The Dongying Army retreated not far away, about a distance of about three kilometers. From the direction of the city gate, the distance was still dark. The retreat of the Dongying Army was naturally caused by the abrupt abrupt reincarnation, but from the distance, it can be clearly seen that the green light on the player of the immortal reincarnation has disappeared, which is obviously that the additional state just disappeared ... It's been pretty scary for so long.

However, the Dongying Army did not know what it was thinking about, but stood still in the distance and did not launch an attack again.

"Are you scared?" Blood Wheel said, looking away.

"No." Zuo Pojun shook his head and said, "It will not be a fool to be their leader. The longer they drag on, the more time our reinforcements will arrive, and when they do, they will not be broken. Hope for the city ... They will rest for a few minutes at most, and they will start the offensive again immediately. Now, they should stabilize the army's heart. The previous heavy damage is enough to distract their hearts. If they attack directly, the lethality will be greatly reduced. "

"It really makes sense ..." Situ instantly nodded, then turned to the blood wheel standing on the high wall and asked, "In terms of time, how long will it take for our reinforcements to arrive here."

"At least ... 70 or 80 minutes, this is the least." Blood Wheel said. As soon as the voice fell, his pupils watching the distance suddenly shrank.

"Oh ... huh, do you have to hold on for more than an hour?" Situ blinked at the number of people remaining on his side and didn't speak again. Although the Dongying Army suffered a heavy blow from them, one fact is that their side is almost exhausted. Xing Bao'er's final bomb was used up. Sophie's two reversing Holy Word stunts could not be used again in a short time, and Chen Xue ’s God of Weeds, which caused the reversal, could not be performed again today ...

What should I use to resist the remaining one hour?

Would miracles like the previous reversal happen again?

"Blood. Brother, what's the matter with you?" Shen Xiaoyao looked at the dramatic change of the blood wheel and asked in amazement.

"It's the Eastern Army." Murong Qiushui, who stood at the same height as the Blood Wheel, said with narrowed eyes.

"It's a lot of Dongying army ... It's not the original, it's new, more people are coming from there!" Xingbaoer also shouted.

"What !?" Zuo Pojun and others suddenly reacted and looked at the East fiercely. At the same time, a reminder sounded over the lost continent, making the entire lost continent violently turbulent again ...

"Ding ... Warning in the whole region! Another team of players from the East Continent set foot in the East of the Lost Continent. The number is about 37,000, and they are about to launch an attack on the east of Tianchen City. The defense force at the east gate of Tianchen City is extremely weak, and Players in other directions please go to the East Gate of Tianchen City for support! "

"Ding ... Warning in the entire area ..."

"Ding ... Warning in the entire area ..."

"Thirty-seven thousand !!!" Zuo Pojun and others trembled, his frowns all tightened ... Now the Dongbei team, plus the second wave of Dongbei teams who do not know when they are approaching ... Total number of Dongbei Army , Has exceeded 50,000 people. At the same time, the Chinese players who had raised great hopes due to the stubborn resistance and reversal before Tianchen City all took a breath of air ...

However, this is not all. The next prompt sounds will completely shatter the last trace of luck and hope of all Huaxia players.

"Ding ... Warning in the entire region! A team of players from the Korean mainland has set foot in the east of the lost mainland, about 43,000, and is about to launch an attack on the east of Tianchen City. The defense force of the east gate of Tianchen City is extremely weak, and is in Players in other directions please go to the East Gate of Tianchen City for support! "

"Ding ... Warning in the entire area ..."

The mood of the players in Huaxia has not recovered from the shock caused by the second wave of the team in Dongyu. What follows is the news of the Korean mainland's footsteps. Moreover, the direction is also facing the east gate of Tianchen City. The right position, this clearly means that they should be allied forces who arrive at the same time!

The location of the Korean continent is also located in the east of the Lost Continent. The distance from the Lost Continent is even smaller than the distance between the Eastern Continent and the Lost Continent. There is usually no interest conflict with the Lost Continent, but this time their appearance shocked the Chinese players. At the same time, they clearly showed their purpose and position.

