“I understand, you are an ancient god, and you have been assimilated by the ancient god.” Hakkar cried out in horror: “My lord, the little one doesn’t know this is your incarnation, please see me soon annihilated For the sake of the game, let go of my Remnant Soul. You have been sealed by the damn Titan that many years, and you finally show up. Now you are the clerk in need. Although the small one does not have great ability, it is still Demi-God. , As long as the recovery of a few points of strength still has several points of use for adults.”

Li Yao laughed heartily: “Idiot, I said, I control the remains of an ancient god.”

“The adults don’t crack a joke, and the small ones are also struggling on whilst at death’s door. It took 10,000 years to recover a little bit of strength. Just after waking up and accumulating strength, my body will appear soon, it must be He will become a good helper for adults.” The Blood God still begged: “I beg your lord must let me go, I can tell the adults my savings for ten thousand years.” Li Yao was taken aback, he thought of one in an instant. The copy, Zul’Gurub, Zul’Gurub was once one of the capitals of trolls and the Holy City of all jungle trolls.

It was once brilliant here, and the giant Demon Emperor country was divided into many branches. Such as jungle trolls, frost trolls, desert trolls, forest trolls, and dark trolls.

Dark trolls are ancient elves. They were later changed by the power of the Well of Eternity and formed a family of their own. They even fought against its giant Demon Emperor to fight for world hegemony and finally win.

Because of the collapse of the Well of Eternity, the entire world was split up and in pieces, and the trolls were completely separated.

The desert troll is the worst, almost facing extinction. The forest troll and the high elves have been beaten in the tug-of-war for thousands of years.

While the jungle trolls strayed to one place is considered the most complete preserved strength, the trolls in the three great factions are actually darkspear trolls, and they are a branch of the jungle trolls.

They were jointly expelled by other jungle trolls because of their opposition to the sacrifice of the cruel blood god Hakkar. Later they joined the Dark Faction and entered a completely civilized world.

The dark spear trolls think that the blood god Hakkar is too bloodthirsty. In order to escape the hunt of the natural gods, Hakkar blood sacrificed a few hundred thousand trolls.

The jungle troll was almost extinct. It took thousands of years for the jungle troll to slowly recover a little glory. Such an Evil God is too difficult to serve, so it is opposed to worship.

However, the jungle trolls have had enough time in the corner of the world. What they want is to let the giant Demon Emperor country rise again and restore the glory of the giant Demon Emperor country back then.

The Darkspear tribe is opposed. The trolls are too closed. They don’t know that the human world already has seven countries, occupying half of the continent. Other races are also on the rise. The giant Demon Emperor wants to rise again, relying on a resurrected Demi-God, or such a brutal Demi-God simply unreliable.

This kind of difference in philosophy ultimately defeated the Darkspear tribe.

Li Yao knows that Zul’Gurub is a level 50 mainline copy, but the pre-mainline tasks are very complicated. Didn’t expect now captures the mainline task information.

Li Yao saw the prompt of the task log and was immediately very happy. Didn’t expect another main task.

“Your Ten Thousand Years Collection is not hidden in Zul’Gurub, right?” Li Yao asked.

“Sure enough, I can’t hide anything from the adults. As long as the adults go around me, don’t destroy my Remnant Soul. I am willing to offer over 10,000 years of collection, and I myself will be the adults.” The blood god saw When Li Yao was moved, he thought he had guessed correctly, and quickly continued.

Li Yao thoughts move, control the touch of darkness. The beads absorbed by the touch of darkness last time appear. The touch of darkness absorbs the power of the blood god, and the black beads directly absorb the weakness of the blood god In the beads, then the beads disappeared to the depths of the touch of darkness.

“It doesn’t matter if you stay alive, your brokenness is not attractive to me, but for you, without brokenness, you will no longer be complete, so you’d better not play tricks.”

“Don’t worry, adults, in your eyes, what is the small one? Besides, the reason to laugh is also to work for the ancient gods. This is a great honor for me. If it weren’t for the adults to look down on us. God, we little gods don’t know how much we want to work for adults.”

“Time will prove your loyalty.”

Li Yao pretends to be an ancient god, then on his feet The touch of darkness flew out, and the black octopus covered the Divine Idol of the blood god like a huge octopus.

ka ka ka ……

In everyone’s eyes, one after another bloody energy is absorbed by the touch of darkness, and then the statue appears densely packed cracks, with the darkness The touch returned to Li Yao’s feet, and the statue changed from the original golden light to a stone that was blown by the wind for thousands of years, and then turned into ashes.


The stone mirror used for the curse also shattered, and the troll priest suddenly spurt a mouthful of blood, and then turned into blood mist. The few presidents follow the spray of blood mist.

The guild leaders who were contaminated by the blood mist cage suddenly screamed and turned into blood blades to the end, scaring everyone around them to stay away.

After being rescued, they ugly complexion to the extreme one by one, because his level of good luck dropped two levels, and the bad luck dropped directly to Level 30, and suddenly dropped to Level 3.

“Damn it, what hairy blood god, is it okay?” The Human Demon Warlock also fell to Level 30, and his eyes were bleeding.

“hahaha, it’s a great supplement. How many Divine Idols are there. Come here.”

Li Yao was very happy because the two touches of darkness absorbed enough With the power of, he finally sensed the whereabouts of the third touch of darkness. Although the level was not enough for the time being, he could not get it, but as long as he knew the place, he could talk about it later.

“Damn, all of our guilds will resurrect your five hundred human demon who died in battle. You will kill him with that kind of curse again.”

One other guild leader I hate my toothache, but Li Yao is getting closer and closer. If Li Yao rushes into their formation, it will cause irreparable losses.

“Okay, then use the blood curse again.” Two-headed eater Human Demon flashed a crazy rays of light in his eyes.

It is still that kind of blood curse, the players have given way, and Li Yao rushed into their formation.

crash-bang ……

In the scream of the soul, the blood wave formed by the blood curse rushed towards Li Yao frantically.

The audience’s mood is extremely tense. This is the blood curse formed by sacrificing Five Hundred Food Human Demon. This is how Li Yao’s first Avatar would be killed.

And those guild leaders’ eyes are full of hatred, because many of them, Li Yao, have fallen to Level 30, which is not too bad luck.

And the members of Spark in the battle are also very nervous, I don’t know if their president can avoid this disaster.

“Idiot, do you really think this curse killer can kill me?” Li Yao’s eyes flashed a rays of light: “But your curse is also good, formidable power is so-so, it can be used to kill you People.”

Everyone’s faces changed wildly…

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