“Do you think that your strength is worthy of me to plot against you specifically to embarrass you? You have a little ability, but don’t be too ridiculous. You are still far behind a fourth-order little Yinying.” The queen said displeasedly.

“Teacher, what I’m telling you is the truth. There is not only one undead force in the dead light field, but also many undead races. Although a single race is not equal to me, the Undercity, they are united but wise. The number of undead is several times that of our Undercity. And they have been fighting against the steel Legion of the gnomes and dwarves over there. If it weren’t for this, I’m afraid it would be even stronger. My army adds up to more than 40,000. It is estimated that there is one person. The little lord can kill me 18 times, how can I do it.”

Li Yao was really caught blind this time. This fuck, it’s cracking a joke. As far as he knows, it’s dead. The realm is a very huge sub-plane. You must know that the general plane simply cannot achieve Demi-God, let alone a god.

But the Demi-God powerhouse has the Demi-God powerhouse, and there are still two. Although there is Demi-God on the Lizardman plane, it is achieved by Deathwing. That plane cannot achieve Demi-God. It should be understood that there are very few Dao Child planes that can achieve Demi-God.

What he said is still relatively conservative. The undead of others unite and it is not difficult to swallow the Undercity. Of course, behind the Undercity is the Dark Faction, and the undead in the area of ​​the dead light are not enough to see. , Even more how they also have ten thousand years old enemy.

“It seems that you know more about that side, then tell me about it.” The queen said unexpectedly.

“As far as I know, this dead light field is also divided into two camps, one is the steel Legion united by dwarves and gnomes. Their top leader is a Guardian, a Titan creation, and possesses Demi -God’s power. And the other is Dark Council, their highest leader is a Half-God Level Blood Race emperor, and there are several speakers below, namely Dragon Lich, Skeleton King, Blood Race Prince, Construct King And Wolf King are world leaders in strength. They also represent the Nether Soul, White Bone, Blood Race, Construct Monsters, and Werewolves. Although the strength of a single race is not equal to me, they are too powerful together.”

This time the queen was really surprised. She stood up and paced back and forth: “It’s so strong, wouldn’t it be very difficult to annex.”

“So, I really It’s not a complaint. If it weren’t for their confession of death and the Iron Alliance, it is estimated that their army would spread after the fusion of the main planes. Not just us, I am afraid that Human Kingdom and the Dwarf Kingdom will also bear the brunt.” Li Yao thought of the Queen’s mission. Difficult, but didn’t expect such a whimsical, it’s terrible.

“The strength is so strong, although it is not as strong as the natural disaster Legion, but it is also a super power. It must absorb a part of it. Otherwise, the status of my Undercity in Dark Faction will be in jeopardy. You heard that, right? They are all actively trying to incorporate the manpower of the sub-planes.” The queen also felt the hand.

“cough cough, mentor, the area covered by the sky of the undead is not a dead light domain, isn’t there a few other smaller planes of pure undead, the mentor can start from these planes, It’s not too late to plan the dead light area if you control these areas and other strengths. As for the dead light area, you can let the recruits of the undead race participate. The recruits are eager to form an army. When the time is right, you can also let the recruits. Bring your own Legion and the field of death to carry out, and let them know who is the real master of the undead.” Li Yao suggested.

“Well, what you said makes sense, but I was too impatient. In fact, I have arranged. You are a back road I arranged. It may not be necessary, and I did not say to let you. People help me fix the field of death light. You think too much of yourself. I mean, let you help me establish a secret stronghold, a secret laboratory that only you and I know. Although I have many hands, many are not at ease. Some recent activities are frequent. You are one of my back-ups. Although you are still weak now, it is precisely because you are weak that those people will not put you in the eyes. They will not pay too much attention to you, so you I want to go to the dead light area and establish a stronghold, but establish a laboratory underground. When the time is right, I will move the laboratory here and help me find a way for their undead to generate wisdom over there.”

The queen smiled bitterly when seeing Li Yao, and then said: “You must complete this task. I can make you the leader first and teach you the other half of the true dark knight-errant, so that you can become a true undead hero. , It is also good to subdue the undead Legion.”

Li Yao was immediately surprised. If he truly becomes the leader, then it will be relatively easy to subdue the army, which is a great help.

“But I’m telling you the shame. If you can’t open up the situation within three months, then I will take back your power, strip you of your silver and make you slowly from the elite Play.” The queen said harshly.

Li Yao simply didn’t listen to the words behind the queen, if he couldn’t open up the situation for three months, he would be in vain.

“Knight-errant is different from ordinary hunters. It is a mixture of long-range and melee combat. After you become the leader, you can understand some near-battle skills, but you can’t do everything in general. You have good bow and arrow skills. Melee…”

The queen touched her eyebrows, then a ball of soul energy appeared on her fingertips, and then touched Li Yao’s eyebrows. Soul energy blended into Li Yao’s eyebrows.

Li Yao just felt his mind roar, and then a lot of information poured into Li Yao’s mind.

Li Yao is shocked, other players don’t understand this hand, but Li Yao understands that this is the queen who has reached the world leader Peak and will touch the realm on the edge of Demi-God. Otherwise, there is no such way to teach experience and skills, even Demi-God can only use this skill on the same person in his life, which also means that he has truly become the Queen’s Inheritor.

Li Yao’s various attributes have skyrocketed, especially the blood volume, and it has reached a terrifying hundred thousand. Although it is not comparable to the real Level 40 monster leader’s blood volume, it is definitely more among players. Of it.

Li Yao leader level can now compare the blood volume with the silver Ying level Xiong Tan.

Next is the ability of knight-errant’s near-battle skill. At the same time, Li Yao’s passive skill about long-range blessing disappeared, which means that Li Yao’s long-range damage is weakened and reduced, and it is also There is no passive blessing in close combat. In other words, if it is in the same level and equipment, regardless of combat skills, attributes and damage, his long-range damage is not as good as a real hunter, and his melee damage is not as good as a real melee such as a warrior.

But comprehensive battle strength, Li Yao has at least increased by half. Needless to say, his survivability and adaptability to various battle scenarios are.

“I have a lot of knight-errant Profound Truths in my windrunner family, and they are basically the Profound Truth of the wind. My elder sister understands the continuous wind and attacks endlessly, and the enemy I kill has no strength to fight back. I The younger sister’s comprehension of the wind god’s will is mainly the wind god’s incarnation. And I, the comprehensible storm, attack like a squally rainstorm, please understand it.”

The queen’s voice is slightly weak, obviously a part of it. The soul makes her a little unbearable…

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