“At this time, don’t forget to pull people, you are more and more aware of the chairman.”

After the two entered the portal, they found that they had entered a dark corridor, and there was no danger, Yaoji Just said.

Li Yao shook his head: “I just said casually, the main plane may not be easy to mix up, but it may not be easy to mix up. It depends on their fate. Now we are short of population, and it takes a little more strength. Yes. And although this plane is about to collapse, some unique elite professions are also very strong. If they take root in our place, then there will be more new professions. Of course, it doesn’t matter if they don’t come anyway, anyway. It’s just an incense, you can’t be the enemy.”

The enchantress nodded: “These people are too terrifying, or it can be said that they are planning through the ages. This pyramid tomb is too terrifying, I don’t know how many powerhouses. After death, Uh, that is, the embers of this World suppressed their creation god, it is too terrifying.”

“There is indeed a stunning powerhouse, such a plan, and it is not a generation. People actually made them succeed. As the creator of the world, Amon must not be simple and can restrict her. These people can be regarded as awe-inspiring.” Li Yao sighed.

The two soon arrived in a hall. The hall was not big, but it was filled with a decadent atmosphere.

“It’s weird here. Isn’t this layer imprisoning the body of the ancient god made by Amon? Why is it so quiet. Not only is there no so-called body, there is no danger at all.” Yao Ji frowned.

Li Yao urged the lantern. With the rays of light from the soul, the vision of the two expanded, and the enchantress lit the lantern on the wall.

Huh! call! call! call!

One by one the lamps are automatically lit, and the hall lights up for a while, and after a while it will be bright as day.

“Be careful, my dark touch is agitated, and the power of the void here is so dense.” Li Yao is also slightly frowned, wondering what the situation is.

The enchantress nodded, said: “Look at the above, the mural above should be similar to what the King of Dance said.”

“These paintings should be many years later than this Earth Palace.” Li Yao shared the scene of his archeological departure.

The two seem to have seen an epic movie again, and the scene begins with the tribe’s victory. Divine Race occupied the western mountains and built this Holy City. The Great Demoness controls other developed humans to establish human civilization and occupy endless plains, while the dwarves continue to live in caves and Underground World.

The bonfire is spreading, bright and dazzling.

Amon’s Gods Vestige keeps appearing. With Amon’s strength and the ebbing of time, devout believers of all races gathered in Holy City not far from ten thousand li to gather the materials needed by Amon.

The first generation of Xinwang was very cooperative at first, but as the understanding deepened, he discovered Amon’s conspiracy.

However, Amon’s faith has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he is not something he can shake. He secretly planned, and told the great Demoness and artisans of his findings.

But they still have time, because what they are about to create is the body of a god, which cannot be achieved overnight.

After two generations of forbearance and layout, the great craftsman finally showed his fangs, built this huge project, and burned himself to seal most of the completed body.

And with the struggle for tens of thousands of years, it has formed the scale of today.

Especially the last generation of Salary Kings, would rather bury Holy Sect and yourself, burn yourself to seal the entire Holy City in the depths of the world.

Now that time and space are turbulent, when the world is about to be destroyed, Amon found the opportunity to pull Holy City out of the seal and reappear. It took a long time to plan this unprecedented sacrifice.

“The body can still be created, and it is still the body of the ancient god, which is a bit too much.” Yao Ji shook her head speechlessly.

“How can it be so simple, naturally impossible to create out of thin air, they have a part of the remains of the ancient gods.” Li Yao took a deep breath: “Like the trolls of Zandalari, they also created An ancient god is also very terrifying. But it is also based on the remains of the ancient gods. The main plane of the war, the ancient gods paid an unimaginable price. However, it should not be the body related to the touch of darkness, but other ancient gods. God’s body, I just don’t know who belongs to it.”

“Can your touch of darkness be subdued?” Yaoji eyes shined.

“How can it be so easy. If so, my touch of darkness will not be invincible soon, but it may have some effects, at least it will not repel me too much.” Li Yao set his eyes on the ground: “The ground is also rune. It should be sealed under our feet. Now we are still safe. It can only show that Amon’s will is not at all here, and because the touch of darkness makes the other party wonder. After all, this is a body, it should only be Instinct.”

“Then we?” After all, the two were not from the demolition team. After checking, there was only this hall, and then there was a treasure chest that was not inferior to bishop.

“I already have a general idea in my mind. Now we open this treasure chest first, and then quickly return to the ground. Then you can watch the show.”

Li Yao said As I started to open the treasure chest, it took a lot of time to open the treasure chest this time, but fortunately, no one interrupted, it went smoothly.

The treasure chest opens. This time there are only three things inside, a light ball, a glass shard, and a dark purple crystal shield.

“Sure enough, the character is finally good this time.” Li Yao took a deep breath.

The purple diamond shield is a peculiar shield, just like crystal. It is a top grade dark gold equipment. If it is taken out, it is definitely the first shield of today’s players, and it can also be considered as half of the graduation shield of the tank profession.

Because of the shape and material, it can be immune to a large part of physical attack, which is also that’s all, and more importantly, it can offset a considerable part of the strength, which is very critical.

Whether the tank can be stabilized is very important in many cases. This feature is a very top grade shield.

More importantly, this shield can reflect magic, and it is also a group reaction. It will reflect a magical magic with light and shadow effects into dozens of strands. Although the damage is also reduced a lot, it cannot stand the reflection. Ah, the overall damage still exceeds the original damage itself.

Think about it, whether it’s a group of monsters or pk, the enemy’s magic attack comes over and is directly reflected into dozens. If the spells are dense, the scene is simply gorgeous, whether it’s a battle or Pulling monsters is very practical. If you don’t get the graduation shield, you can always use it. There is even a graduation shield. This shield is also very practical in many cases.

“This shield is perfect for guarding that guy, but according to the rules of the two, this shield must be the fruit first. It is estimated that guarding will take a long time.”

The enchantress sent the shield directly to the core group member channel. When the roaming news passes, it is estimated that the core group’s tank eyes will be green…

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