Once you become a leader, your profession will be sublimated. There are two concepts. In addition to basic professional skills, according to your specialization, many skills will disappear or be covered by skills that can only be mastered by the new leader level.

Li Yao became a leader and got the true inheritance of the dark knight-errant. The original skills have undergone Heaven and Earth turning upside down changes, except for some traps, basic skills and Profound Truth skills, basically The original bow and arrow skills have been replaced or disappeared.

Li Yao took a look, a lot of skills have been strengthened, and his name has changed.

For example, multiple arrows become the will of Death God, and it is no longer to shoot multiple magic arrows, but to shoot one arrow to split many. The advantage is that the attribute becomes a dark attribute, even if Faced with a target, these arrows can also attack a person in violent storms, which is in line with the queen’s style.

Rapid shooting becomes the will of wind and thunder. After activation, the body enters the state of half elemental body. The body seems to be composed of wind and thunder. It is immune to half of the physical damage. The agility and rapid shooting are improved, but the attack becomes Wind Thunder Attribute.

Call of the Wind replaces the original back jump skill, which is a more practical displacement skill than back jump.

The wind of freedom replaced the original shadow wheel flip. After it was activated, the body rotated leaving a phantom appearing two yards next to it, which was more free and flexible than the shadow wheel flip.

Wind thunder arrow, instead of Arcane shooting, the damage remains the same, but the arrow speed is increased, and the paralysis effect of 0.5 seconds is added.

The cobra shooting turned into a tearing arrow, shooting two arrows in a row.

Feng Wu replaced the flywheel blade and shot five arrows in a row.

The near-battle skill has also changed. The original stirring and raptor strike have disappeared and become a skill with dark knight-errant characteristics.

It is also divided into individual and group skills.

Thunder Tribulation, the lightning dropping from the sky hits the enemy like a thunderbolt, and paralyzes the enemy for one second.

Wind piles, group control, use cyclones to control the area covered by blade light.

The wind of tearing needs to be guided, triggering an array of wind thunder blades, and countless sharp blades attack targets within the range.

The ruthless blade, the figure looks like a ghost, it can flash once for each attack, appearing from different directions and directions, and the number of attacks is sensitively determined.

The wind, launching crazy attacks, slashing enemies quickly, causing bleeding effects.

Racing wind and thunder, incarnation wind and thunder, reduce the damage received, and increase the melee damage skills, which is similar to the wind and thunder will, but one blessing melee and one blessing long-range.

At the same time, there is also a Profound Truth skill, gust of wind and rain, but it is temporarily gray.

“You don’t need to read it, Profound Truth, I have sealed it for you, and it can be regarded as my back door. If you can’t complete the task I explained, then I will pull out this part of the soul again, and the consequences You know.” The queen waved her hand and motioned to Li Yao to leave.

Li Yao did not complain this time, but solemnly gave a salute. Li Yao knew that this is what the queen really regarded as inheritance.

In terms of inheritance, in fact, all the dark knight-errants are pointed out by her. Li Yao is no different from those knight-errants, at most it is closer to Li Yao.

But after this moment, Li Yao got a complete dark knight-errant inheritance, and also came with the Profound Truth of the Windrunner family, which was an unspread secret technique.

The queen seems to be harsh, but it should be. If Li Yao is not good enough to meet her expectations and requirements, why would the queen waste the price of inheritance? You must know that before becoming a Demi-God, she only Only one person can truly inherit.

It’s like Ancient Era. Naturally, Demi-God Cenarius accepted the two disciplines of Malfurion and Illidan, but Illidan did not meet his requirements. As a result, Illidan did not get the real inheritance. Was it because Illidan was not good enough? Naturally not, but did not meet the expectations of the tutor.

If you want to get people’s inheritance, you naturally have to follow other people’s rules, so the mentor is very important. I don’t know how many bad luck eggs have encountered an unscrupulous mentor. As a result, they publish tasks that cannot be completed. No way to advance. The queen’s request is only harsh, but it is not an impossible task. She thinks as it should be by rights that her discipline should be so good.

Li Yao is researching new skills while rushing. He is not very familiar with it, especially in close combat, which takes time to get familiar.

The area of ​​dead light is relatively close to the sandbar, so Li Yao went straight back to the sandbar, and then asked if there was a boat to the wetland. To reach the wetland, he needed to take a boat to cross a nearby Sea Territory. It takes an hour, but now that the world has expanded, this Sea Territory has also expanded a lot, and it takes at least six hours by boat.

“I don’t even know what route my guild has opened. You are not qualified as the guild leader. Now the world distance is expanding. The transport ships we obtained from the guild wars with other guilds have been transformed. This time, Hearthstone CD has grown and transportation is scarce, so many routes have been opened. There are too many players. Now transportation has become a big source of wealth for our Spark.” Sister Li said.

“cough cough, isn’t this busy all the time.” Li Yao said embarrassedly.

“I checked, half an hour later, a medium-sized transport ship, to go to the wetlands to sell spirits, you can go directly, the captain is the old man you recruited, and you must know you as the lord. I won’t bother.” Sister Li said, “Are you sure you don’t expand the war map with the guild?”

“Hit Hitomi is enough for them. I will open a second battle field.” Li Yao A brief explanation of the boss task.

“Alright, it’s up to you.”

Nowadays, most of the vast crowds in the guild residence are players on the way. They use the residence as a transit station. No wonder Sister Li is so. Happy, so popular, the resident consumption can also make Spark a lot of money.

“Sir Lord, it is my honour for you to be on the boat.” A middle-aged uncle and captain’s suit saluted Li Yao.

The sailors and the workers who loaded the goods also saluted quickly.

“You are busy with you, just treat me as an ordinary passenger.” Li Yao waved his hand and boarded the medium-sized transport ship.

After a while, the cargo was moved, and then the players holding the tickets got on the ship.

“My clerk said, the deck space of the cargo ship is not used for nothing, so we sell tickets to transport these recruits.” The captain looked at Li Yao and explained with confusion.

“Well, get ready to sail, don’t worry about me, turn around by yourself.” Li Yao said, climbing up the mast’s observation deck.

Li Yao closed his eyes and felt the sight of the fire eagle from high above, and immediately relieved that his eyes opened.

Except for some sailors, there are a large number of players on the deck. There are no followers. That’s because the shop started selling cheap 10*10 war space, which is temporarily enough for current players.

On the boat, the players began to team up. Many people saw Li Yao coming down and wanted to invite Li Yao to join the team, but saw that Li Yao was a hunter, and suddenly gave up the invitation.

The hunter is still not so optimistic…

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