As expected by Li Yao, the fighter plane returned to the supply point to replenish the ammunition and once again harassed the main force Legion.

But they saw the beam of light before they could fly far, and then their lord ordered them to attack here first.

I felt it was a miniature blood banquet. Those steel alliances did not intend to dispatch, but they strengthened the guard and inspection of their respective territories.

And those Blood Races are even more unfathomable mystery, and the thirteen princes gathered together and began to argue about who knew the coordinates of the ancestors and the incation of the blood feast. To know these secrets, only between them just got it. They cared much more about this than the blood banquet itself, so they just sent out the investigators, not at all to move the crowd.

Li Yao’s spirit strength is constantly being consumed. If it weren’t for his extremely strong spirit strength, he would simply not be able to withstand this consumption.

He can clearly feel that an ancient and decadent will is constantly approaching him.

The fighter jets also launched the bombing of the fortress. In just one round of artillery fire, the entire fortress has become a ruin.

Baron gnashing teeth said: “If it’s not for the blood banquet, how can you be arrogant, damn it, all fight them in the blood banquet array at the fastest speed, and at the same time order the hidden blood servants to fly Self-destruction.”

Following Baron’s order, the huge coffins in the ruins exploded one after another, and blood shadows rose into the sky one after another.

As groups of blood-colored rays of light burst, helicopters plummeted with smoke, and they also used hidden methods. Moreover, the appearance of blood servants will inevitably be attracted by the blood banquet, so in the sober Order the blood servant Self-destruction directly.

A group of bats finally gathered in the array braving the cannon fire, and a more powerful force of faith poured into the array.

“Don’t get lost, or you will become the lowest level puppets.” Baron looked at Li Yao in the middle and wanted to kill Li Yao, but saw the blood-colored rays of light wrapped Li Yao, He is powerless.

“Kill!” Deathyu quickly surrounded the array with people, making Baron’s face even more ugly.

But they didn’t pay attention to death words, but a group of fighter jets madly attacking the sky. After entering the array, the casualties of vampires plummeted, and the fighters exploded more and more, eventually causing 2,000 casualties. At the time, the fighters’ firepower was almost poured out, and they basically retreated.

These pilots are very frustrated. Their fighters are usually equipped with Tier 6 ammunition. If they usually have a bloody banquet array and a round of bombing, they can almost scum on the vampires.

But the lord vents his anger for his own son, but before the situation is clear, he dare not really offend the strong power of the main plane, plus there are various voices within the alliance now, the situation is unknown, He asked them to equip them with Tier 5 ammunition.

Usually Tier 5 ammunition is enough, but there is an array of blood banquets. Damn vampires can recover quickly with just one breath, and their magical power is almost endless, so Only suffered.

The lord learned that it was just a miniature blood banquet played by people on the main plane, and has ordered him to withdraw it.

Then a vast and decadent strong will descended on the array: “My descendants, your spirit strength is very strong, but why is your blood sacrifice so weak.”

Li Yao hastily Said: “The great ancestor, after the planes merged, I was just promoted to the prince, but I was attacked by the Iron Alliance, so I had to launch a blood feast, and I used the humble wild beast blood. I also know that the sins are serious, but now Integration of planes, our race is when we need strength. The world is so vast. Only by occupying more territory can we develop more descendants, and then resurrect the great ancestor, so I dare to ask the ancestor to give me blood. Restore power and destroy the current enemy. When I return to the territory, a grand blood feast will be launched to compensate for the loss of the ancestors.”

The will comes, and everyone is shocked by one-knee kneels, even the array The nearby players are not surprised.

Including Baron, all of them were overwhelmed and out of breath. This was a spiritual pressure, except for Li Yao’s strong spirit strength, everyone else simply couldn’t bear it.

But I heard Li Yao talk nonsense seriously, Baron and those Blood Races are about to vomit blood, your sister’s prince, your sister was seriously injured, obviously a dead spirit, too fucking .

“Great ancestor, you must not be deceived, he is just a humble soul, you…”


He Before he finished speaking, he spit blood flying upside down and went out, and then lay on the ground.

“It seems that someone in the clan does not want you, the new prince, to live. You actually have other spies under you. Now the juniors are getting more and more assholes. They actually fight in front of me. Yes, the spirit strength is so vast, the future achievements will certainly not be weak with me. My resurrection is expected. Okay, I will give Life Source divine blood. I will rely on you for my resurrection in the future.”

” Down the ancestor’s expectations.” Li Yao said sincerely.

Everyone was stunned. Fuck, even a few bites from a bat and poisoned can fool the ancestors of vampires. This fuck is too fake.

Baron is also dumbfounded, can’t believe his ears, Nani? Remember that the ancestor gave a drop of Life Source divine blood only when the vampire emperor was crowned. The rest are ordinary blood of the ancestor, which is very awesome.

However, the next scene made him stared wide-eyed.

An old white finger didn’t know how far the void appeared, and there was a gap in the finger, and a drop of bright red rays of light flickered. This drop of blood has no smell, but an incomparable fragrance.

Li Yao showed a weird smile. He originally wiped out this stronghold and helped them complete the Bounty Mission, but when he saw the blood shadow bat, he thought of his powerful spirit strength and thought of cheating. The ancestor, and the mother worm also constantly exudes a yearning for the blood of the ancestor, which strengthens Li Yao’s determination.

When he saw that finger, he grasped it. In fact, there was a touch of darkness in his palm that entangled the fingers of the ancestor, and then the touch of darkness madly sucked the life of the ancestor of the vampire. Source Blood Essence.

Originally, he did not release, Li Yao had the touch of darkness and was impossible to absorb his Life Source Blood Essence, but he actively inspired it, which is another matter.

An extremely angry roar appeared, which was a combination of surprised and angry. With his roar, all the vampires in the array spit blood flying upside down.

“Ancient god, damn, you go die for me.” In a short time, Li Yao’s palm has swelled to the size of a football, glowing with dazzling blood rays of light.

The finger finally broke free from the touch of darkness, and then pointed to Li Yao’s eyebrows, Li Yao’s blood volume suddenly cleared and flew out, landing like a rag bag.

But Li Yao then activated the resurrection skills and stood laughed heartily outside the array.

“Idiot, Life Source divine blood of more than 3,000 ml, I don’t know that old fellow you can recover for hundreds of years.” Li Yao’s palm has been restored, but his heart is extremely excited, this time It’s really a big profit. Divine blood. The real divine blood is Life Source divine blood. It’s literally, even oneself can get a great enhancement from it.

“I want you to die…” The finger of the ancestor of the vampire points to Li Yao again.

Li Yao smashed the crystal under his feet with one foot: “Scatter me.”

With Li Yao’s scattered characters, the blood-colored array burst into pieces, the ancestor’s The fingers disappeared suddenly: “Damn small insect, I remember your breath, and we will meet again.”

Li Yao showed a smile: “You are not the first to say that. God, it’s not the last…”

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