Compared with before, he now has an extra storage bar similar to death energy.

Similar to mana, releasing dragon roar will consume dragon power.

Moreover, the effect will change according to the amount of consumption.

“I really don’t know is it fortune or misfortune.” Li Yao smiled wryly.

The advantage of having dragon power is that his dragon roar will be stronger, and even some bloodline power will be formed in the future, which is also very helpful for becoming a god.

But the problem is that gaining dragon power means that he can only use the rune language of dragon roar in the future. The language of other types of rune will be repelled and can’t play any formidable power.

Be aware that the language of rune is inherently rare, and like the skill inscription stone, it is a scarce resource.

even more how is the word of the top dragon roar rune. Although his memory has clues, it is only a clue, and it is difficult to get it.

“Little Brother is really an extraordinary natural talent. It has achieved perfect inheritance. You now have a trace of the guardian power of the blue dragon. It seems that you are really connected with the words of dragon roar rune.” Red Dragon Queen Said.

Li Yao smiled bitterly: “It’s too difficult to get the words of dragon roar rune. I am afraid that several dragon kings don’t know where these things are scattered, even more how it is me.”

“Don’t be dissatisfied, your spirit strength has been framed by time. As long as you get the basic rune language, you can directly comprehend the 2nd stage without using it in the temple. Maybe one day you can get the rest of us This is not our boasting ability, our ability is not controlled by who. Now you have this opportunity, are you still not satisfied.” Ysera said with a smile.

The Blue Dragon King also said: “Now you have gained a bit of strength from me. Any Dragon Race can feel that you are a friend of Dragon Race, and you are more friendly to the elements. Unfortunately, you are not a mage. . But this dragon power has other benefits for you, you can dig it slowly.”

Li Yao gave a salute and said: “Teached, since it’s like this, it’s not Excuse me, the dragon kings, I will say goodbye. I just want to trouble the Blue Dragon Royal General and I will send it back to Grim Batol.”

“This is a small meaning.” The Blue Dragon King waved his hand, Li Yao’s. silhouette disappeared in place.

“This Little Brat is really interesting.” The Red Dragon Queen gave a deep smile and glanced at the Blue Dragon King who seemed to be rejuvenated.

The Blue Dragon King smiled for the first time in ten thousand years: “I also found out that this interesting Little Brat has a relationship with me.”

The other dragon kings all smiled, no matter what In any case, the Blue Dragon King recovered a bit of glamour, even though they knew that there was little hope, but as long as the Blue Dragon King was not depressed, it was good. Otherwise, they are deeply afraid that the Blue Dragon clan will step into the abyss of the Black Dragon clan.

Li Yao was in a daze and found himself back to Grim Batol, he blew his whistle directly.

The Black Dragon Queen appeared next to him, Li Yao indifferently asked: “Get what I want.”

The Black Dragon Dragon Queen threw one directly to Li Yao Li Yao glanced at the object with pale-red rays of light and put it into the backpack carefully.

This is a small section of the tendon at the tiny joints of the giant dragon warrior. It is used for bowstrings. Li Yao does not yet have the ability to concentrate, so he can only look for the most unremarkable tips.

But even so, Li Yao can use the best materials. It’s not that he didn’t think that the Black Dragon Queen will clean up the entire entity, but thinking about the power of the Dragon King, it’s just that’s all. , Only dare to use such an insignificant little bit.

“What have you been watching me doing?” Li Yao returned to his senses and saw the Black Dragon Queen looking at herself with a surprised look. It was a bit unfathomable mystery. You must know that the Black Dragon Queen’s curse has basically disappeared. Restored the peerless style.

Such a peerless noble and elegant woman with mature charm makes Li Yao a little uncomfortable looking at herself.

“What the hell did you do? You are different from the original.” Black Dragon said with a look away.

“unfathomable mystery.” Li Yao regained his senses: “By the way, dark soul fragments you collected are very enjoyable, right?”

Black Dragon face changed and said:” I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Li Yao shook his head and said: “No matter what your mind is, I have to divide it in half. Do you give me half by yourself, or let me control you. Go all, you can do it yourself.”

“Damn, don’t be bully intolerably.” The Black Dragon was furious.

“You only have ten seconds to think about it.” Li Yao calmly said: “Of course, I don’t mind if you want to give it all to me.”

“One day you will It will pay a heavy price.” The Black Dragon Queen stared at Li Yao bitterly, as if she wanted to eat Li Yao, and then flicked her sleeves with a handful of weird rays of light floating on Li Yao’s. Around.

“You are smart, you don’t have any private possessions.” Li Yao carefully put away these super Divine Item fragments. Although he simply doesn’t use it now, it will be of great use sooner or later, and for the dragon. The egg and the tree of the world can also play a certain role: “I can tell you clearly that Death God’s contract is beyond your imagination, and you can’t hide everything from me. This time you give me half, even A little more, I’m very satisfied. I don’t care what you want to do for the rest, but you have to understand that it’s best not to use the idea of ​​Spark and put away your careful thinking, otherwise I have a way to concoct you.”

A trace of panic and humiliation flashed in the eyes of the Black Dragon Queen. In any case, she could not imagine that she would end up where she is today.

The people of Xinghuo rushed into the city. In fact, many players rushed into the city anxiously profiting from somebody’s misfortune.

Many guilds got a vote, but more guilds were accidentally injured by the red dragon. The red dragons only purify the city so that they will not stop the dragon’s breath for these mortals. I don’t know how many players died tragically under the dragon’s breath.

Because of Li Yao’s relationship, Spark Guild is very safe. Hundred Blossom League and Qionghua Guild are both with Spark, but they are all touched.

Because of the map passed by Li Yao to the Peerless Demon Girl, Xinghuo obtained a lot of important materials, especially military ones.

For example, catapults, ballistas, and standard weapons and armors used by some NPCs. After returning, just change the style and logo to arm the NPCs of Spark.

Those exiled humans have also been properly settled in Xinghuo, it is precisely when these things are missing.

As they joined, it attracted many exiled NPCs, which made Xinghuo’s popularity soar.

The number of NPCs in Xinghuo is definitely the most in all guilds, and the number of NPCs is not a little bit more.

Later Li Yao came back, and with his breath, Dragon Race turned a blind eye to Xinghuo, making Xinghuo a lot of money. By the way, the other two guilds also made a lot of money. .

The snatching of supplies has been going on for most of the day. When everything is over, Grim Batol can no longer see an orc. Just as the Red Dragon Queen said, the city has been purified and once again become ruins. .

With the departure of the players, the burning city gradually returned to calm.

And when Li Yao returns to the guild, he has to be busy with his own affairs, especially the Qianji Bow he already impatient wants to make…

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