Although Li Yao thought very well, in fact, he simply couldn’t relax when he returned to the guild residence.

Just when Li Yao prepared the materials and wanted to make the Thousand Chance Bow, Sister Li came to the door directly.

“You can’t be lazy now, now the guild is so busy and crazy.”

Li Yao smiled bitterly: “The addition of me is useless.”

Sister Li helplessly said: “There is really one thing that no one can do except you.”

“Just say anything, don’t compliment me.” Li Yao smiled.

“I really didn’t compliment you. Those supplies were brought back in batches by life players in professional packages. I don’t have a problem with the specific arrangements. Don’t worry about it. But the guild’s engineering life players They brought back a bunch of parts for trebuchets and ballistas. They have no ability to assemble them. They can learn now, but if they want to assemble them, they don’t want to do anything in the rest of the time.” Sister Li said In order to disturb Li Yao’s purpose.

Li Yao patted his forehead, wondering how he had forgotten this.

These war machines are not so easy to obtain, they are scarce resources, and many of them are expensive items that can be equipped only after upgrading to large towns.

Although these all are the simpler things of the orcs, they are also extremely precious.

There are basically no trebuchets and ballistas on the city wall of ordinary guilds. Li Yao in the west of Zhejiang Province specially marked the armory so that Xinghuo could get a large number of military supplies.

Furthermore, Xinghuo’s life professional players did not lag behind, but went a step further and can directly make professional backpacks.

The so-called professional backpack is a professional storage space, such as an engineering backpack, which can only hold engineering items and has a huge capacity.

This is an ability that can be learned only at a high level, and it must be made by yourself to use it. Li Yao knows that many guilds have to find a way to hire a carriage to transport it back, which is very time-consuming.

“Don’t even think about it, our Spark can open stores, our guild doesn’t need to produce materials and players’ orders are enough for them to contact proficiency, can’t you please? And now Orima’s stores are also Having already opened, having these stores is our guild’s huge advantage, which can save time and effort to train many professional players in life. It is natural to be ahead of those big guilds.” Sister Li said confidently.

Li Yao nodded, those big guilds have many people and resources, but after all, their experience and focus are limited.

And when you open a shop to welcome a large number of players, this kind of order is overwhelming, and it is not comparable to a guild.

Li Yao opened a store to solve the financial problems of the guild. Didn’t expect this kind of incidental good thing, and I also feel a little surprised, which can make Xinghuo embark on a good virtuous circle.

“Well, then you can come with me. Before I assemble those things, you guys do something else with me.”

Li Yao brought sister Li to come The place of the Tree of Life saplings, this is the backyard of the guild hall, but everyone in the guild is very busy. It was originally very lively here, but now there are basically no one.

It is not easy for the tree of the world to grow. The materials and resources needed can be obtained by Li Yao alone, but they are exhausted.

Assemble the strength of everyone in the guild, and each person completes the task to get the special rewards of contribution and the tree of the world. This is a matter of one move, two gains.

Although it is a seedling, there is actually a house as high as it is, and it is very luxuriant.

Maybe not small for other trees, but for World Tree, he is really just a seedling.

Li Yao took out a small bucket of Demi-God blood. The tree of the world suddenly stretched out a branch, not being polite to Li Yao, and directly absorbed a bucket of Demi-God blood clean.

The tree of the entire world shone a little bit of green light, and the tree of the world shook, obviously still wanting, countless branches danced around Li Yao.

Li Yao launched the Dark Touch this time, and the five light belts that looked like small dragons continued to struggle.

These are the five guarding powers of the Black Dragon within the body that are entangled in addition to the curse of the ancient gods.

Li Yao originally wanted to keep it for himself, but I don’t know when it will be used if I keep it, and it is not easy to save.

The tree of the world crazily winds five light bands, and the five branches change color respectively.

Then the entire world tree grew crazily. Sister Li was dumbfounded. The World Tree suddenly grew from three yards in size to seven or eight yards.

Moreover, the luxuriant branches and leaves spread a large area directly to cover the council chamber.

Li Yao did not stop, but took out the dragon egg that was the size of a goose egg.

The branches of the five shining rays of light suddenly entangled and collided like a bird’s nest, colorful, and then stretched out.

Li Yao directly placed the dragon egg in the bird’s nest, and then the dragon egg was shrouded by the five guarding powers and turned into a colorless, and as if there was life, it produced a rhythm like a heartbeat.

Then the dragon nest rose up and was directly covered by other branches. It became plain and ordinary, and the dragon egg became like a bird’s egg.

Sister Li has been stunned by this kind of shock: “You are too courageous, this is a dragon egg.”

Dragon Race is too strong, she is now full Is worried.

“Don’t worry, the dragon kings know that I have this dragon egg, they have no objection, and I have the Black Dragon queen in my hand, not to mention the weak dragon egg, it’s the True Dragon egg For the four Dragon Races, those dragon kings won’t care, do you think they are, Queen of Dragons.” Li Yao said to his back.

A black shadow appeared in the blank place, and it gradually solidified: “You are so courageous, you dare to take the dragon eggs to the Temple of Wyrmrest, but since the dragon kings did not mention it, it means they don’t Care.”

Li Yao nodded with a smile: “Then you say whether my attempt will be successful.”

Black Dragon was silent for a while before saying : “I thought I was crazy enough, but didn’t expect you to be crazier than me. If you succeed, hehe, that would be interesting. But your dragon egg is too weak and small. If you change one, I can give You one.”

Li Yao waved his hand and said, “No, that’s it. He will only get close to Tree of Life and me when he grows up. Although the dragon eggs you provided are good, I dare not use them. .”

“I see, it seems that members still need to do more tasks for the tree of the world.” Sister Li sees the Black Dragon and the queen affirmed Li Yao’s judgment and feels relieved. Incubating Dragon Transformation, I am excited when I think about it. She immediately raised World Tree to a strategic height.

“Well, let’s assemble the trebuchet now.”

Li Yao then started to assemble the trebuchet, and then decided where to place it.

This is a busy period of two days. The defensive power of Xinghuo’s resident has increased several grades, especially those NPCs, who are more assured of Li Yao, the lord.

Li Yao also received a call from the queen that the battle for the dock is coming, let him be prepared…

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