I have to say that this guy Jiang Ge is also a cheat. It’s a good thing that I agreed to him, otherwise the task will still not be completed.

"I owe you fifty gold coins first." Wang Yuan counted fifty gold coins from his pocket and handed them to Shui Linglong.


Wang Yuan has always made it a point for his brothers to settle accounts clearly, and the girl cannot afford to pay this money.

One hundred gold coins is not a small amount. Wang Yuan now has more than 60 gold coins in his hand, and he still needs to learn skills and buy equipment. He can only pay back 50 gold coins first and make up the rest as he earns money in the future.

"Did I tell you to return it?" Shui Linglong glanced at the purse in Wang Yuan's hand, her eyes full of disdain.

As if the sight of money makes me sick.

"Whether you give it or not is still your business, and it's still my business. I don't like others to take advantage of me, and I don't like to take advantage of others. I can also help you for free if you have tasks in the future." With that, Wang Yuan put the money bag It was stuffed into Shui Linglong's hand.


Shui Linglong looked at the money bag in her hand and frowned.

The guy in front of me is a bit unpredictable.

As a rich person, Shui Linglong is surrounded by people who try their best to take advantage of her. Anyone who gets close to her wants to get benefits.

But Wang Yuan is completely different.

This guy didn't look down on himself just because he was rich, nor did he treat himself as a victim just because he was rich.

If the equipment is expensive, it is because you pay too much.

Now that the hundred gold was paid for by himself, he had every reason to take advantage and not pay it back, but he still paid it back in a decent manner, and even issued an IOU if it was not enough.

It made Shui Linglong feel very novel.

Of course, if Wang Yuan knew Shui Linglong's thoughts, he would definitely scold her as a bitch. Isn't it the character of a normal person to not take advantage of her debts? How can it still make you feel novel?

Is today’s society so rotten?

"Hey, I really can't tell! Brother Niu is still very particular about people."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's surprising that such a shameless person is so particular."

"No wonder he can summon dragons and phoenixes among people like us! He who can be our boss must be no ordinary person."

"It makes sense! It makes sense! But why has your tone become so shameless?"

"Bah, bah, bah, you're like a cow, you're like a cow."

Wang Yuan: "..."

Thunderstorm City, Churchyard.

"Teacher Zuer, look who I brought back."

Wang Yuan brought Jiang Ge to Zuer.

Shui Linglong originally wanted to go level up, but she heard that Wang Yuan was making big news with NPCs, so she also came to join in the fun.

"Are all you necromancers so evil?"

Seeing Zuer, Shui Linglong couldn't help but complain.

"No, I'm very kind." Wang Yuan pointed at himself.

Compared with those half-dead, skinny NPCs who do the same thing as humans, a tall and burly guy like Wang Yuan, who is wide and fat, obviously does not look like he is in this field.

"Hey." Shui Linglong glanced at Wang Yuan and couldn't help but sigh.

"Damn! What do you mean!" Wang Yuan was furious.

"Django, my child! You are finally back!" Zul obviously knew Jiang Ge from time to time, and he greeted Jiang Ge very warmly.


Jiang Ge snorted, not wanting to pay any attention to Zul.

"I heard that you have found a way to summon the souls of the dead?" Jiang Ge went straight to the point.

"That's right! But I still need to use your power." Zul nodded.

"Then let's start quickly!"

Jiang Ge took out the soul lamp.

"Not urgent!"

Zul said: "We still lack one important item."

"What props?" Jiang Ge wondered.

"Death's proof!"

Zur said: "Only with the death certificate can your soul-inducing lamp be able to extradite those high-level heroic spirits."

"Death certificate? Where to get this?" Jiang Ge frowned.


Zul chuckled and said, "You don't have to worry about it."

Zuer said, turning his head and focusing on Wang Yuan.

"No way? Are you asking me to go again?" Wang Yuan was speechless.

Does this old bastard think of himself as a free coolie? Who would have trouble changing jobs?

"no way!"

Zur said: "This is the postgraduate entrance examination for the hero Sage. Only the son of destiny can do it. Who makes you the best among men?"

"What you said does make some sense."

After hearing the words "dragon and phoenix among men", Wang Yuan nodded solemnly and agreed with Zuer's words.

"Then I ask you to find the death certificate." Zul smiled slightly.

[System prompt: You have triggered the third link of the hidden job transfer mission "Proof of Death", task level A, mission content: Find Proof of Death 1/1. Mission reward: unknown. 】


Wang Yuan couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the information in front of him.

Under normal circumstances, the mission props are displayed as 0/1, but now the mission props are displayed as 1/1. In other words, this mission prop is on me?

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan quickly checked the package, and sure enough, a dark token was lying casually in the corner of the backpack.

"There's no mission reminder either?"

Wang Yuan asked with a frown.


Zur said: "If it were so easy to find, I wouldn't let you look for it."

"That's like looking for a needle in a haystack. It will take a long time to find it." Wang Yuan pretended to be in a dilemma.

"Oh, aren't you a player? You can't find it by yourself. You can go to the forum or auction house to ask others to buy it." Zul smiled, his pale old face full of wrinkles, like a chrysanthemum (real chrysanthemum, the kind used to visit graves during the Qingming Festival).

"You also know about forums and auction houses?" Wang Yuan was shocked.

What level of AI is this damn Zul?

Not only does he know the difference between himself and players, he even knows the existence of forums.

According to the game settings, this must be an AI that only top bosses above level 180 have.

"You're kidding. I'm the High Priest of the Dead. I have the highest AI in the game. I've long awakened my consciousness and have seen the true meaning of the world." Zul said proudly, "How else can I tell that you are a rare talent?"

"This stuff costs a lot of money and time, especially at this stage it's even harder to find."

"That's why I asked you to find it." Zul said, "Sir Niu Dali, you are a warrior of the empire, the son of destiny recognized by the hero Sage, my future successor, the legendary rare talent. The hope of the necromancer lineage is entrusted to you. You have to take on this responsibility."

"That's not what I meant. It's mainly because you made me spend time, effort and money. Don't you have any explanation?" Wang Yuan said directly.

He was driven out. Zul was just a talker. As long as you don't speak out your demands, he would rather chant the various titles bestowed on him than pretend to be confused.

"So that's how it is."

Zul pretended to understand and said, "Well, if you can find the death certificate within three days, I will give you a necromancer's artifact."

"Really? You won't lie, will you?"

"Don't worry! I swear in the name of Father God Lasma that I will never lie." Zul patted his chest and said.

"That's great!"

Wang Yuan smiled slightly and took out a token from his arms.

The token was black and engraved with strange inscriptions.

In the middle, there were four words engraved - Death God's Proof.

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