Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 949: Reversing Mansions, 0 Grass God's Gift!

In front of Tianchen City, the fierce scuffle began again.

The resurrected reincarnation player ’s fighting spirit is more than twice as high as before. These killers who have always been cold-hearted have even snarled at this time. The sharp blade in their hands is as fierce as the sickle of the god. Before the city gate, the corpses began to accumulate quickly ... but among these corpses, only one in every four or five corpses would have an immortal reincarnation. Each of them will try their best to pull on three or four backs before they die. Even if they die, they will definitely die.

The left breaking army kept releasing the taunt of overlords to attract the target and direction of the attack of Dongyu players ... However, it is obvious that Dongyu's commander has issued orders. At this time, the impacted Dongyu army has begun to consciously bypass the soul servant. corps. Their impact is no longer direct forward, but dispersed into three strands, one left, one right, and one middle, and the soul can only block one at most, because when they come together, there is no enemy, whoever dies, but if Their teams are scattered and everyone is in danger.

More than 20,000 people against more than 3,000 people, without the deterrence and siege of the ultimate bomb of the stars, the line of immortal reincarnation was finally broken again, and all players in the east of the back rushed under the open path of the shield array in front. To the city gate ... A killing sound was heard before the city gate. The eternal reincarnation can only do everything to use its own body to block and use a sharp blade to kill everyone who has gathered in front of the gate, but after all, the gap between the two sides is too large. , Even if they were about to bite their teeth, how could they stop the flood-like impact, the relentless attacks fell on the Dongying Army, and the Dongying Army rushing to the door had ignored their attack at all, while While taking the recovery medicine, he attacked the gate with all his strength ...

"Back on defense!"

In the roar of the left breaking army, the heavenly spirits evacuated backward, and at this time. Su Feifei's light suddenly flashed in front of her, a delicate snow shadow appeared in front of her ...

Sophie's footsteps paused, and she screamed, "Xueer!"

The person who appeared in front of Su Feifei was Chen Xue, who was transmitted by the Miles Tracker.

"Sister Feifei." When she saw Sophie Fei, Chen Xue smiled frantically, as if she didn't hear the sound in her ears and notice the chaos around her, and the danger of losing her life at any time in this chaos.

"Xue Er, why are you here ... Hurry up, go back, it's too dangerous here," Sophie said anxiously.

"Ah, ah! My little head lady, why are you here? This is not where you should come. These fierce-looking people will eat people. Use this to go back quickly." Situ Moran , Took out an empty magic bead to put in Chen Xue's hand.

"It's okay, they can't hurt me, I'm here to help everyone."

After Chen Xue finished, she smiled and raised her hands. Nenben already had a thick book in her hands. The book was opened by Chen Xue, the pale green brilliance was released from the book, and then spread to Chen Xue's whole body ...

"This is ... the guardian of all grasses! I actually forgot this!"

Seeing the green light covering Chen Xue's body, Su Feifei's original worry suddenly dissipated and she breathed a sigh of relief. Sophie's change made Situ an instant. He opened the eyes of the demon and scanned the green light on Chen Xue's body, then was scared and almost lost his chin.

Guardian of Baicao: Active effect: Summon the Baicao deity in the Book of Baicao to guard itself against all attacks perfectly. It can be summoned and canceled at any time. The accumulated usage time is 30 minutes per day. Passive effect 1: If someone is killed, no matter who fights first, the opponent will be punished three times as much as death. Passive effect 2: Immune abnormal state and reduced ability.

"Huh ... no one around the head is normal. Even this little sister, Cher, who is so pleasant, usually has such a hand." Situ moaned rubbing his forehead.


"Sister Xueer, it's up to you!" I haven't seen the Book of Baicao for a long time, and Sophie Fei even forgot about its existence. At this time, I saw again that she already understood what Chen Xue said "help". The panic, which was originally due to the city gate falling into crisis, showed a pleasant smile on his face.

"Huh!" Chen Xue nodded strongly, her little hand moved, and she turned the book of herbs on the first page. Suddenly, the turquoise brilliance radiated softly, spreading to the distance ... Soon, Lumang shrouded the heavenly soul and all players of the eternal reincarnation, their spirits were shaken, and the prompt sounds in their ears made their hearts violently twitched ...

[Heavenly Gift of Baicao: An enhanced version of the blessing of Baicao that can be released after reading and understanding the essence of the Book of Baicao, releasing the deity of Baicao of the Book of Baica with compassion, and sending out a sky full of green awns covering 300 meters In this area, all shrouded companions have a maximum health limit of +50000, a maximum magic value of +50,000, a life of 5000 automatic recovery per second, a magic recovery of 5,000 automatic recovery per second, immunity to all abnormal states and ability decline status, and will have undead souls. There is a high probability of the effect of instant annihilation. Can be released at any time, interrupted at any time, and the total available time per day is 600 seconds. 】

Life and magic caps have skyrocketed, and the auto-recovery of health every second is even more impressive ... It lasts for a full 600 seconds! This is invincible for a whole 600 seconds! !!

