Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 22 Hidden Occupation: High Priest of the Dead


Seeing the death certificate in Wang Yuan's hand, Zul was stunned at first, and then his face turned green.

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He never expected that Wang Yuan would be able to do this.

"Hahaha! Zul, you old man, you have come to this day." Jiang Ge was happy like a child and put his arm around Wang Yuan's shoulder: "Good brother, you are really not an ordinary person."

"Puff! Hahaha! The boss is really mean."

"Haha, I like this guy."

Dabai and Xiaobai also laughed out loud.

"It's interesting!" Shui Linglong became more interested in Wang Yuan.

Well, this guy can even fool NPCs. It's really not the same level as the people he had seen before.

What an interesting guy.


"Okay, very good! Now we can summon the heroic spirit!"

Zul quickly adjusted his mentality and reached out to take the death certificate in Wang Yuan's hand.

Wang Yuan pulled his hand back: "Where's the artifact? You won't cheat, will you?"

"Artifact? Did I say that?" Zul really wanted to cheat.

"What do you think?" Wang Yuan pretended to take back the token, and then said: "If you behave like this, wait for me to sue the game company."

"No, no, no, I'm just joking with you."

Zul quickly took out a bone ring from his pocket and handed it to Wang Yuan, saying: "This ring is the relic of Lord Lasma, and now it is passed on to you."

[Holy Ring of the Dead] (Artifact) (Incomplete)

Quality: Bronze

Attack: 10

Magic: 10

All attributes +10

Undead Evolution: Passive skill, 10% chance to summon an undead one level higher than the skill level.

Professional requirements: Necromancer

Level requirement: 10

Equipment introduction: An upgrade made of the finger bones of the necromancer god Lasma, with powerful undead power. It was damaged in the ancient war and can be repaired and upgraded.

Materials required for the next level (Bone of the King, Heart of the Prophet.)

"Damn! Is this also considered an artifact?"

Wang Yuan was furious when he saw the ring's attributes.

Although this thing is called an artifact, it is a broken artifact, and it is currently only bronze quality. Zul actually used this thing to fool himself. Isn't this pure cheating?

"Just tell me if it is an artifact?"

Zul said confidently: "Don't think it is trash now. When you repair it, it will be a real artifact."

"Okay! I'll remember you!"

Wang Yuan glared at Zul fiercely and hung the ring on his hand.

It should be said that although this ring is not an artifact, its attributes are not bad.

And the additional attributes are also a top-notch attribute for the necromancer. After all, at Wang Yuan's current level, he can only summon second-level undead. With this ring, there is a 10% chance of summoning third-level undead.

You know, the later the game is, the harder it is to upgrade skills.

Other necromancers need to summon the tenth-level undead at level 10, but I only need level 9.

It's better to have it than not to have it. Although this ring is not as good as the heroic history book, it is at least much better than the novice equipment on my body.


After getting the death certificate, Zul began his summoning ceremony.

As Zul performed [Summon Skeleton], a skeleton soldier crawled out of the cemetery and stood there with a dull look.

Then, Django used the death certificate to perform soul summoning, and a golden soul fire was summoned in the void.

Zul reached out and grabbed the soul fire in his hand, and with a gentle push, implanted the golden flame into the eye socket of the skeleton soldier.

The blue soul fire in the skeleton soldier's eyes was instantly swallowed by the golden flame.

The next moment, the skeleton soldier became smart, as if he had a new soul.

"It's done! I did it!"

Zul, who successfully summoned, shouted excitedly.

Jiang Ge also looked at the skeleton in front of him in disbelief, and murmured: "He really figured it out... My talent is really inferior to his."

"Thanks to you, my student!"

Zul excitedly pulled Wang Yuan's hand and said: "If it weren't for you, I would definitely not be able to complete the high-level soul summoning."

"So, can you change my job?" Wang Yuan said helplessly.

It's really not easy.

Going around in circles just to summon an undead for him, this is too troublesome.

"Yes! Of course! From now on, you are my direct disciple, and this [Soul Absorption] technique also has your contribution!" Zul waved his hand, and a ray of light penetrated into Wang Yuan's body.

At the same time, a series of information flashed before Wang Yuan's eyes.

[System prompt: You have been recognized by the High Priest of the Dead Zul, and successfully changed your job to the hidden profession of the Necromancer. ]

[Necromancer]: A high-level necromancer who has both the power of curse and the power of summoning, and can learn all the skills of the necromancer.

[Death Magic Mastery]: You can practice high-level death magic.

[Summoning Mastery]: The undead creatures you summon gain an additional 20% attribute inheritance.

[Soul Drain]: You have practiced the new summoning technique developed by the high priest Zul, which can absorb the souls of the dead as soul fire. The soul fire can be placed in the body of the undead, making it your own undead battle pet. Cooldown time: no.

[High-level Growth]: You have been blessed by the necromancer god Lasma, and opened the fountain of potential. You gain an additional two free attributes for each level up.

Hidden profession!!

It turned out to be a hidden profession!!

Looking at his career introduction, Wang Yuan could not help but get excited.

A regular necromancer can only choose one major branch when changing his job.

Necromancers cannot learn high-level summoning.

Necromancers cannot learn high-level curse spells.

But Wang Yuan's profession can be refined in two branches, and he can practice high-level curse magic and learn high-level summoning.

After ordinary necromancers change their jobs, the undead can only inherit an additional 10% of the attributes, while the necromancer high priest can inherit an additional 20%.

The most important thing is that Wang Yuan has two more free attributes than other necromancers.

This gives Wang Yuan more room for growth.

Of course, the most special one is the [Soul Drainage] technique.

To be honest, this Soul Drainage technique is not the same as the magic that Wang Yuan directly summoned Dabai and Xiaobai.

The "summoning technique" used by Wang Yuan to summon two skeleton soldiers is the most common [Summon Skeleton]. As for why two sons of the plane can be summoned, Wang Yuan is not sure now, but this is an innate soul, and it is a serious technique to summon a heroic spirit.

Soul absorption is to absorb independent souls and place them on the summoned skeletons. It is an acquired creation and is relatively not very authentic.

There is a big difference between the two.

It is difficult to distinguish which is better for the time being, but at present, [Soul Absorption] is indeed more convenient and faster than "random" summoning.

However, [Soul Absorption] has more limitations.

[Summon Skeleton] only needs a corpse. Soul absorption not only requires ordinary corpses to summon skeleton soldiers first, but also requires the absorption of souls in the corpses of high-level monsters.

For Wang Yuan at present, [Summon Skeleton] is more practical.

[System prompts that the job transfer is successful, and the skeleton soldiers you summoned also meet the job transfer and advancement conditions. Do you want to transfer and advance? ]

Just when Wang Yuan was studying the hidden profession he changed his job, another message flashed in front of him.

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