Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 957: The moment of destiny in the pupil (Part 1)

Also in the sea of ​​fire, the Zuo Pojun and others had not had time to be surprised, and they suddenly realized that they did not feel the burning sensation at all. Around them, all the Dongying Army were crying one after another. Falling down, almost no one can be seen in the blink of an eye, and in the sea of ​​fire, even the countless numbers of injuries floating up were swallowed up. But they are safe and sound. They immediately understood that the attack deliberately did not lock them down. They looked up at the sky, still above the red sky, a huge white magpie passed through, hovering and hovering over their heads ...

"That's ... Sacred Feather God! It's praying for dreams!" Sophie shouted excitedly.

"is her!"

"This little sister ... she turned up."

The fire was still burning. This flame covering a range of at least 100 meters burned for at least ten seconds, and in less than five seconds, all the Dongying Army in the sea of ​​fire had been killed, and the number was conservative and scattered. As many as three thousand, the crisis of the city gate was completely disintegrated. Within a hundred meters, there was no one who was in the East. In a long period of high-pressure melee, everyone in the exhausted mercenary regiment finally gained understanding. Looking up at the air ... Holy feather god, this is a mount that belongs to Hua Qimeng. She also belongs to the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps, but appears less often than Ye Tianxie and is the most mysterious. She never acted with them normally. The one that impressed them the most was the battle between her and Ye Tianxie at the first magic martial arts meeting a long time ago. In that game, she completely showed the world. Her strength ... is not inferior to Ye Tianxie's strength.

Although that match ended with Ye Tian's evil victory, no one can see how lucky Ye Tian's victory was.

Hua Qimeng's ability lies in strong magic. Magic is not a single line of an ordinary magician, but has as many as seven lines, and can even manipulate space. She singled out her defeat to Ye Tianxie, but the ability to fight in groups ... with her magic skills, she would far surpass Ye Tianxie.

It was also her appearance that the crisis before the city gate collapsed within a few seconds. The original Chinese players who had already died, the world players each issued a shout like a ghost when the flames were burning. Although the holy feather shrine only lasted for the first time at the first martial arts conference, it was enough to impress people who watched the game. So as the Holy Feather God appeared in their sight, more and more players began to shout the name of "dream seeking". Anyone who knows this name also knows that she also belongs to the Celestial Mercenary Corps. She is the only pure magic exporter in the Celestial Mercenary Corps. It is the most mysterious one, but also the strongest one besides the commander ... ...

When people had almost forgotten her existence, she came to the sky with this flying flame in this almost shocking way ...

The miracle of Huaxia player ’s extravagant hope happened like this, the broken gate was away from the crisis again, and new hope appeared again.

The holy feather gods slowly descended to the left of the left army, and the holy feathers of the holy gods folded up, and they also saw Huaqi Mengma as a misty figure. Still covering her face with white veil, she covered her face strictly, habitually did not want anyone to see it.

"Pray for dreams! That's great." Sophie ran to the shrine of the Holy Feather and shouted happily.

"I'm late." Hua Qimeng said softly, turning to look at the invading army in the mountains and mountains far away, his eyes flashed with light they could not understand.

"It's not too late, it's not too late, but it's just right. I wonder if you've deliberately planned your time," Situ said with a grin.

"It is indeed the person who almost defeated the second brother at first, and when he shot it, it was so amazing." Zuo Pojun sighed sincerely.

In the distance, the Dongbei Army has once again fallen into confusion, and the team that rushed to the city gate before is too dense. The number of Dongbei players buried in the sea of ​​fire is undoubtedly a pretty scary number. They looked at the city gate that had been opened, and their hearts were as if they were heavily pressed by a mountain ... their tens of thousands of troops could not break through the city gate near them ... Obviously there are so few. They obviously have been down the Tianchen city and even broke the gate, but they still have not been able to break in ...

In front of them, it seems as if an invisible gap is running across, which can never be crossed.

