The gain this time is beyond Li Yao’s imagination. The license is not mentioned. Although Li Yao can get money, but the guild is so big, it’s not the same thing to always rely on his own support. .

Only the guilds that the members work hard to build have more feelings, sense of accomplishment, and cohesion.

With this license, Spark’s trade will become one of Spark’s important financial resources. The more critical issue is that you can get some rare and critical things in the hands of the goblins.

There is a very old saying among goblins, as long as the price is enough, one’s own mother can be sold without the slightest hesitation. And all the goblins practice this sentence deeply.

What the moral, what the hell is that stuff. The more accomplished goblins are shameless and morally depraved.

Previous life, Li Yao studied archeology, and also studied the history of goblins. Among them, the trading prince who took refuge in Dark Faction can best reflect the heart of the goblin.

His parents were pirates, and when his father died in battle, his mother almost left him alone.

After hours, the living expenses given by his mother were robbed by goblins larger than him every time. He could only leave a small amount of money to survive. This kind of miserable experience lasted for many years. During these years, he completely put aside his morals.

He later went to sea, killed all the companions who went to sea with despicable means, and then owned all the property of these companions. From then on, he embarked on the road of fortune.

After he became the Prince of Trade, he published a book worth 20,000 gold coins and said: “Go and deceive your family and friends! Exploit those who trust you! Go and steal a mansion to be yourself Starting point, make more money and be a winner!”

He gradually became the slave master from the merchant ship Boss, then became the trading baron, and then the trading giant.

Previous time’s Trade Prince organization organized a birthday party for his daughter Nisha. He was deeply attracted by Nisha and confessed on the spot.

But Nisha said in front of everyone: “I can’t marry you. Although you have some good luck, I prefer aggressive goblins.”

Scene It was embarrassing for a while, and the only persistent thing in his heart was broken. Then he launched a coup on the spot, blew up all the properties of the Prince of Trade and bought all his men.

Looking at the pale face of Nisha and becoming the new prince of trade, he said with a smile: “Uh, am I overpowering.”

Nisha gave it on the spot He slapped, and then left the mansion. Now he mails some photos of Nisha enjoying her huge wealth every year, and then Nisha always gives him a box of explosives.

He is the trade prince of Bilgewater Chaebol, Gary Vix, and his joining Dark Faction is also a classic praised by all hobgoblins.

At that time, the Bilgewater chaebol lived on an island in the large vortex. When the volcano erupted and the island was about to be destroyed, he blew up all the ships, leaving behind the largest luxury he built Big ship.

The price of the ticket he issued made all the goblins ruined. The most terrifying thing was that when these people gave up all their wealth and various industrial contracts to board the ship, he decisively ordered the soldiers to take them All were imprisoned to the dirtiest lower level and became his slave.

Unfortunately, he was unlucky. During his escape, Zhou encountered the fleet of the Bright faction searching for the Dark Warchief in the fog and was destroyed.

Many goblins died, most of them swam to nearby islands, he also continued to rule the king.

But this island is an island of the Darkspear tribe, and it was besieged by Dark Faction.

In order to survive, the Prince of Trade sold all his subordinates to Dark Faction, thus gaining freedom.

This is how the goblins join Dark Faction. In order to manage these goblins, the Prince of Trade is still the Prince of Trade.

But one thing, goblins can not recognizing one’s family, shameless can be shameless and unscrupulous, but as long as the contract is established, they will faithfully fulfill their contract. If they violate the contract, they will be impossible to move a single step in the goblin. .

This is the only reason why goblins can be accepted, otherwise no race can accept this despicable race without a bottom line.

So, with this kind of license, Spark can trade, and even spend money to buy goblins, and buy some non-sale items that are simply not allowed to be sold, such as this matrix, such as various precious item.

In this way, in addition to trade, those rare items can also be placed in the shops in the main city of Spark to become shop protecting treasure, which will also become an important source of wealth for Spark.

As time goes by, now there is a Spark accident in the main city, and some players already have the right to operate the store. Although the location is not comparable to Spark, the emergence of this sign also means As players gradually adapt to the ancient god world, they also begin to have a way to integrate. In the future, the competition will become more and more fierce, and Xinghuo must have characteristics to survive.

Li Yao directly gave the equipment to increase the speed of the fleet to the Army Commander of the fleet. Li Yao must be led by him on the sea. It doesn’t matter whether he brings it or not. Instead, he occupies a war equipment column.

As for the two dark gold, one is a general special equipment, the hand of the goblin, which can increase the agility and strength of the hands. It is something that many goblins use. Li Yao cannot use the hand of the Creator. Said on the spot that this piece of equipment will be regarded as the number one reward for this military service.

The second piece is a dark gold necklace, but it belongs to the law system. Li Yao assigned it to Hitomi.

Li Yao learned the sun-breaking arrow directly. As long as he learns the skill of no distance arrow, the formidable power of the sun-breaking arrow can be used.

Matrix cannot be learned by Li Yao yet. It requires Grandmaster Rank’s engineering, rune, or enchantment to learn it. This Li Yao is not in a hurry, his engineering proficiency will soon be master, but It will take some time that’s all.

Kuangzhan Wushuang was also resurrected when Li Yao was distributing spoils of war. When he returned to the city wall, he shouted: “Attack, attack, destroy the Liaoyuan.”

Suddenly the artillery on the city wall roared together, and suddenly recovered, the body dissipated and once again attached to the body of the Black Dragon Queen, and then the body began to flash continuously.

The artillery fire simply couldn’t touch Li Yao at all, and the skeletons of Li Yao quickly entered the dark vortex.

Those praying mantises have entered stealth when they are hunted.

“Offensive.” Peerless Demon Ji also ordered the people of Xinghuo to attack.

Following the offensive order, many Paladins jumped off the ship and moved towards the coast and rushed up.

At the same time, the hunters of Xinghuo also ordered their pets to fly to the camp of the mad war guild. This is a compulsory order from Li Yao. All hunters must capture an elite quality or higher Demonic beast-class wind snakes are used as pets for air combat.

Thousands of wind snakes were densely packed and quickly flew towards the city wall……

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