"Despicable necromancer! If you want to get the soul-guiding lamp, you must defeat me first!"

Wang Yuan was just thinking about it, when Django on the altar suddenly roared, grabbed the air with his empty right hand, and a bone spear appeared in his hand, which he threw at Wang Yuan from above.


"It's over!"

Shui Linglong, who was standing by, was horrified.

She never expected that this BOSS would attack without any warning.

At this time, Wang Yuan was standing under the altar, only three or five meters away from Django on the altar. Django attacked from above again, and the speed of the bone spear was extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, it flew in front of Wang Yuan.

Django was a level 20 gold BOSS. Wang Yuan was just a necromancer. Wouldn't he die on the spot if he was hit by this?


However, just when Shui Linglong thought that Wang Yuan was doomed, a black figure suddenly rushed to the front of Wang Yuan at an extremely fast speed, and raised the shield in his hand to block Wang Yuan.

It was Wang Yuan's skeleton soldier-Xiaobai!


The bone spear hit the shield, making a slight sound and turned into fragments.

The powerful impact of the bone spear knocked Xiaobai back. Xiaobai kicked back with his right foot, stepped on the ground to make a pit, and stabilized his body.


Seeing this scene, Shui Linglong was stunned.


Skeleton soldiers actually blocked it? ?

Although the necromancer was despised by Shui Linglong as an "evil profession", Shui Linglong also understood the mechanism of the necromancer.

The summoning necromancer needs to control the skeletons under his command through various instructions to complete the actions of fighting the enemy.

Since the skeleton soldiers need to receive the command first and then complete the command, compared with the combat mechanism of warriors, mages and other professions, there is an extra "command" step. Therefore, no matter how timely the necromancer's order is, the skeleton soldiers are half a beat slower than the player.

Just at the distance between Wang Yuan and Jiang Ge, even Shui Linglong, an assassin with much higher agility than the necromancer, was not sure that she could dodge before the bone spear hit her.

But Wang Yuan controlled the skeleton soldiers to block the bone spear!

What kind of reaction speed is required to control the skeleton soldiers to block in this situation?

Even though Shui Linglong had seen "Wang Yuan" fight against the Silver Moon Wolf King in the novice area, it was still unbelievable that "Wang Yuan" could block Jiang Ge's sneak attack at this time.

This guy's reaction speed is just like a cheat!


"Shame on you, BOSS is still attacking! Take my curse!"

While Shui Linglong was surprised, Wang Yuan, who blocked Jiang Ge's sneak attack, had already thrown a curse on Jiang Ge's head.


The curse fell on Django, and the green light was bounced off.

The curse was invalid.

"Haha! Ignorant junior, actually trying to curse a great lich."

Django was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

As a necromancer who transformed himself into a lich, the curse had no effect on Django, after all, he was the product of the curse.


However, before Django finished speaking, a huge fireball hit Django's face and exploded.


A huge blood loss number floated from Django's head.

I only heard Dabai cursing: "This grandson's smile is still so ugly! I let you cheat me out of money!"

"Asshole! How dare you..." Django, whose face was blackened by the explosion, was furious.


As a result, halfway through the words, a shield had already hit him head-on and hit Django's face heavily.


Django's figure was shaken by the hit, and he almost fell down.

"Damn it!"

Ding Ge stabilized his body, stretched out his right hand, and a bone sword appeared in his hand. He chopped at Xiao Bai with his backhand.

Xiao Bai lowered his head, dodged Ding Ge's slash, and then used a charge again.

Ding Ge just wanted to dodge.


Another fireball exploded in his face, and Ding Ge's dodge was interrupted.


Then there was a "bang!", and Xiao Bai's charge had hit Ding Ge's ribs in this gap.


Charge is one of the strongest judgment skills of the warrior.

Although Ding Ge is the boss, he is a mage after all. How can his fragile body withstand this? He was hit and staggered backwards.

Xiao Bai took a step forward and followed, and chopped Ding Ge's knee with a sword.



Ding Ge, who was already standing unsteadily, lost his balance and fell to the ground after being chopped by a sword.

Xiaobai then struck with a heavy sword, stabbing Django's head from top to bottom.


The huge blood loss number was shocking.

The two skeletons used a combo to knock down nearly 2,000 points of Django's blood. Shui Linglong under the altar was stunned.

Although the necromancer can summon the undead army to crush the opponent with an absolute advantage in numbers, usually, the necromancer cannot control the undead in detail when there are too many of them.

After all, controlling the undead is like controlling the game characters in a keyboard and mouse game. It is very rare to be able to control a skeleton to perfection. No matter how talented you are, you can't be distracted if you control one more.

But the necromancer in front of him not only controlled the skeleton soldiers to suppress the BOSS, but also controlled another skeleton soldier to cooperate remotely, and the cooperation was smooth and seamless.

What the hell!

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Shui Linglong wouldn't have believed her eyes.

It's like playing League of Legends, one person plays both the top and mid lane accounts at the same time, and also starts a group to catch the wild, and beats the opponent.

Anyone would be messy.

This is much more awesome than the legendary left hand drawing a circle and the right hand drawing a square.

Is this a person?

What's more outrageous is that Wang Yuan not only looks relaxed and casual, but also shouts on the side: "Good job, kill him, kill him!"

This is incomprehensible.

Is there really a genius who can do many things in the world?


The Django in the game is not the Django in the Doomsday Secret Realm after all.

Dabai and Xiaobai, two comrades who once fought side by side, cooperate with each other, and the strength they show is no longer as simple as 1+1.

Even if it was a level 20 gold BOSS, it had a crushing panel attribute suppression.

But with the perfect cooperation of the two, they were still beaten without any ability to fight back.

Every time Django wanted to use a skill to counterattack, Xiaobai would always interrupt his skills at the critical moment with shield attack or charge.

When Django wanted to dodge Xiaobai's control, Dabai's fireball would always just seal Django's dodge space.

In Dabai's words, these data monsters had no combat IQ at all, and except for the panel attributes, they had no combat power at all, not even as good as the lowest-level Warcraft in the end of the world.

The two of them were one in front and one behind, one close-range suppression, one long-range harassment, one defensive counterattack, and one taking advantage of every opportunity, it can be said that there was no flaw.

Even as a necromancer who was proficient in summoning the undead, Django had not been able to successfully summon a single skeleton soldier.




A string of blood loss numbers floated above Django's head.

The health bar on Django's head dropped rapidly, and in a moment it dropped to 30% and turned red.

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