Li Yao arranged the array and looked up towards the sky, said with a smile: “Today’s blue moon is in the sky, and the brilliance is not weaker than the white moon. It is a good day for sacrifice, and the movement is big enough.”

Jasmine frowns saying: “Can you really draw them out with a little blood?”

Li Yao smiled: “You don’t understand, as long as the sacrifice begins, there is no Blood Race will not be attracted, especially the low-level descendants, which will be violent at this time. This is the power of the blood of the ancestors. Therefore, when the Blood Race sacrifices are often in the secret Underground World, it will also isolate the low-level descendants. Sacrifice will not only make vampires stronger, but also sacrifice a lot of intelligent creatures. Where did the intelligent creatures come from, they are not members of the Iron Alliance, so the Iron Alliance will never sit back and watch the blood sacrifice succeed, especially if it is them. Li Yao didn’t say one more thing. This array looks simple, but it requires super spirit strength to communicate with the void, and it needs to be extended. I don’t know how far to get the will of the ancestor of Blood Race to come. , Otherwise, just the array and sacrifice of the ancestors will not feel it.

This is why only the vampires of the thirteen families can survive better, because only the princes of the thirteen families have enough spirit strength to communicate with the ancestors and know the coordinates of the ancestors.

Li Yao’s previous life was also by chance because a mission was to escort a vampire who took refuge in Dark Faction, but the mission failed, but the vampire lost his money and gave him a rune stone. Let him complete the task.

Li Yao studied the alchemy of archeological engineering. He first cracked the rune stone, which contained the most core secrets of the vampire family. Then Li Yao calmly resealed the rune stone.

He not at all preached that it is with these secrets that Li Yao has gained a lot of benefits and is his strongest support for becoming Demi-God.

But there is no need to tell Jasmine about these, and they don’t know how many years they will know what conditions are needed to start the blood banquet.

“brother, one hundred wild beasts, all of which are above the elite level, with a lot of one.” Death Whisper led people to find Li Yao and them.

Li Yao looked at most of the Velociraptors, and even some vampire bats. Li Yao’s eyes lit up and suddenly thought of another possibility.

But I walked to a bat with a silver British rank, took out the Death God’s sickle, cut off the bat’s vampire teeth directly, and fiercely stuck it in his own artery.

“Brother, what are you?” Deathyu saw that as the teeth fell in, Li Yao’s body began to turn blue, his body became cold and cold, and his blood volume dropped even more. .

“Don’t froze, don’t detoxify me, brush me blood, hurry, give me a few more treatments, don’t let me poison to death, shit, it’s so cold, my blood is frozen “

Li Yao’s face turned blue, and his body started to swing. He immediately brushed Li Yao’s blood with a few treatments, and his blood volume finally stabilized.

“Come one People, hold the bat teeth, and when my poison is about to end, give me a quick back.”

There are many people who hold the bat teeth and do as Li Yao said.

“Regardless of whether it can attract the Air Force of the Iron Alliance, the low-level vampire descendant will temporarily lose control, allowing the Iron Legion to strike the best. If it doesn’t come, then it’s up to us. Okay, let’s start now. Now, you kill all the wild beasts, put the blood in the big pit, and then take the people away. Except for a few treatments and help me renew the poison, everyone else hides.”

With a scream, a lot of blood was put into the big pit in front of the array, the bloody smell began to spread, and several treatments for Li Yao turned pale.

As Li Yao continues to be poisoned, his whole body has become azure-white. A vampire who is alive and well has a layer of frost on his body.

“The time has come.”

Li Yao waved his hand to let everyone leave. He reached the middle of the array and started to say incantion in his mouth.

As the obscure incantion continues to spit out, the blood-colored runes in the array gleam, and the blood in the blood pool begins to boil, and there are constantly clusters of blood-colored wild beasts wrapped in blood. Wrapped in blood and attached to the rune.

With the shining of each rune, the entire array is shining with scarlet rays of light, and Li Yao’s body also floats up, surrounded by a layer of blood-colored light ball, the body seems to be frozen at this moment .

“Great ancestor of Blood Race, here is a delicious blood banquet prepared for you. Your descendants ask for your gift…in the name of blood, communicate with the stars.”

As Li Yao’s last words fell, a huge blood-colored beam of light over a hundred yards rose into the sky. At this moment, Li Yao’s spirit suddenly moved towards the coordinate he had thought of, and the huge beam of light broke through the ancient times. The sky of the god world came to the starry sky of the universe.

Death Words, they also stared at the blood-colored light beam connecting to heaven penetrating the earth dumbfounded. Jasmine and the two looked at each other, and both felt that Li Yao was too mysterious. As a player, they still understand this thing. , It’s unimaginable.

At the same time, in the field of death light, I don’t know how many powerhouses felt this aura, and suddenly everyone moved.

Suddenly a shadow of a small castle appeared thousands of yards away from the array, and the shadow gradually became clear, and then a large number of vampires rushed to the side of the array and knelt directly on the ground.

And that Baron has already seen that the person who turned on the array is actually a person of another race, simply not a prince, and suddenly looks terrified and wants to control his subordinates, but those subordinates have already felt a lot of blood energy and the ancestor’s Breath, without the title, simply can’t resist this temptation.

So, except Baron opened the castle array and his own guards, the rest of the army turned into bats and knelt beside array, and then resumed their human form and kneeled on array all around, following their bows. , Li Yao suddenly felt that a large amount of faith was integrated into the array, and the beam of light suddenly spread, covering all the servants in.

As time passed, just when DeathTalk was impatient and wanted to launch an attack, suddenly there was a buzzing sound from the sky,

Then a lot of fighters passed by. After the sky, the fighter group started to fire frantically at the beam of light and the array, but the explosives were only killing some of the lowest-level blood servants. Under the protection of the array, other advanced vampires could even be injured by the blood light. Quickly restore their blood volume.

Moreover, a large number of vampires have grown bat wings and madly attacked the fighter jets that rushed into the blood light, beams of light shining in the night sky.

“Idiots, idiots, you bastards with metal bumps, the Blood Race near the blood banquet is invincible, bombing that hidden castle, damn it, actually building a vampire fortress on Lord Malfoy’s territory , These damn smelly bats blow up the castle to me.”

With the sound of scolding, the fighters turned around and started to strike the castle…

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