After the excitement, the blood chariot on the wall shouted, "Brothers! Look at our current state! What are we afraid of! What else is there to fear ... Now, all of you will turn into an offense and kill you. All the skills are released to me, kill me as much as you can! Everyone doesn't kill ten or eight, don't look down on yourself later! "

"Well !!!"

With a loud roar, the beast-like momentum was released. These killers, who have no worries anymore, are like a fierce wolf, with an extremely sharp breath, with a flash of green light on their bodies, rushed to the nearest enemy ...

They no longer need to dodge, they no longer need to look ahead, they no longer need to be restrained. With the addition of the upper limit of 50,000 health, and 5,000 lives per second, they no longer need to worry about it. Once they come up, they are the strongest killer. Even if the enemy is attacking in front of them, they completely turn a blind eye, so they rush forward against the attack, and at the same time they are attacked, they cut into the enemy with a fierce killing move.

The situation was originally one-sided, so it miraculously fell to the other side in a short period of time, because the opponents facing the players who rushed to the front of the city gate all gave up as if they had run away. Kill them crazy! kill! kill! Generally speaking, this kind of self-defeating killing method is bound to cause both defeats. Although the killing is fast, the death is equally fast ... but the wave of teams closest to the city gate is almost killed, these violent wolves are actually None of them fell down, and all of them who had originally stood in front of the city gate rushed out as if they had red eyes, rushing towards the approaching team ...

A terrible breath started to make Dongyu players startle again.

The immortal reincarnation safely gave up the defense, and the whole team dispatched and rushed to the huge East Puer player group. The two armies collided, small to large. It was supposed to be the end of the small fish swallowed by the big fish, but ... Divided into five squadrons and rushed into the player's group, but like a pair of sharp scissors, they cut the huge team of squadrons. In order to kill, regardless of their own body, let the squadron players stay for a while. Under the corpse. The players of the East Rush quickly countered in fear. Their attacks fell on the target, once, twice, and a trick. The opponent was still fiercely attacking, and never fell. Instead, he was killed one by one. One……

The speed of this kind of killing battle is extremely fast. The corpses are piles and piles, basically belonging to the Eastern players. Occasionally, there are several immortal reincarnation members who are hit to death. The players in Dongluo occupy the absolute advantage in numbers, but they are more and more frightened. The most terrible enemy is not a fierce enemy, but an enemy that cannot be killed at all ... Gradually, their surprise turns into a shudder, and then the shudder turns into fear Until the heart is almost broken ...

On the high platform in the rear, another telescope of the mysterious man was hit **** the ground by him: "That green light ... that green light !!"

"Retreat, withdraw all !!!"

The opponent is basically equivalent to blessing the terrible state of immortality for a long time, and such a stalemate is completely equivalent to giving up death. The mysterious man had to give instructions to retreat in anger. After receiving the order, the Dongying Army was amnestyed ~ ~, fleeing backwards in despair, facing even the strongest enemies. But in the face of undead enemies, it is simply to be slaughtered by anyone.

The East team is rushing in the opposite direction like a flood. Compared with their attack speed, the blood of the whole body that has been killed is burning fast. The immortal reincarnation players hold their weapons and chase after the roar. The ridiculous scene was presented in front of Tianchen City Gate ... a team with nearly 20,000 troops was chased by a team of less than 3,000 like a funeral dog.

The heavenly souls stood in front of the city gate with smiles on their faces. Su Feifei took Chen Xue's hand and praised, "Chen Xue, thanks to you this time."

"Hee." Chen Xue smiled, a device of mystery and mystery, often powerful enough to fight a war.

Chen Xue made a perfect interpretation of this sentence with a book of all kinds of gods.

"All come back, don't chase it." The blood chakra calmly initiated the order, his sentence lightly drank, immediately all players of the immortal samsara stopped, and then returned neatly and quickly. When they returned to the gate, the green light disappeared at the same time.

"Ah ... it's been 600 seconds," Chen Xue said. 600 seconds is already the limit of the time that can be maintained every day by the Herbal Gods.

It was also this short 600 seconds. Under the immortal reincarnation, nearly 7,000 people died. The difference between the two sides was tenfold, so it was miraculously reduced to five times.

Outside of the battlefield, all the players who are watching here are already under this continuous change, and I don't know how to describe their feelings in shock. It's been almost an hour. Instead of letting the Dongying Army in, the 3,000 troops standing in front of the gate of the city instead ... wrecked them again and again, and now even forced them to retreat temporarily.

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