When Mark was abused by Li Yao, his condition of the Black Bear King was not very good.

It’s just that my master is worse than myself, and I want to come to rescue several times, but the spider tank simply doesn’t give him this opportunity.

As long as he stays away a little, the spider tank will be served by the secondary artillery and the eye of the ancient gods. Even if it has the armor of the earth on its body, it cannot resist the strikes of the spider tank defense form.

It can also dodge and move in a head-on confrontation. If it is facing the spider tank, there is only one word of death.

The spider tank is a fortress. Although the blood volume and defense are much weaker than the black bear king possessed by the earth armor, it still has the upper hand.

Moreover, the Black Bear King is equally intelligent, knowing that if he also falls, the owner will be even more hopeless. The only thing he can do now is to hold on for a while.

“Damn it, what kind of monster are you.” Mark is going crazy. No matter how hard he struggles, he is always knocked down by the opponent. Until now, the opponent’s footsteps have not moved. He felt hot on his face.

“It’s you are too weak.” Li Yao said, naturally what he said is the truth, even if he is also an intermediate leader, the gap in strength is also very large.

Because of the different skills mastered, the difficulty of performance is naturally different, such as the first boss ten thousand chief.

His own strength is average, but because of the blessing of the nightmare power, although his rank has not changed, the difficulty of trying to kill him has increased exponentially.

If facing the ten thousand chief, Li Yao would have been crushed long ago, and this guy’s own strength and aptitude are not weak, and he has mastered the magical skill of bloodline connection.

It’s just that his own bloodline has not been evolved, and the black bear king only has a trace of bloodline. The improvement of the two is not at all so abnormal.

In addition, Li Yao has mastered the skills of knocking down and breaking moves with a bonus of strength, which caused his tragedy like this.

“I am not willing to.” When he had one-fifth of his health left, a trace of madness flashed in his eyes.

Following his words, some runes interwoven with earth and green appeared on his body.

“It is actually a dual attribute divine force.” The centaur onlookers exclaimed.

Only a centaur with excellent aptitude can awaken the divine power within the body, which is derived from the bloodline of their ancestors.

Because the Centaur is the product of the combination of the natural Demi-God offspring and the Earth Princess, an excellent Centaur can often awaken the divine force of one of the two Demi-Gods.

Of course, the so-called awakening is to have some special abilities, or skills or treatment or defense, everyone is different.

Often, only one clefthoof tribe can awaken the divine force in a generation, and this person will become a khan.

But there are two in this generation. The other is Shao Khan, and the bloodline is more powerful. Naturally, Mark is very unwilling.

A transparent mask enveloped him, then turned into a faint rune and submerged in his body. Li Yao saw this not at all, what an accident.

Because in the future this Mark will also be a very powerful npc. Although it is not as sweaty as it is, it is also a slightly powerhouse in the Centaur.

It is not uncommon for him to turn on bloodline. Of course, Li Yao knows all kinds of bloodline power very well. After all, when players reach a certain level of advancement, they need bloodline power.

Seeing this kind of rune and rays of light, Li Yao has stopped attacking and jumped away from Mark directly.

At the same time, Li Yao stopped attacking Mark’s legs when he jumped back, and even started attacking the vital points of his neck.

“Damn it, how would you know the effect of my bloodline.” Mark kept hitting the arrow, but still couldn’t touch the elegant Li Yao.

“Isn’t it the overlord body? What’s so great? No, it should have a healing effect, a very interesting bloodline effect.” Li Yao continued to attack his neck with a charged arrow while speaking. .

Every time he hits, he can take a step back. It is difficult to get close to Li Yao in heavenly ascension.

The domineering effect is that to a certain extent, it will not be knocked down and resist all control skills, such as sleep, dizziness, and coma.

Of course, the effect of the overlord body and the attribute of strength cannot be overcome. Li Yao can still use the charged arrow and the effect of the overlord to knock him back for a short time.

In addition to Li Yao’s shadow wheel flip and back jump, as well as the flexibility of his wings, Mark can only yell in anger.

After all, the power of his bloodline is not unlimited. It depends on the time of his bloodline energy. And although his healing effect is there, it can be as far as the tearing and bleeding of some wounds, as well as curses and poisoning resistance. In fact, the therapeutic effect is second and minimal.

As for replacing the bow and arrow again, don’t crack a joke. He is so proficient in bow and arrow, but facing Li Yao simply can’t avoid his arrows, he will die faster by playing with the bow and arrow. .

The centaur on the trial ground was completely stunned. They thought that Mark was going to show off after the bloodline was turned on, but the result was still such a hanged ending, which really made them unbelievable. .

3 minutes later, the moment the Mark Domineering effect disappeared, he fell to the ground again. So far, there is no suspense in the battle.

In fact, the defensive effect increased by the overlord body effect is also a lot, otherwise he would have died long ago.

“Don’t fight, I surrender.” After Mark finished speaking, he directly played his black bear to Summon and went back: “You are very difficult to deal with, I am far inferior, I take it.”

“You are polite, you are not weak, but you are at a disadvantage when you are alone.”

Li Yao also directly stopped, arched his hands, and flew to the trial field as soon as his wings spread. On the top.

Mark smiled bitterly. He is good at fighting solo, and Li Yao still has two powerful pets that have not participated in the battle. A spider tank is so abnormal. The unhandled Hydra must be stronger. No matter how they fight, they are not opponents.

He also ran forward and gave a salute to everyone, saying: “I used to be too arrogant. I defeated Yu Shao Khan that time. Shao Khan once said that our cleft hoof is not a small part of the world. It’s just a corner. There are so many powerhouses in the world. I didn’t think so at the time. Now it seems that what Shao Khan said is right. Our fight is just a fight of will. In any case, we are all members of the Clefthoof tribe. Shao Khan, everyone Elder, I’ll take my leave and go back and work hard for the cleft hoof!”

“For the cleft hoof!”

Shao Khan and they gave a salute equally seriously, and Several Elders also showed consoling smiles. The two divinely awakened powerhouses of this generation were relieved. When they grow up, they will surely lead Clefthoof to glory.

“many thanks brother, brother is really the blessing of my tribe.” Shao Khan suddenly felt the changes in Elder, and at the same time there was no resistance to himself. Whether Li Yao was intentional or not, he helped He is very busy.

Li Yao waved his hand and said: “I am still more interested in specific rewards.”…

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