What Da Vinci wanted to say was stopped by Li Yao’s eyes, and said: “If this is the case, then so, bother.”

After speaking, he turned and left, and several people followed.

Large-faced Chief-In-Charge saw a few people leave with a sneer, and then dialed a message: “Lone Boss, the matter is done, you can rest assured.”

“en.” just a word on the opposite side and hung up.

Taking a big face, then showing a smile, calling another person’s communication: “Mr. Wang, don’t worry, what you ordered is done.”

” Got it.” The manager Wang also hung up the communication.

Big Face took a bite again, it’s great to have money, and then I had to put on a new smiley face and dial the communication again…

“Big Brother, this gave up Well, you can still fight for it, obviously he was deliberately messing up.” The cute and adorable Tongtong walked outside and said dissatisfied.

“If you really insist, I can think of a way.” Sister Li said.

Li Yao smiled and said: “If you don’t participate, you won’t be able to participate. It’s nothing at the worst.”

“This is not your personality. What is your plan? Don’t sell it.” Qin Fengyi said.

“Since they don’t want us to participate in the competition, we won’t participate. What’s the worst.” Li Yao said indifferently.

“Uncle, I said you were not confused, did you?” Da Vinci rolled the eyes.

“They have the ability to prevent us from participating in this wasteland reclamation competition, but he can’t prohibit us from opening up a wasteland in the game. Participating in the competition is just a little more exposure, but I really don’t like this now. Point.” Li Yao sneered.

“Yes, we open up wasteland by ourselves, and take the first kill. They open up wasteland in front of so many people, then open up, and see what they do when the time comes.” Tongtong said with a grunt. .

Sister Li pondered for a while and said: “If you have this kind of plan, it is better to let Xia Yao live broadcast. We can play our own and we can grab the audience with them. Of course, the premise is that you are not sure. You must be ahead of those big guilds the last time, otherwise it will not make any sense. It will affect your prestige.”

“Then do it. Since they want to play, we will play with them. Once you play, you will see how they will end up.”

Although Li Yao did not say clearly, he has already expressed his attitude, and he is full of confidence at the moment.

“In this case, I will post a Weibo now, and then I will pop up the window to notify me when I want to play. Since I want to play, I have to spare no effort.” Qin Fengyi also made up his mind.

“Yes, spare no effort, fiercely hit the face.” Da Vinci waved his hand and said.

“Let them be arrogant, hum.” The cute and adorable Tongtong’s mood also improved.

As soon as a few people walked out of the gymnasium, many people surrounded them.

“Liaoyuan, I am the manager of the xx club. Now I sincerely invite you to join our club and enjoy the treatment of professional players.”

“che, the professional players plan to sign the God of Liaoyuan, Would you like to have a face? I am the manager of the xx club. In addition to enjoying the treatment of professional players, I promise to solve the problems of athletes.”

“I give the treatment of top professional players, and the annual salary is no less than 5,000,000 If you are not satisfied with the price, you can discuss it. Liaoyuan God not equal to me, let’s talk about it.”

“It’s not easy to get a guild by yourself.”

“That’s it, Liaoyuan God’s technology is so good, why bother with the guild’s chores, or join the clan, this is the most promising.”

“I have a contract here, you look at it.” Yue next to Gucheng Lang Xing rarely gave Li Yao a contract.

“The annual salary is ten million, very good.” Li Yao faintly smiled and said.

Hearing that the annual salary is ten million, the experience of other clubs is silent. They can’t make such a condition. There are some regrets in my heart.

“Boss values ​​you very much. How about you, you won’t earn so many credits in your life, sign it, we will be a family after signing it.” Yuelang Xingxi, you will definitely give in Look like.

“Hehe, I take the kindness of the boss alone, so much money is not something poor people like me can afford.” Li Yao folded the contract, put it in his hands again, and continued Said: “Besides, I hold a grudge, a very grudge.” Li Yao patted his shoulder, squeezed the crowd, and turned away.

The managers of several clubs looked at each other in blank dismay, then shook their heads and walked away.

Yuelangxing said ugly complexion: “This scum, if not because he has Mecha, he thought he was worth 10,000,000? Fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness.”

Gucheng took the contract in his hand, slowly tore it to pieces, and then threw it into the trash can seemingly carelessly, lightly saying: “Since you can’t for me to use…”

“I will arrange Yes, Boss can rest assured. You can’t move him in reality, but in the game…” A fierce light flashed in Yue Lang Xingxi’s eyes.

The lonely city is nodded, holding a girl from the Qing Dynasty and slowly leaving…

“Let’s get away too, see you in the game later.” Li Yao said.

“Well, let’s arrange it separately.” Qin Fengyi nodded.

Several people said goodbye, and then went home.

Li Yao went online immediately when he got home, and the land reclamation game was about to begin. Although he was confident, he still hoped that no accidents would happen. The time left for him is not much.

The current team members, I, Qin Fengyi, Sister Li, Pupil and Da Vinci, except for Da Vinci’s treatment, all the others are output.

The ten-person small team basically has two tanks, one main and one auxiliary, and it is best to have two treatments. The rest is the output position, about six output bits.

Li Yao went online, looked at the list of friends, and first contacted the Shadow Dancer: “I will open up a ten-level copy of the mainline in a while, are you interested?”

I quickly replied: “Great God, you can be regarded as waiting for you to communicate. If you are interested, I am too interested.”

“Well, then, you can go to the town’s dungeon teleporter first. I’ll talk about teleporting to that mirror later.” Li Yao said.

“Well, okay, I’ll be there soon.” Shadow Dancer’s voice was very excited.

Li Yao hung up the private chat voice, then dialed the guardian angel’s, and said: “I will open up a wasteland ten-level mainline copy later, will you come?”

“Of course It’s here, didn’t you say it already, we are in the town,” said the guardian angel.

“Well, there are only eight people now, and one MT is still missing. Do you have any friends?” Li Yao asked.

“I can’t do anything about this, you know, our two characters.” The guardian angel smiled bitterly.

“Well, okay, I think of a way.” Li Yao hung up the communication.

Li Yao checked his friends, and found that the only ones he was familiar with were the sea and the sky, or momentaneous splendor.

However, thinking about the pleasant cooperation with Haikuotian, I finally dialed the communication with Haikuotian…

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