Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 956: Tianchen City Break

"Ding ... Your teammate‘ God Run ’died.”

"Ding ... Your teammate 桀桀 星星 魂 'died."

Connecting the two beeps sounded in the ears of the souls, making them all confused. Afterwards, Ling Jie's voice rang in their ears: "Everyone! Don't worry about us, I have found Xiaoyao now, take him home immediately, I will look at him before he wakes up, and then go back together ... Also, my grasshopper sword was not exploded. Come on, we will go back !!! "

Celestial Soul received a reminder of the death of God Xiaoyao and Ling Jie, and among the Eastern Army ... Although the news was suppressed as much as possible. However, the height of the observation deck at 30 meters can see how much the Eastern Army is going on. The Emperor was killed under heavy protection, and the strongest eternal sun of Eastern Army was directly destroyed by one of the heavenly souls. The news of the regiment spread quickly in the Dongying Army. The Dongying Army knew that this time it was the Emperor to supervise the battle himself, and it was no secret, because it was a great weapon to stimulate players. But at this time, he saw or heard the death of the emperor and the eternal sun's total annihilation, and Dongzhang immediately went up and down in a riot, as the faith and the pillars collapsed instantly.

"No chaos !! No emperor chaos !!! The Emperor is watching us now, and our victory is right in front of us, breaking through the city, and destroying the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps by the way !! Never let the Emperor His Excellency, he Come to watch the war in person, or even die because of coming here in person. This is our great glory. We must not let the Emperor be disappointed. I understand it! The city gate is about to be opened soon. Victory is about to come. People have also been killed by two of us, give me a boost! "

The commanders of Dongbei were shouting at the scene. Their yelling finally calmed down the riots of the Dongbei Army, but no matter how he shouted, the death of the Emperor was already a fact. The army slaps an extremely loud slap at the entire Dongbang. And after this incident came out, even if they succeeded in occupying Tianchen City, his Dongzhang will once again become a big laughingstock.

"Xiao Jie ... well done, guarding Xiaoyao well, we will stay up to the last moment, ah ah!" Zuo Pojun screamed, turned into defense, the shield in his hand slammed, fiercely He slammed forward and smashed a few rushing Templars away.

Before the city gate, the city gate of Tianchen City was already broken and it looked like it would collapse completely. On the high walls, Murong Qiushui has retreated far to avoid bows and arrows, but his shooting almost never stopped. Facing the siege of the Eastern Army, his shooting concentration point also fell before the gate. The terrible bullets fired long and **** lines in the siege player group of Dongsong, leaving the land before the gates already red with blood. He was alone, making all the Eastern Army soldiers timid before reaching the city gate. When he attacked in front of the city gate, he was even scared, afraid that the next blood flower would burst on his head. He was almost alone. The time it took for the Eastern Army to destroy the gate was doubled.

The persistence of Tianhun continued, no one gave up, ran away, and no one fell down, and at this moment, with a flash of black man, Situ's ruthless devil's claw disappeared and recovered into Normal right-handed state.

The duration of the Devil's Claw today has come to an end.

Situ's ruthless expression was cold, and the dark short blade had been caught in his right hand and re-killed at the enemy. Situ sighed silently, releasing his attention to the limit ... he knew that the devil's claw disappeared , The pressure they will endure will be a lot, and the time they can support will be shortened several times. And he is in the most dangerous situation ...

Without any suspense, without Situ's merciless demon claws sweeping the enemy in a large area, the pressure of the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps doubled, and in less than half a minute, it was a continuous danger. Behind them, with a huge boom, the gate of Tianchen City completely collapsed and fell down.

They all heard the sound of the collapse of the gate. Although they had already realized this, but at this moment, they still felt resentful in their hearts, attacking the enemy in front of them even more fiercely, and even releasing vents. Roar.

The Huaxia players who have been paying attention to this place have all exhaled a long breath ... The gate of Tianchen City is still broken ...

At this time, an hour had passed since the start of the first wave of siege by the Dongying Army.

Three thousand immortal reincarnation players, and a heaven soul mercenary regiment, defended these tens of thousands of invaders for an entire hour ...

What can be described besides "miracle"? Who else besides them can reproduce this seemingly short and long hour?

Although Tianchen City is broken, the whole world has witnessed this miracle that belongs to China.

And then, give them to ...

More and more players teleport themselves back to Tianchen City. The destruction of Tianchen City does not mean that they have been occupied by them. There are countless players who will stay in the city before the Resurrection Stone. However, in many ways, the city gate was broken and it was not far from occupying the city. Because a city's resurrection stone is like a glass, it will break in one shot ~ ~ Huaxia has a huge number of players, but ... even if it is ten times the blocking power, it can really guarantee that the guardian's resurrection stone is not completely protected. Will it be attacked?

After the resurrection stone is crushed, Huaxia players cannot directly return to the city. They will be placed on the east resurrection stone and will be protected for seven days. Within seven days, the Huaxia player will not be able to attack this resurrection stone. Players are constantly pouring into the lost continent, and then they can appear in the center of Tianchen City in large numbers by returning to the city ... For at least seven days, there will be their world. As the initial place for Huaxia players after they have lost the continent, new players will not be able to transfer jobs and accept the tasks here, and the impact on the entire Huaxia area can be imagined.

And even if the city can be recaptured after seven days, the taint imparted by this Dongzhang will never be removed.

But now that the city gates have been broken, it is no longer possible to have any kind of turnaround ... unless there are any other miracles.

啾 ~~~~~~~~

Just as the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps fell into a huge crisis, and the Eastern Army began to crazily move into the city, a loud, long-sounding sound suddenly came from the distant sky. When everyone looked up at the sky subconsciously, However, it was found that the sky was already flushed with red, and the originally dim sky at this time seemed to be covered with the sunset, and then, the red sky fell sharply ...


The wind blew, and the fire spread over a hundred meters in an instant. From the position of the city gate to the location of the Celestial Mercenary Corps, it was completely engulfed by the fire, burning with dense and uncountable life, one second, two seconds, three Seconds ... During the burning of the fire, the bodies of the players of the East League began to pile up densely, and in a blink of an eye there was already a mountain ...

All the thousands of players who have rushed into the Tianchen City Gate and within a hundred meters of the city gate are buried in the sea of ​​fire.

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