Li Yao keeps walking on the tightrope, and the members of the Li Yao team are full of joy.

Over time, the audience has become numb to Li Yao’s amazing operation. For ordinary players, it is a problem to hit a small flexible target such as Blood Crow.

Don’t finish talking about a pin against an awl. This is simply the legendary master of the Profound Truth of the arrow.

Using boots and magical spider silk, coupled with the superb arrow technique, to turn the blood crow around, there is no way to use him.

After being numb, I felt that monster spawning became more exciting.

Of course, it is indeed very exciting. Players at this stage, unless they have learned a wide range of elite spells, it will be difficult to swipe ordinary monsters in groups, not to mention swarms of silver and Ying which are even more abnormal than elites.

At this moment, the Li Yao team members are completely blocked in a side room. A lot of monsters have gathered on the periphery, and a layer of monster corpses is under their feet.

Sister Li’s blizzards and ice balls, the chain of lightning and flame Totem, Qin Fengyi’s poisonous new star, and the explosion of corpses are raging in the monster.

Of course, the sword and dedication of the heavenly punishment of the fruit Knight, the thunderbolt of the big stone, and the shock wave cannot be ignored.

The only leisurely people are the sea and the sky and the shadow dance madness. The two of them still held the crossbow and fired continuously as they did last time. Unfortunately, they could only cause dozens of damage, which seemed extremely sad.

“Brother, how do you feel that the two of us have become a burden again.” The sea said boredly.

“Wrong.” Shadow Dance madly entered stealth, and then walked to the middle of the hall: “You alone are a burden.”

“Uncle, my little brother is at least exploring the way 、Identifying the monster information, he eliminated the traps along the way, and now he has to take on the task of attracting strangers. It seems that you have been playing soy sauce until now. I knew I would change a warlock and so on.” Said.

“That is, Liaoyuan Uncle is really true. I didn’t think about it when I was looking for someone. If there were more warlocks, these monsters would have died early.” Da Vinci also pouted and said deliberately.

The vast sky and the sky asked the heavens speechlessly, but now he really doesn’t have much effect. He has swept away, but he didn’t dare to stand out, otherwise Yinying would be killed directly.

Knife fan!

A circle of daggers flew out in all directions, attracting a few new fallen ones, and then he started sprinting and quickly entered the side chamber from the gap.

The second boss has two difficulties. The first one is the monster problem that is constantly refreshed, and the second one is the problem of outputting the boss.

Different from the normal and elite modes, the blood crows of the Grandmaster Rank will continue to wander, just as they will be a kite player in their first attempt. The rhythm is often in the hands of the boss.

But Li Yao is a deal with a man as he deals with you, regaining control of the rhythm in his hands, and playing bosses go round and round.

However, the Chief-In-Charge of the big guilds who watched the live broadcast did not have the slightest joy, because the boss’s play is the same as the first one, and it cannot be copied.

It is basically certain that without Li Yao’s team, it is simply impossible to replicate this style of play.

Li Yao’s style of play has another advantage, that is, from start to finish. Except for him, his players have never touched the boss, and there is no hatred at all.

So there was no such thing as the last time the fire arrow rain was released to the crowd.

This is also a problem with the mechanism. If the Blood Raven is a boss in the wild, if Li Yao dares to play like this, he will die miserably. No, it is Li Yao’s players who will die miserably.

However, the team dungeon has followed most of the previous mainstream dungeon mechanism, and this is the opportunity for Li Yao to play this little trick.

Blood Crow is useless for Li Yao to release the flame arrow rain. Although it seems very fast, it is aimed at players who have no displacement, such as the flash of the wizard, the shadow wheel of the hunter and the back jump. As well as the big jump of the soldiers, it is easy to get out of the range of the flame arrow rain.

Blood Crow only has two damage abilities, and Li Yao can’t be helped, and summon’s silver eagles are constantly being pulled away. They are dropped with group spell A, and Blood Crow can’t attack Li Yao. The blood volume is constantly decreasing.

The blood volume of the blood crow is constantly decreasing, and after a while, Li Yao has also recovered the feeling of ejecting from the previous life. It is more prosperous and flowing, and it is also true that the arrow has no empty shots.

“Small insect, you will eventually find out how ridiculous your efforts are.”

When Li Yao’s arrow took her last life away, the blood crow slowly She fell to the ground with a strange expression on her face. There was no fear of death, only relief and a smile on her face.

“A puppet controlled by the mind, poor.” Li Yao put away the bow and arrow, and sat on the ground against the rock face tiredly. He was also very tired at the moment.

The high-intensity and precise operation for such a long time is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

Those Yinying fell to the ground in the hands of the Falling Blood Crow, their lives emptied.

Fruit Knight and Big Rock were all paralyzed on the ground. They were also very tired. Fruit Knight’s arms were trembling constantly, and she was constantly under attack. Her shield arm was no longer conscious. The technology of the ancient gods can be seen.

There was no cheer, but the audience who watched the live cheered for them, and the guild leaders who were investigating the news were pale.

“How is the progress of the wasteland reclamation competition?” Li Yao asked weakly.

“Ten minutes ago, there were teams of Blood Ravens who passed the Elite difficulty one after another.” Haikuotian said.

“Very good, just keep this gap. I remember that we entered the dungeon, nearly twenty minutes later than them, and our Grandmaster Rank difficulty land reclamation time cannot be slower than their elite difficulty.” Li Yao Said firmly.

Several people are looking forward to it. This is absolutely incredible. It is estimated that the guild leaders who watch the live broadcast will cry.

“Hitomi, from the little girl’s family, just released a few group attack spells and got down tired. What about your image, hurry up and touch the corpse. If you don’t get up again, you’ll be replaced when you touch the corpse. Now.” Li Yao played said with a smile.

“Don’t, don’t, I’ll touch the corpse now.” The dull pupil suddenly jumped up and ran towards the blood crow’s corpse.

“Tian Ling Ling Ling Ling Bless me to touch my equipment.” While mutter incantations, Tong Tong held out his hand.

Flame heavy crossbow (master)

Class: purple epic

Attack: 40-50

Strength: 28

Agility: 26

Endurance: 25

When using a heavy crossbow, it converts physical damage into fire damage.

The body of flame, flexibility is not affected when using heavy crossbows.

Equipment level: 10

Equipment recommendation: Hunter

Note: A persistent soul blessing crossbow.

“Ah pu…” As Li Yao took over the heavy crossbow braving the flames, he said in grief, “Why is the sky so unfair? I’m the boss of a big guild, but it turned out to be a Level I considered the Ziwu of 3 as a treasure. As a result, there are two of these tenth-level Ziwu. Is there any reason?”……

ps: I will break a bottleneck when subscribing, ask for help, especially It is a friend who is watching piracy, go to the starting point Chinese website to subscribe to the original, Mario thanks.

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