Mainly today, Li Yao’s performance is too eye-catching. Various coquettish techniques have brought the hunters to the extreme, with the terrifying battle strength. Every battle makes them excited.

The battle of the Grand Duke’s mansion showed them Li Yao’s personal strategy and courage, and the players who hunted him in the future will become a free scoring machine.

Don’t be happy to use a cannon that can only fire one round to turn many elite players around.

The battle of the ring made several high-scoring powerhouses dare not fight. Later, they killed many elites in two consecutive seconds, thus establishing his position as the overlord of the chief priest. In the next twenty minutes, there was no Dare to challenge. You know, at that time, his hatred value had already exploded. I don’t know how many people wanted to kill him. As a result, no one dared to challenge him. He was unparalleled.

At this moment, only shouting his name can express their passion at this moment.

Fei Lun is a youngster who is feminine, and Tie Niu Xian is a tall and strong northern man.

At this moment, listening to the deafening cheers and the depression in his heart, he approached Li Yao, put his arms around Li Yao’s shoulder, and said: “Fuck, the old man wants to daoist PK with you now, why? Do? You are quite strong in the game, but in reality, I can beat you down with one hand.”

“Okay, I added you to the communication, find time to let us discuss it, I just Get a new Mecha, just find your expert to practice.” Li Yao said with a smile.

“cough cough cough.” Tie Niuxian coughed a few times, and said: “Well, we are all cultural people. He he tea and so on are so good, and the fights and kills hurt much. Feelings, alas, I am old, and my arms and legs are not working well.”

“Also,” Li Yao said.

Tie Niuxian’s mouth twitched and released Li Yao, feeling helpless in his heart. I planned to beat him up in reality and vent his anger. Only then did I remember that this product has a new type of Mecha.

There is only one new Mecha that can be used now, and it’s a fart.

Fei Lun is good and nodded with Li Yao, Li Yao also smiled back, and said hello to reality.

The cheering lasted for a long time before it was reduced by the host’s words.

“Liaoyuan God, you were so handsome today, I have become your fan.” The host Zhao Li said with a smile.

“Thank you.”

“Do you have anything you want to tell everyone now?” Zhao Li said.

Li Yao took a deep breath and finally waited until this time: “I have a lot to say, but I really stand here but don’t know where to start. So, I won’t waste everyone’s time. Now, I’ll just say one thing briefly. Tomorrow, I will establish my own guild. I hope friends who are interested in better development in the game will join.”

Li Yao’s words are like a heavyweight The bomb, one stone stirred up a thousand waves. The players discussed spiritedly, and many people came up with the idea of ​​joining, and the faces of the players in the guild and the team were unsightly.

Originally, many guilds and clubs have already agreed on temporary meetings to bring Li Yao into the guild or club. Every condition is very high in order to get Li Yao into his team. Now Li Yao wanted to create a guild by himself, so their plan fell through.

Li Yao’s horror was vividly and thoroughly performed in the individual competition. It is strange to think that such a horrible figure will finally get mixed up in the gaming circle and grab food with them.

If you want to use your ass, you know, with Liaoyuan’s character, you must be on the court. The guild is stable, and the next step is naturally to build a team.

Li Yao doesn’t care about the complexity of them, even if he knows it, he won’t care, and continues.

“Let’s put it this way, I have no shortage of gold coins and good equipment. I am now short of people. If other big guilds have these things, then my guild’s advantage is me. I’m boasting today that I have learned about both hunter and other professional skills. I believe it can help my friends who join the guild grow together. As for whether I’m boasting, please go online to search for the videos and videos of Liaoyuan and Sparks. The record, I won’t continue to brag about it.”

The audience, as well as the countless viewers who watched the live broadcast at home, have long wanted to find Li Yao’s video after the carnival.

“That’s all I want to say. People with lofty ideals are welcome to join the guild.” Li Yao bowed slightly, stepped back, and walked onto the players area.

“Your hatred of Pola is too much, look at the people behind you.” Qin Fengyi sighed said.

Li Yao glanced around and found that everyone looked at him a bit bad. Seeing Gucheng smiling at him, Li Yao also responded with a smile.

“Very murderous-looking, as for what.” Li Yao was speechless.

“The so-called robbing of jobs is like killing parents. You say it won’t happen.” Sister Li said: “If you want to establish a union, you can build it yourself. Why is it so high-profile.”

“Rice bowls, what do these people think of e-sports. Their jobs, they control the club and the team, they start to be jealous and jealous, forgetting that they also come from hardship. What e-sports needs is fresh blood, only vitality. The e-sports circle will only prosper. When they are called the Big Eight, will the top ten viewers buy it? It’s ridiculous.” Li Yao dismissed.

“You are too sharp today. It will be difficult to do anything in the future. I am afraid that there will be a lot of resistance. Their energy is great.” Sister Li still reminded.

Li Yao only reminded him that he knew that Sister Li really cared about him. Otherwise, who would care about your life and death, and said seriously: “Then I will train them to let them know that some people are They can’t stop it.”

Sister Li shook her head and stopped persuading her to talk shallowly. She has said enough today.

“The wasteland competition is now in the evening. Not equal to me. Let’s join in.” The cute pupil suddenly suggested it while everyone was having dinner.

“Well, it can be considered. I have also found a few people. I should make a team.” Li Yao said solemnly.

“The idea is good, but I am afraid it is not so easy.” Sister Li said.

“I also think we can’t participate in this competition.” Qin Fengyi also said.

Li Yao slightly frowned, didn’t expect the matter to be so serious, he said, “Try it.”

However, the facts are just as Sister Li and Fengyi Qin guessed. . A Chief-In-Charge of the Carnival claimed that the registration for the wasteland reclamation competition has ended and no registration is accepted.

“You lie, I think the rule registration deadline is ten minutes before the start of the game, and now there is half an hour before it starts.” Tongtong said angrily.

“I’m really sorry, we can’t help it. The venue is full, and the arrangement is too difficult now, so I can only apologize.” Chief-In-Charge looked helpless.

Looking at his greasy and nasty face, everyone can’t wait to kick him to death…

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