"He...really needs my help?"

Shui Linglong stood aside, too shocked to speak.

That was a level 20 golden BOSS. He didn't even have the ability to resist in front of Wang Yuan... Who is the BOSS?

"Damn it! How dare you hurt me!"

The moment Jiang Ge's blood bar turned red.

Jiang Ge suddenly roared, and a green light burst out from his body.

Xiaobai, who was pressing Jiang Ge's crazy output, was directly ejected by the green light and fell heavily to the edge of the altar.

At the same time, the soul lamp in Jiang Ge's hand suddenly glowed brightly.


"No! It's a soul-inducing technique! Ah Dao, run away."

When Dabai saw this, he quickly reminded Xiaobai.

But at this time, it was too late for Xiaobai to dodge.

After all, due to attribute limitations, no matter how fast his reaction speed is, the body of a level 10 skeleton soldier cannot keep up with his reaction.

"Click! Click!"

Just when Xiao Bai was about to be attracted by the green light, a white skeleton holding a shield and a long sword stood in front of Xiao Bai.

"It's you?"

Seeing the skeleton in front of him, Xiao Bai was obviously a little surprised.

This skeleton was the silly skeleton warrior Wang Yuan called "Bai San'er" that Wang Yuan summoned at the city gate.

Xiaobai never expected that it would be Wang Yuan who saved him at the critical moment.

Dabai also looked at Wang Yuan in disbelief.

To be honest, although these two skeleton soldiers have recognized Wang Yuan as their master, in terms of strength, these two guys don't think much of Wang Yuan.

In their eyes, Wang Yuan was just a cheap gamer, fundamentally different from elites like them who fought bloody battles in the apocalyptic battlefields.

However, at this time, the two of them suddenly realized that they had underestimated their master.

This guy actually has unparalleled battlefield insight. He was aware of the changes in the battlefield situation when the BOSS was in red blood, and just in time moved the skeleton warrior who was originally filling in to Xiaobai's position, and helped Xiaobai take on the BOSS's responsibility. Skill.

The essence of a summoner is command and commander-in-chief. Necromancers are called commanders of the undead army in the last days.

Strong battlefield insight is the basis for commanding battles.

Wang Yuan can use such keen battlefield insights. Obviously, even if he fails to summon two skeletons with souls, he will be a terrifying necromancer in the future.


Wang Yuan in the distance was sweating: "Fortunately, we caught up!"


As the skeleton warrior stood in front of Xiao Bai, the soul fire in his eyes flew out from his eyes as if being pulled, and turned into two blue rays of light, which were sucked into the lantern, and the green light. Become one.


The soul fire disappeared, and the skeleton warrior shattered into skeletons.

"Nah! Are you so shameless?"

Seeing how terrifying this broken lantern was, Wang Yuan was speechless for a while.

Set according to the game background.

Soul fire is the essence of undead creatures.

Wang Yuan has a heroic history book in his hand. As long as the soul fire of his skeletons remains alive, they can be resurrected infinitely like the players.

It turns out that the thing in Jiang Ge's hand can directly draw away the soul fire of undead creatures... It's really a bit shameless.


Seeing that Xiaobai's soul fire was not taken away by the soul-guiding lamp, Jiang Ge was stunned for a moment, and then began to sing loudly: "O dominated undead, follow the light in front of you, cross the eternal river of Styx, until you move towards the great eternal life! !”


The light of the soul-inducing lamp surged again, covering the entire altar.

However, Xiao Bai was unmoved at all, and even a little confused: "Is this the soul-inducing technique? I already thought it was so awesome, it scared my dad to death!!"

"It shouldn't be..." Dabai also looked confused: "I remember that the soul-inducing technique is very scary. Any undead creature will be taken away by the soul-inducing technique to take away the soul fire. Why are you okay?"

"You hope something happens to me?"

"Is this the point? You two!"

The two started to fight again.

Wang Yuan touched his chin thoughtfully: "Bai San'er was clearly taken away from the soul fire just now, why is Xiao Bai okay? They are both undead creatures, could it be because the soul-inducing technique can only take away the soul fire?" The fire of the soul of autonomous consciousness?”



Jiang Ge was completely stunned: "How could this happen?! Could it be that... your undead has a soul?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! In order to summon the undead with souls, I even turned into an undead creature myself... So far I have not succeeded. You are just an ant, a new necromancer, how can you summon Undead with a soul?”


Hearing Jiang Ge's words, Wang Yuan confirmed his guess.

Although the soul fire of undead creatures has the word soul, it is not a real soul. It is just the immortal fire that controls undead creatures. It has no consciousness of its own and can only be controlled by instinct.

Only advanced undead creatures can derive wisdom and autonomous consciousness. Only such undead creatures have real souls.

The soul-inducing technique is just a skill used to collect "immortal fire".

Spiritualization is of no use to a self-aware soul fire.

At this time, Jiang Ge's mentality was obviously a bit broken.

From his background introduction, we can know that this guy is also a madman who studies the magic of the dead.

In order to summon the undead creatures with souls, he did not hesitate to transform himself into a lich... a living dead... hoping to summon the undead as the undead.

Even so, he failed.

And Wang Yuan, a 10th-level beginner, summoned the undead creature that he could not summon in his entire life. You can imagine how Django feels at this moment.

It's like you are a mathematician who has studied math problems for a lifetime, and a child who just graduated from kindergarten has solved them.

This matter is a bit unacceptable to anyone.

What the hell... is going on?

"No more fighting! It's boring!"

Django waved his hand and sat down on the ground.

His eyes were full of dejection. He threw the soul-guiding lamp in his hand aside and shouted with despair: "Kill me!"

"Ah... this..."

Xiaobai looked at Dabai: "Do you want to kill him? This is an NPC from the late human side!"

"Why are you looking at me? Look at Brother Niu! If he asks you to kill, can you not kill him?" Dabai said unhappily.

Indeed, they are people from the future and they know history. Jiang Ge is not a villain, but a disciple of a hero and has made contributions to defending the human homeland.

But now, Jiang Ge is completely on the opposite side of Wang Yuan. He is still a BOSS and is to be pushed down by the players. If Wang Yuan wants to kill him, his two skeleton soldiers will definitely not be able to stop him.

"Why should I kill you? I'm here to get the lamp, not to kill you!"

Wang Yuan smiled and said: "Give me the lamp and I'll spare your life!"

Although Wang Yuan is not a good person, he is not a bad person. The end of the world is approaching, and those who can protect humans are heroes and deserve respect.

I still have the basic three views.


However, after hearing Wang Yuan's words, Jiang Ge directly refused: "This lamp is my treasure, I will not give it to anyone, especially to that old bastard Zul."

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