“Stupid small insect, you annoyed me.”

A trace of baleful qi flashed in the blood crow’s eyes, and the rays of light flashed in his hand.

And Li Yao shot an arrow suddenly, and then his body started two shadow rounds. His body had already dashed into a nearby cave with a depressed inside cave, and there was a decaying coffin inside.



Before entering, when the blood crow summon zombie couldn’t dodge, he shot an arrow that he must hit.

Five zombies are refreshed.


The sharp ice skates hit the five zombies, and zombie’s hatred was immediately attracted.

Sister Li quickly ran to the place where the team members gathered, and the five zombies followed Sister Li behind.

“Command, no, the blood crow also looks over, it looks like…”

Before I finished speaking about the big stone, I saw an arrow hitting the stone wall, and then The arrow ejected.

Puff chi…


Preparing to attack the fruit Knight, the blood crows of the crowd shot an arrow, the blood crows immediately transferred their hatred and ran To the direction of the arrow ejection.

Puff chi…


As the blood crow gets closer and closer, the blood crow simply can’t avoid the arrow at such a close distance .

“Uncle’s, this is all right.”


“This is so enchanting.”

“Ejection It turned out to be used like this. I am also a hunter. I really want to get ejected.”

“It’s so fun, I also want to learn how to eject.”

“Big brother, you even shoot normally. Can’t shoot them, still playing catapult?”

“The new hunters don’t make trouble, and finally made up their minds to form hunters, please don’t entrap them.”

“Is this still a human, Brother Liaoyuan should not see the blood crow, how did he adjust the position?” Haikuotian couldn’t believe his eyes.

It’s not just him. Others are also surprised. This arrow technique is simply indistinguishable.

“He remembered the position of the blood crow, and then through the position of the previous arrow, deduced and judged the position of the blood crow after the next arrow was ejected. It is estimated that the load on the brain is heavy now.” Qin Fengyi said.

“Abnormal.” Stone said in a daze.

“Pervert your sister, Stone Uncle, can you stop watching, you haven’t seen your monster hatred to the fruit sister’s side, can you have a snack.” The cute pupil Tongtong directly from behind Kicked the leg of the stone.

“Oh, oh, sorry, forgot.” Da Shitou quickly pulled two Yinying zombies with mockery.

In fact, it is more than just a stone. This word suddenly popped up in other people’s minds. Now only a small number of people can do it in their minds, and they can do it after a long time of training. .

How do they know how much pain and sweat Li Yao has put in to make up for the two-year vacancy and foundation in order to succeed in the ordeal? I don’t know how many times his brainwaves fluctuated too much and he was forced off the assembly line. Let thinking control the calculation and deduction.

However, in the battle of conferring the gods, he was still short of the line, and unfortunately he did not succeed in conferring the gods.

As people have reasoned before, Li Yao can be used as a hunting tank, but the passive arrow that receives the boss can only be passive defense, basically there is no idle attack on the boss.

He must concentrate attention completely, and there can be no mistakes, otherwise it will be the end of the second kill, and the result of his second is basically the group annihilation.

So he thought of this method, ejection, and also used these sunken coffins and sacrificial storage side chambers to avoid the blood crow’s eyes, thereby using the ejection to cause output to the blood crow.

As the Blood Raven approached the small cave, Li Yao stopped ejecting, and his body began to flash with red rays of light. He had already activated the power of the bull, and then began to accumulate power.

3, 2.1…

Li Yao read the number silently. When he read 1, the level 3 charged arrow shot out.

At this time, the body of the Blood Raven also appeared in Li Yao’s field of vision.


The Level 3 charged arrow blessed by the power of the bull attacked her chest when the blood crow had not reacted.

Blood Crow’s body staggered back three to four steps before stabilizing her body, and even the skills she was about to release stopped. Although it could not cause the effect of breaking moves, it also interrupted her preparation. Unleash the skills.

When Li Yao shot the charged arrow, he also jumped more than ten yards high, and then the magic spider silk stuck to the top of the cave tens of yards high, and his body had reached the top of the cave.

Li Yao then turned a shadow wheel and flew out sideways.

“Pretty is beautiful, but it will suffer.” Haikuotian’s complexion became ugly.

“It’s over, he will only become a living target of the Blood Crow in mid-air. This is a mistake in judgment, right?” Sister Li said.

“This time, let’s take it off, it’s over.”

Everyone is nervous, except for the two mts who are as curious as the cat, everyone else is watching absently The falling silhouette of Li Yao.

The Blood Raven has already turned around and looked towards Li Yao in the air. The flame crossbow in his hand immediately aimed at Li Yao.

Li Yao also took out the shotgun in midair, and also pulled the trigger when the blood crow pulled the trigger.


The impact of the orange bullet and the steel arrow erupted with fierce sparks. The bullet was knocked off, but the direction of the steel arrow was also slightly deflected, rubbing Li Yao Flying out of his ears, above the sunken stone wall.

Li Yao did not relax at all, quickly reloaded the bullet, and the blood crow shot another arrow, this time it was actually a flame arrow.

The formidable power of the huge flame arrow must have great lethality after hitting, but if it is intercepted, it will explode directly.

The mid-air is another bright spark.

At the moment of landing, Li Yao flipped a shadow wheel and reached the ground.

The magic spider silk in his hand sprayed out again, this time it hit the wall of another side room, Li Yao’s body suddenly disappeared in front of the blood crow.

Leaning on the stone wall, Li Yao took out the longbow again, wiped the sweat from his forehead, continued bend bow and place arrow, and deduced the blood crow’s course of action.

At this moment, neither the audience nor the Li Yao players can describe their mood in words. There are only three words in their minds, non-human.

You said that you have good bow and arrow skills, and you can barely accept the ability to play dungeons. As a result, playing the trick of Mount Tai is also so slippery, and then what is going on with Spear Art.

Being able to play bows and shooting guns are completely two concepts, well, especially with the prevalence of energy weapons. I don’t know if this kind of musket was eliminated from Old Antique, how many years old, even the soldiers can’t slip away.

“Damn small insect, don’t let me catch you.”

The anger of the blood crow is so angry that you can kill the small insect with one arrow, but it just shoots. Not in, even if she has a strong offensive power, it is useless to not touch people.

Blood Crow started the second wave of summon, the skeleton warrior.

Li Yao has already started to use catapult to attack the Blood Crow. Sister Li can easily pull a few silver yings away, then flash into it, enter a safe range, and then turn her head to release the blizzard.

Group brushing, and it is a group brushing Yinying, this situation is simply terrifying.

“Although I know that Liaoyuan God can’t receive it, only ingot can express my feelings.”

“Yuanbao is here, thank you for letting me learn the technique and see the hunter The future.”

“Liaoyuan God, I want to join your guild.”

“Same plus.”…

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