Looking at the thousands of elite-level wind serpents flying into the sky, all the audience finally realized that the unwelcome hunters could still use it in this way.

“Without looking at the formidable power, with flying pets, hunters will have a place in each guild.” HY said.

Ozawa said: “Now there are too few air forces. Even though the formidable power of pets is limited, so many pets are already impressive enough to become one of the winning points in siege warfare.”

Many guilds have also fallen into contemplation, considering the reliability of recruiting hunters. After all, the importance of hunters in siege wars can be seen intuitively, but to raise a group of unwelcome hunters, arranging a team is also a problem.

Naturally, they don’t know that Li Yao, a newly-built guild like Xinghuo, has taken special care of hunters. At least the hunters of each team have played an important role. This is the secret of all the sharp hunters who join Star Fire Essence. , They used their strength to make the team truly accept them.

“The hunter group is mighty.” The people of Xinghuo laughed.

At the same time, each player in the Spark fleet was ejected into the sky, and then deployed the hang gliding wings.

And Li Yao was not idle either, the silhouette that Li Yao flashed out suddenly disappeared, and then turned into a dragon form.

Then abruptly spewed out a breath of dragon. As the breath of the dragon spurted, he flew quickly. More than half of the city wall on the front was enveloped by rolling flames. Pieces of players and followers were killed in seconds.

There is too much difference in grades. Along with the flare, the bombs near the artillery were also detonated, blowing the artillery into the sky one by one.

Wild Wars Guild simply did not expect that the enemy would be on the city wall in an instant, so there was simply no defense, not only ammunition, but also the gunpowder barrels, kerosene and wooden logs used for defense. The raging flames.

Most of the city wall is in a mess, and on the other side, the Fire Eagle constantly releases spells.

Li Yao flickered and turned into a human form. The flame magic of waving his staff one after another was released, detonating another half of the flammable and explosive items on the city wall, just for a moment, city wall It fell into a completely chaotic body.

Li Yao directly opened the vortex portal. The skeletons of a team fell on the city wall. They divided into teams to guard the stairs to the city wall, and the mad who wanted to recapture the city wall. The people of the war guild fought together.

In the sky, waves of sparkling players also spread out their hang gliding wings and flew over the guild’s residence, and grenades were thrown down one by one.

As the grenade continued to burst among the people in the resident, the Inner Guild suddenly became a mess. To dodge the grenade became a mess.

At the same time, with the emergence of the dark portal, a pair of dark knight-errants riding on bats also appeared in the sky. They kept hunting down the remaining blood crowd, followed by silver British-level bones appeared and began to attack nearby players.

The players who fought wildly became more chaotic. There were no grenades in the sky, and the companions around them would turn into skeletons to attack them when they died, making them extremely panic.

And those wind snakes joined the queue of Li Yao’s bones, so that the players of Kuangzhan Wushuang could not get on the city wall, and could not deal an effective blow to the Xinghuo playing that was landing.

The audience was sucked in a breath of cold air, didn’t expect the blow of the spark burst so much, the waves of blows seemed like thunder.

In the battle with Shengshi, Xinghuo was only defensive and didn’t see anything, but after the attack, it was obvious that Xinghuo’s attack was not weaker than the defense, and the opponent was chaotic in an instant .

“Is this the dark knight-errant followers of Liaoyuan, two hundred in number, each silver level, and four boss levels, fuck, this is too terrifying.” HY’s jaw almost fell. Come down.

Ozawa also sighed: “The queen’s dark knight-errant is the king of war. This is one of the secrets of the undead. In Dark Faction, the strength of the undead is really not a lie, two hundred silver Ying, with the passage of time, will expand hundreds of times, and after the battle, there will be an army of more than 20,000. Although these dark knight-errants are not as good as Li Yao, they can also summon at least about one hundred and five, the bones of the four chiefs of summon. The number is at least 1,000 each, and there is a good chance that summon’s bones will become the leader level. The more the battle bones, the stronger the army.”

“The more horrible thing is that Liaoyuan actually did it for They also bought aerial mounts to protect them. This fuck two hundred dark knight-errant plus how much money these mounts cost, at least tens of thousands.” The more HY looked, the more it hurts, and the jealousy in his heart.

“cracking a joke, what’s the use of just having money? There are many tyrants in the ancient gods. Can you buy Yinying followers with only money? It depends on your own grade. As for the dark knight- Errant, it is estimated that only Liaoyuan can buy it in the ancient gods, and also buys a bat mount. It is not allowed by the queen. Others become a dark knight-errant. The instructor is at most a guard and has no permission to get the mount. “Ozawa explained.

All the audience’s eyes are red, and they are deeply jealous, especially those from the Great Guild. They are deeply aware of the terrifying of the dark knight-errant. With the improvement of their ranks, Liaoyuan can get More and better knight-errant, it is extremely jealous.

Li Yao can’t control other people’s jealousy, he doesn’t care, he went directly to the city gate, but the Wild Fighting Guild sent a lot of mountain battles to guard the city gate, and Li Yao also struggled to kill. It flashes directly to the outside of the city gate.

Li Yao in the form of a giant dragon has two golden flames in his eyes. At this time, the surrounding sky is red. In everyone’s surprised eyes, the space on the city gate seems to be distorted. , The sky was fiery red, and a faintly discernable incantation sound echoed in everyone’s ears.

Like the Black Dragon, the queen becomes a human form. What kind of flame spell incantation gestures simply don’t need to be done and can be used directly, but now they actually start incantation.

Dragon Whisper Magic·Volcano Eruption!

A small-scale high-kill forbidden spell. She is also one of the only small forbidden spells that can be used at this stage. This is still the power of Earth Protection. Otherwise, her Tier 4 world leader would not use it.


A Dao Void magical volcano suddenly appeared and fell on the city gate, as if overlapping with the city wall city gate, followed by a flame soaring to the sky.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the city gate and this section of the city wall were washed up into the sky, and a large amount of lava with the reddish city gate fragments and the city wall boulders fell like a rain of fire .

White light rises up piece by piece. At this time, I simply don’t know how many players have been killed. Because of Fire of Life, pieces of players were infected by the illusory Fire of Life and started to burn. .

Li Yao’s silhouette reappeared, condensed on the back of the Black Dragon, and the Black Dragon queen condensed a wave of snowstorm to cool down the disappeared city gate.


Following Li Yao’s order, the Starfire players who rushed up like a tide rushed in through the gap…

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