao committed suicide, they thought that Li Yao had nothing to do with Hakkar, but the result would be like this, Hakkar’s Remnant Soul was actually imprisoned, and the Divine Soul that they had spent a lot of money to get was finished.

Now, they resurrected five hundred people who eat Human Demon, and sacrificed and cursed them for the second time. As a result, Li Yao simply did not fear.

Why doesn’t this make their complexion madly changed? Everyone looked at Li Yao nervously. Except for the people of Xinghuo, everyone else hoped that Li Yao would be killed by the blood wave curse.


Li Yao directly started the sprint of the thief, and his movement and running speed increased to the extreme.

Then the wings appeared behind him, and his body lifted off through a few weird loneliness. Li Yao’s figure resembled a flexible butterfly flying through various violent magic.

Li Yao just crossed the blood wave, but the blood wave was directional. As Li Yao moved towards the rear, the blood wave also turned around, chasing Li Yao on the ground frantically.


Along with the raging blood wave and the scream of the soul, the player blocking the blood wave road is directly swallowed by the blood wave, and then becomes Part of the soul of the screaming made the blood wave even greater.

Where the blood wave passes, what is left are bones that seem to have been thousands of years old, which turns into a bit of bone meal as a gust of wind blows.

The speed of flight is already very fast. With the sprint of thieves and the blessing of the scroll potion, Li Yao’s flying speed is like lightning.

With his powerful spirit strength, it has allowed him to shuttle freely in the rainy magic.

Even if he encounters an incomparable spell, Li Yao can always choose to withstand the weakest player range spell, plus he flies while attacking, under the terrifying blood-sucking ability, Li Yao’s blood volume is always maintained In the full state.

Countless players on the ground are rushing and roaring, and the guilds that have lost a large number of members are glaring at the Human Demon Warlock.

“Damn, are you sure you and Liaoyuan are not in the same group?”

“Damn it, this is on purpose, right.”

“What is this the hell is that curse, kill yourself.”

Those guild leaders glared at the Human Demon Warlock.

The warlock who eats Human Demon is also both shocked and angry: “Whatever you go crazy, I can unite with anyone, but I will not unite with Liaoyuan. You should have known Liaoyuan’s wings, and Such a perverted bow, why didn’t you say it earlier.”

These guild leaders are also running wild, trying to stay away from Li Yao as much as possible. The blood wave of this curse was too terrifying.

“We need an explanation.”

The two-headed eater Human Demon warlock also angrily roared: “Explain a fart, didn’t you see me running away? Just send a curse to kill Go out, kill everyone, don’t you know whether you are the enemy or the enemy.”

The formation of the coalition forces was completely chaotic, spread out like a swarm, but the original formation was too dense.

The blood wave grew stronger and stronger, and it dissipated ten seconds later. The moment the blood wave dissipated, everyone felt a sense of relief.

As the blood wave dissipated, a large number of soul white light rose up.

Ten seconds, at least 30,000 or 40,000 players died, not just because of blood waves.

Li Yao’s attack and the invisible man’s violent spell caused a lot of damage.

The players on the entire battlefield were shocked, and there were many blank areas on the battlefield.

“The president is invincible!”

“The president is invincible!”

“The president is invincible!”

Only still The morale of the members of the fighting Spark is like a rainbow. The city wall is already in danger.

After all, so many guilds unite and continuously siege the city, even if Spark has a great advantage, after all, the number of people is there.

Under the continuous attack, the pressure of Xinghuo is also very great.

In the face of siege from all sides, as the number of Sparks continues to decrease, the defense is obviously stretched.

But with the continuous three waves of Li Yao bringing the Harpy, not to mention the reversal of the battle, at least the Spark city wall is safe.

“The blood wave disappears, what else do you have, just come.”

The wings behind Li Yao also disappeared, but he did not stop at all, and continued to enter the coalition formation. in.

He is not afraid at all now. The Harpy wants to kill Li Yao madly. Under the constant strikes of various spells, instead of hurting Li Yao, he becomes Li Yao’s umbrella.

The melee of the coalition forces simply cannot get close to Li Yao. Facing a demonic beast attack of Tier 5, the invincible skills are useless.

Being close to Li Yao is like death, but they have to kill.

“Behead the Liaoyuan, or we will all be done.”

Those guildmasters are also crazy, and let melee crazy at all costs to charge Li Yao.

And the long-range profession is constantly releasing various long-range spells, wanting to completely kill Li Yao.

The spell is many times denser than before, and even Li Yao feels the tremendous pressure.

Even if there is a drunken step, he feels that he has nowhere to go in the face of the sudden concentration of spells.

After all, no matter how powerful the Drunken God Step is, it can only be settled when there is a gap. There is no gap, the spell’s attack is too intensive, and the Drunken God Step will not help.

“Strengthen the spell attack. If you can use the bow and arrow in close combat, don’t charge, use the bow and arrow to attack.” Seeing that Li Yao was finally embarrassed, the warlock of Human Demon suddenly understood.

He was really taken aback by Li Yao’s drunkenness at first, and Li Yao’s methods that could be called sky-defying again and again made their minds completely taken away.

He didn’t react until he saw Li Yao’s slightly embarrassed side.

Li Yao’s blood volume suddenly began to fluctuate crazily, and it was about to bottom out in a moment, and then returned to full value in a moment.

“Sure enough, I have some eyesight.”

Li Yao took a deep breath, and his figure flashed a golden light.

Li Yao’s body suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared in the distance. Along with the appearance of Li Yao there are a lot of arrows.

Then Li Yao’s body flashed a golden light again, his figure disappeared again, and then he appeared from a safe place.

The place where he first appeared has been submerged by the Harpy’s magic lock, causing countless casualties.

All the audience are confused. What is your sister’s situation? What kind of drunken steps do you have with this skill?

“This is not his skill, it should be obtained by the Thousand Chance Bow.” A commentator said.

“But what kind of skill is this.”

In a city, a Big Fatty is watching the live broadcast with two beautiful girls in a night scene, and Big Fatty is enjoying the two beauties. Feed the food and drinks, while with keen interest pleasure comments.

But seeing Li Yao golden light flashing, he immediately sprayed the two beauties with the drink he had just drunk.

“Damn, even Niu brother and my Golden Dragon can flash, then Niu brother, I will be a fart.”…

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