"These Korean sticks ... they even came in !!!!" Zuo Pojun said with gritted teeth. Dongying Army and Gaoli Army ... A team of nearly 100,000 people! !!

Is this their true lineup?

"One hundred thousand teams ... what should we do !!" Ling Jie's scalp was numb. Their countenances are a little pale. This number is really too heavy ... and this number is suddenly realized after they have lost too much reliance, which is brought by ... a complete desperate pressure.

"What else can you do?" Zuo Pojun sneered: "It's very simple ... very simple ... how many can be killed. How much can be killed, one step!"

In a word, the turbulent mood of all present was condensed into the same war and killing intention.

Three thousand to one hundred thousand, it is impossible to defend the city at all ... There is no possibility at all. This is already a situation of despair that is irreversible at all. Even if "the light of the Holy Spirit" and "the heavenly gift of all herbs" reappear, it is impossible to reverse and bring hope.

Now that everything has reached a desperate situation, their only option is to fight against the water ...

How much can I kill? !!

"The leader said, no matter how desperate and desperate you are, unless you die, never give up struggling and hope ... because when we have given up deep in our hearts, even if we have not lost, we have already lost. Partners Let ’s sacrifice everything for us. We have already realized the annihilation of mass destruction. No one has the right to question us until now. Although death is glorious ... but even if we must die, we must not die in vain. Never give up struggling ... not to fear! "

After Situ's voice, a system prompt sounded across the eastern continent.

"Ding ... Warning in the entire region! A team of players from the Murray Theater set foot in the east of the lost mainland, about 50,000, is about to launch an attack on the east of Tianchen City. The defense force of the east gate of Tianchen City is extremely weak and is in other positions Players please go to Tianchen City East Gate for support! "

"Ding ... Warning in the entire area ..."


Quiet, deadly quiet.

There was nothing before the east gate of Tianchen City, and no one responded to this prompt.

This reminder sounds like dropping a person into a mountain that has never reached the top after making a person into the abyss of the abyss, making it never stand up.

"Hehe ... Murray has really had enough money. The team they sent to our district should be over a million." Zuo Pojun sneered.

"This arrogant country, they will never allow a stronger existence than them, no matter what space they are in. Hehe. Is it the enemy we have to face with the 150,000 Army?" Situ Sha played with his hands. Heaven's Bow, said slowly.

150,000, what a desperate figure. If such a team rushes all at once, all the Chinese defenders in the east of Tianchen City will be shocked and cleaned like stones under the raging waves, and don't even want to resist.

The blood wheel stood on the high city wall and looked at it. In the distance from the east, the black squadrons were all over the mountains, and there was no end at all. It was like a gigantic claw, a huge animal. The fragile Tianchen City. He vaguely saw that the three huge teams were converging, but they were not integrated. The three major teams of Dongfeng, Korea, and Murray each occupied a position, and they were not united with each other ...

Obviously, their purpose now is to invade Tianchen City and fight together, but it does not mean that they will get along with each other. Perhaps, after the invasion of Tianchen City, they will face the battle for Tianchen City's right to occupy.

In any case, what they are facing now is undoubtedly a desperate situation that they cannot resist and stand up. How long can they resist when they formally launch an attack? One minute? Two minutes?

And it's not just them who appreciate this sense of despair ... All the Chinese players who are watching here know that the fall of the East Gate of Tianchen City is a foregone conclusion. How could such a weak crowd stop such a huge beast? However, they even know how difficult it is to support the Soul Mercenary Corps and the Immortal Reincarnation to this day. Strength and resistance. Even if they die, they have already appeared to the world, showing their strength and glory and pride as the strongest team in China.

They will only make Huaxia players feel glory, and they will never blame them, and no one is qualified to have the responsibility to do so. What they should do now is to return to Tianchen City as much as possible, guard in the city, and protect the resurrection stone in the center.

At the same time, the Lost City in the joint struggle of players and NPCs also ushered in a huge crisis.

The most scared thing of the Lost Emperor finally happened ... The ghost king, who had been hiding for a long time, appeared in front of the main gate of the Lost City in a cold laugh.

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