“hahaha, of course, this must not be forgotten.” Shaokhan has obviously gotten closer to Li Yao.

Speaking and took out three things and said: “This is the best thing in my private collection, brother choose one.”

Li Yao just glanced at it. When it comes to the equipment with the nightmare prefix, one of them is still a skill book.

Li Yao hurriedly went to see, and then a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Although the jewellery is good, the two rings in his hand are top grade. I don’t want to change it for the time being, especially if there is a trace of time. If he can’t find a new Legendary or legendary replacement, he is Will not be replaced.

Don’t talk about attributes, just leaving a trace of time can make him do many things that he can’t do.

As for the skill book, although it is not bloodline connected, it is also a very, very rare skill book.

Yu Beast Jue!

Li Yao took a deep breath and said: “Originally, this opportunity was given to mt, but this skill is too rare, so I’m not welcome.”

The people at, have no objection, and have expressed that Li Yao chooses skills.

“Then I will choose this skill book.” Li Yao said.

“Brother really has vision. Your own strength is the kingly way. You can acquire any equipment and weapons slowly, but if your own strength does not increase, you will not be able to use good equipment. .” Shao Khan handed the skill book to Li Yao and said.

“Khan said so.” Li Yao directly learned the skill book.

“Regardless of whether you can solve my father’s matter, you, brother, I am sure.” Shaokehan said.

Everyone talked very happily, Li Yao said in the team: “Let’s allocate the remaining four pieces of equipment Li Sister.”

Li Sister nodded and began to redistribute equipment. This time, it was assigned to other treatments or output, which improved Xinghuo’s strength a little bit.

Although Li Yao didn’t get the bloodline connection he wanted most, he was very excited and satisfied with the Yuju Jue.

Royal Beast Jue

Quality: Epic

Effect: After learning, you can bind a pet and let other pets enjoy 10% of all the attributes of the bound pet. Yes, after binding, the pet can summon but cannot help the owner fight. The cooldown of binding and unbinding is 3 hours.

Effect: Royal Beast can transform into a bound pet form to obtain all the skills and abilities of this pet.

Learning conditions: pass the third test of the leader-level beast god.

This skill is a unique skill of the Beastmaster family, and it is also a reason why the Beastmaster has become so powerful in hunting.

Back then, there was even a Beastmaster Sect with this skill as the core.

That is to grab a pet with many attributes and high skills, and then bind it to this pet, and grab several other pets.

Regardless of whether it is a copy or a monster, the hunter does not rely on bows and arrows, but becomes a bound pet to participate in the battle.

At the beginning, the most famous hunter of this Sect once caught a Divine Grade aptitude storm crow as a pet.

Relying on the storm crow, he grabbed a few powerful pets of the senior leader, and then he turned into the storm crow directly.

He became one of the most powerful hunters with other pets. His bow and arrow skills are not good, but with the storm crow and the auxiliary skills, he has become The lightning mage who is more abnormal than the mage.

Some people say that if his own strength is not too bad, and after having a quasi-Divine Grade pet, he becomes complacent and arrogant and becomes reluctant to make progress, he may also be promoted to a unique hunting god.

Of course, Li Yao spit on this statement, his own strength is too bad, no matter what a pet alone can not become a hunting god, let alone a quasi-God (Demi-God) ) Grade quality pets, it is useless to own a Divine Grade pet.

Furthermore, the quasi-Divine Grade aptitude just means that this pet has the aptitude to grow into Demi-God, not at all real Half-God Level.

Of course, there is no doubt that this player is powerful. Although he cannot be a god, he is also one of Peak’s players, and this skill is equivalent to one more life.

Although not as precious as bloodline connection, this skill is also very rare, and there is no specific source. At the beginning, there were not too many Beastmasters who could acquire this skill, and it was still in the late game.

In the early stage of the game, this skill is even rarer. It is also one of the skills that Li Yao has been paying attention to for a long time but has not acquired.

“Brother, you have completed the trial perfectly, let us see your Outsider style, you can use the weak to defeat the strong, this kind of fighting skills are all we need to learn. Walk around , The banquet for you is ready, by the way, let the Elders preside over the ceremony for you and me.” Shao Khan said as he pulled Li Yao and walked outside.

Although Li Yao wants to complete the first kill before bowing, everyone is ready and the banquet is ready. If he refuses, it would be too fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness. Fortunately, Li Yao followed. .

The people from Xinghuo followed and saw Li Yao’s strength. Obviously, those Elders also think that Li Yao has a bright future, and Shao Khan has such a place that Brother will naturally use in the future.

Therefore, I also paid special attention to this worship. I worshipped in front of the whole family, which gave Li Yao enough face and made this matter public.

What those Elders thought was that it was so publicized that he would not be able to refuse where Clefthoof would use him in the future.

In fact, Li Yao thinks the same way. The Spark Guild residence has not been built yet, and a sub-station will be established in the future to train centaur shooters and so on. Clefthoof is indispensable.

So the two hit it off, the Elders presided over the worship, and Demi-God is the testimony, which also shows that this is not a simple form of worship, but represents an alliance between the two forces. . Of course, Spark is very weak now.

And Clefthoof doesn’t understand the outside world, and it really needs reliable information.

With the end of the worship, the eyes of the god of nature statue irradiated two rays of light respectively and sank into their hearts.

“The blessing of the God of Nature.” Everyone exclaimed, and then bowed to the ground again: “Young Khan has received the blessing of God, and our Clefthoof will surely return to glory.”

And Li Yao also discovered that his prestige has changed from respect to reverence, which is a surprise.

Nature’s Gift·Blessing of Twins: You can summon and teleport with another blessed one. The cooldown is one month.

Effect 2: You can summon each other’s projection battles with each other. The summon’s projection has 100% strength of the body, the duration is 1 hour, and the cooling time is 10 hours.

“Wow, Big Brother has made a profit this time. You can summon a boss to come out to fight.” The dumb Tongtong saw Li Yao’s attribute in the banquet and was very envious.

Little Khan is bound to be stronger. Li Yao is also very satisfied. The gain this time is already big enough.

In the end, the guests and the host had a great time. Since everyone was drinking too much, the two parties agreed to start their plan on the 2nd day.

Shao Khan stopped Li Yao when he left the field and said, “Brother is very interested in bloodline connection?”

Li Yao was taken aback, because drinking too much alcohol was chaotic. The consciousness suddenly came to me and said: “Which hunter is not interested.”

“Although I can’t get a copy for you, there is a clue.” Shaokhan paused and said. …

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