The complexions of the three have changed. At the beginning, Li Yao thought that this sacrifice was an ordinary sacrifice, that is, there were a little more people. It was just a struggle to destroy the plane and gain more power. That’s it.

As a result, I still wake up now. This Amon is not only as simple as trying to gain a little strength, but also Li Yao has a little doubt in his heart.

According to what he saw and heard, Amon should only need Soul Fire. How to make such a huge pool of blood and corpses? At that time, I thought deeply, but now it’s clear for a moment.

“Damn, Amon is going to get out of trouble, he wants to bring that terrifying body with clutch power.” The dance king’s face changed wildly.

Li Yao was just amazed, and he didn’t have the excitement at the beginning. To them, he was a bystander.

Seeing Li Yao remain unmoved, Wang Wu said: “No matter what purpose you come here, I am afraid you will have something to ask for. If Amon gets this terrifying body, then this World will be destroyed immediately. “

Li Yao and Demon Ji are moved. Demon Ji’s mission has not yet been completed, and Li Yao’s demands are even greater. The collapse of this plane is inevitable, but before that, he needs some time.

“She must be stopped.” The Dance King said affirmatively.

“I want to try it.” Li Yao said.

“You?” Wu Wang suspected: “You are too weak, and you can’t understand Amon’s strength, especially that terrifying body, which has powerful swallowing characteristics, even if we are completely banned. The chaotic energy replenishment made the body immortal. We used all kinds of powerful weapons, even if it was divided, it still could not be annihilated. But I need you to go to the big bell tower, ring the sky clock, and wake up the sleeping embers, we will Burn again, how can you fight it.”

“That’s not necessarily true.”

Li Yao’s suddenly disappeared, appearing behind the dance king, a large number of tentacles like lightning Get into the body of the dancer.

The dark touch on the shoulders and feet also danced, quickly wrapping the King of Dance, and Li Yao’s body started the transformation into the ancient god.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

The dancer spins frantically, and the blade light in her hand emits a bright blade light, cutting off a large number of dark touches, but there are too many dark touches and they are constantly entangled.

Ding Ding!

The evolved version of Martial Goddess Wings is more powerful, and it won’t let you collide with the opponent’s sword.

The dancer quickly moved away from Li Yao, the war blade in her hand spun out, cutting off a large number of tentacles.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding…

The arrow flies silently, knocking the two war blades into the air continuously, spinning the war Blade simply couldn’t return to the dance king’s side.

Without the war blade, the Dance King was quickly tightened by the endless touch of darkness.


A special flame burned out of King Dance. The flame did not seem to have the slightest temperature, but as if it could burn everything, the tentacles of the dark touch began to burn.

However, the Touch of Darkness did not appear to be sluggish. Instead, as it burned and absorbed energy, it began to sputter the same fire star. With the burning of the fire of the Moon God, the King Dance suddenly began to lose its support. .

“Damn, you and Amon are in the same group. This terrifying power is the same as that distorted body.” Dance King’s struggle was simply futile.

Just when Dancing King couldn’t hold on, Li Yao put away everyone’s attacking state, Dancing King fell to the ground, and the sword came back to his side. Looking towards Li Yao, his eyes were full of vigilance and Examine.

“Sorry, I have no malice, but I just want to prove that I am not as weak as you think, and I remind you again, your so-called Amon’s body is not as pure as my grasp of the void power. To get rid of this power, either a powerful and pure holy light power, which is almost similar to your sacrificial power. Or a more pure void power.”

Li Yao explained.

The King of Dance is silent, and the short battle makes her hard to fight, even though she is just embers now, not at the peak period comparable to Demi-God’s battle strength, but also world-class, so she was entangled. After that there was no strength to fight back.

Those terrifying tentacles not only cause harm, but also continuously draw life energy, and almost with no opportunity, she has no way to resist.

If it were not for Li Yao to return all Life Strength in the end, her ember body would be difficult to support.

“You need to trust us, don’t you have a better choice.” Enchantress sighed: “We have no malice, you can feel it, this is your world after all. This is Our leader has fought with many Spiritual Gods, and even surpassed your Amon many Spiritual Gods. He has a wealth of fighting experience.”

“You really didn’t lie.” The dance king was silent for a moment: “You You can try it. If it doesn’t work, no matter whether it succeeds or not, I hope you will ring the bell for me.”

“Yes.” Li Yao nodded promised.

The King of Dance was nodded, and while waving his hands, an illusory portal appeared not far away.

The two greeted them and walked to the door.

Just as the two of them were about to enter the portal, King Dance couldn’t help asking: “You are from the main plane, can you answer me seriously, is there even a little possibility in our world after all? Do not destroy.”

Li Yao paused: “This time the plane fusion is comprehensive. The barriers that separate the primary and secondary planes have completely disappeared. The strong gravity of the primary plane will Constantly pulling the surrounding small planes. This pulling is also disastrous for large subplanes, many large subplanes will be destroyed, and only some large planes will experience destruction-like scenes to exist. Medium subplanes There is no one in a hundred. As for your small planes, there is simply no luck. This kind of tearing is destructive to your world. If you go outside, you will see that the void tearing has reached the periphery of this city, if not here The divine force has already collapsed here.”

Wang Wang’s eyes are full of despair: “This is really a sad world, and we are a group of sad people.”

Li Yao sighed: “This is the eternal law of the universe. The powerhouse survives, and the weak die. Our main plane has experienced many collapses, even more how is attached to the secondary plane of the main plane. However, if it is Together, you embers can send seeds of various races to the main plane when the plane is shattered and the space is shaking.”

“What about the main plane. “The dance king eyes shined.

Li Yao turned around and described the pattern and situation of the ancient god world in as concise language as possible.

“It seems that any world is full of crises and struggles, not just our small planes. Any world has a crisis of collapse, and where is the real security.” Wu Wang finished listening to Li Yao’s description was silent for a long time, and it took a long time to sigh.

“It’s not easy anywhere, but I also have my own low ground on the main plane. If there is such a day, if you have nowhere to settle on the main plane, you can ask about the sparks and light. Dark collar, I can do my best.” Li Yao walked into the portal of illusion after speaking…

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