All the generals who remained at the scene gritted their teeth, and a number of deaths that made them frightened appeared in front of them. They shouted in the team channel: "Don't mess! Stand up all ... This kind of skill is all There are strict restrictions on use and penalties, for now, keep going !!! "

After the burning sea of ​​fire subsided, Tianchen City temporarily restored calmness in front of the gate, but this calmness did not last for long, and the restless enemy forces rushed to kill again.

"Come on, let's go back to the city gate." Hua Qimeng glanced at the direction in which the shouting and killing sound came, and the holy feather **** under him sprang up and flew away. The wings fluttered only three times. With flowers and dreams fell on the wall.

"Sister Qi Meng!" Xing Baoer and Chen Xue ran to Hua Qi Meng at the same time and looked at her happily. Her arrival calmed down the huge panic they had just suffered.

"Let ’s go back to the city gate. There is a dream, and with her ability, these Dongying Army do n’t even want to approach ... Just drag it for another hour, the reinforcements will be there, and it will be completely safe by that time!" Sophie said.

"Well ... wait." Zuo Pojun turned and stared: "This time, the Korean Army and the US Army ... also moved!"

At a glance, the original Korean players and American players who did not move did indeed start to rush here like the Dongying Army on a large scale ... Apparently, under the quiet moment just now, what agreement had they reached again. Of course, they understand better than anyone else. To break the city, they must be in the shortest time, otherwise, if the reinforcements arrive in front of the city gate, they will have no hope.

Therefore, this time the invading forces of all three countries all overwhelmed!

"Follow them, I think we should take a break ... Although I haven't seen the younger sister Qi Meng a few times, I believe that she is enough alone ... she is a monster that is on par with the head of the group." Situ He shrugged his shoulders, said indifferently, then turned towards the gate.

Soon, all the souls present were already standing on the city wall, watching the approaching invaders ... the city gate was open, and they could rush in.

"It's entrusted to you ... Whew, alas, you must not know how valuable these energy bombs are. Every shot will make me feel like a little bit of blood." Murong Qiushui also laid down lazily. Double shots, staring at Xing Baoer resentfully when talking.

Hua Qimeng didn't speak, watching the invaders approaching, she said, "The crisis of the Lost City is greater than here, where a ghost king is encountered."

"What, the ghost king !?" Everyone was taken aback. What is the concept of Ghost King ~ ~ Huaxia players know very well. Hundreds of years ago, the battle of demon magic was common knowledge of Chinese players ... including the goddess of Xi Yao, the eight blocked ghost kings, and the twelve sages who have since disappeared.

"Yes." Hua Qimeng nodded.

"... Ghost King! But that is a big metamorphosis with Yasheng's power! Players can't stop ... Is the lost city's defender blocking it?" Situ Mo's expression exaggerated.

"Being temporarily blocked by the strongest two gods in the Lost City ... but it won't last long, because the second and third ghost kings will follow immediately." Hua Qimeng said.

"..." Everyone was speechless. One ghost king could not resist it, let alone two, three ... The power of the ghost king was not what human beings could do, but the twelve wise men could only block it, but they right now……

"What would happen if the Lost City failed?" Zuo Pojun asked with a frown.

"The lost city will become the city of magic." Hua Qi dreamed briefly. In sight, the enemy was getting closer and closer, the shouting and killing sound was in my ear.

"What should we do? If the Lost City becomes the Demon City, we will not have the center city, how can we transfer our jobs ... What about the house of Tianxie and me? And the July Chamber of Commerce ... No, Qian Don't do this! "Sophie was completely panicked.

"Woo ... I don't want to do this either! I still plant a lot of things that are important to my brother ... Sister Dream, you are so powerful, there must be a way, right?" Sophie's anxiety also brought Chen Xue's anxiety, she clutched at Hua Qimeng's clothes, and said anxiously.

"My ability is not comparable to that of the ghost king, but now you can suspend the crisis of the lost city, sister Chen Xue, only you." Hua Qimeng said.

"Ah? Me?" Chen Xue's lips opened, completely unknown.

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