Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 183: China Dragon Soars in a Match-fixing Game!

With the arrival of Huaxia Longteng, one million gold coins arrived.

System announcements rang in the sky again.

[After a fierce fight, the Dali Miracle Guild and the Chinese Dragon Soaring Guild met their rivals, General and Liangcai, and fought for 500 rounds without deciding the outcome. An armistice agreement was signed. The two companies stopped fighting and the two sides shook hands and made peace. 】

The system announcement was played three times in a row in the sky, resounding throughout the entire game world.



As soon as the system announcement came out, the whole world fell silent again.

After a long time, the world was boiling! !

"Scam!! Absolutely a scam!!"

"Chinese Dragons and Dogs are cracking down on match-fixing!! It must be cracking down on match-fixing!!"

“I’ve lost my face just to cheat my father!!”

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!"

Regarding the announcement of a draw between the two sides, the first reaction of all players was that it was fake! ! It must be fake! It can’t be fake anymore!

Or it's China Longteng's match-fixing!

Either the game company made some mistake.

Horse riding! !

What level is the Chinese Dragon Soaring at? !

The first guild in the national server, if you randomly pull out a player, he will be an elite master in other guilds. There are more than 40,000 players, and all of them will be top-notch masters.

The most inferior logistics training blacksmith and tailor's life player in the guild are all level 25 first-tier players.

A big guild with so many top masters, if you stand there, most of the guilds can surrender without a fight, and with just a few moves, they can destroy everything.

And their opponent was just a small group of less than ten people.

This huge disparity in strength is like Heiyun Village issuing a declaration of war to the United Nations. There is no comparison between the two sides at all.

There is no suspense about the resolution of this guild war. It is just a matter of how long it will take for the Chinese Dragon to find these rats and bulldoze Thunder Bluff.

Now you're telling me it's a tie! !

Who do you think is the fool? ! !

Could it be that the cutest person in this group of guys was possessed and picked seventeen of them?

How about playing?

Do not believe! Absolutely don't believe it!

Especially those players who participated in the gambling game were even more excited and started a scolding post on the forum. The content of the post was just five words: "Geneva, refund your money!!"

The players in Holy Light City were even more excited and had already surrounded Huaxia Longteng's office.

They never expected that Huaxia Longteng would do this in such an embarrassing manner.

As the representative guild of Holy Light City, Holy Light City players are in the most complicated mood at this time.

Regardless of whether China Longteng is fixing matches or not, it will be difficult for them to accept it.

The crackdown on match-fixing represents a problem with the character of China Longteng.

If there was no match-fixing, it would be Olympics! Is the Chinese Dragon Soaring so weak?

As mentioned before, the bigger the guild, the more it values ​​reputation.

In this case, it is directly reflected.

As soon as China Longteng left Thunder Bluff, several people from Longteng Sihai received calls from investors.

In the e-sports era, as a traffic guild, this kind of thing is no less than the vicious incident that occurred when GG endorsed celebrities.

If you don't give an explanation, you may have to terminate the contract or pay liquidated damages.

This is what Longteng Sihai and the others fear the most.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t rather spend so much money to settle for a tie!

The two sides have ceased fighting and are tied. At least there is room for explanation. If they are really broken up, the opportunity for explanation will be gone.

"The one who rides on the horse..."

Feng Wu Jiutian and the others were still frightened: "This money is well spent. If we know that we actually lost, we may not know what will happen."

"I'm even afraid of being slapped when I go out!" Hua Wuque couldn't help wiping his sweat.

"How to solve this matter now?" Longteng Sihai is most concerned about public relations.

Although the guild war is over and Huaxia Longteng does not need to disband, the direction of public opinion is now beyond control. Huaxia Longteng, which was originally the number one guild in the national server, is now almost everyone shouting about it.

What we have to face now is how to control public opinion.

Of course, the most important thing is to give investors a perfect explanation.

I spend money to support you so that you can promote me. As a result, you have done such an embarrassing thing. If you don’t explain it clearly, you will die.


Feng Wu Jiutian said: "I think it's better to tell the truth."

"The key is to have someone believe it." Long Teng Sihai said.

"Well..." Feng Wu Jiutian nodded: "It's not impossible to make people believe it."

Inside Thunder Bluff, there are two completely different scenes from the outside world.


“We’re so awesome!”

"From now on, when I fill out my resume, I will say that I defeated Huaxia Longteng, and my record can be checked!"

"Haha! I never thought we could really win!!"

As the announcement sounded and the Chinese Longteng retreated, the players in the Thunderstorm City camp burst into cheers.

Everything is like a dream.

To be fair, facing a powerful enemy like the Chinese Dragon Soaring, the players in Thunderstorm City are the ones who have the least confidence.

After all, before this, Huaxia Longteng was a god-like existence to everyone. To challenge Huaxia Longteng was to challenge the majesty of a god.

It would be a lie to say that I am not afraid.

Even if the number of people on my side is five times that of the other side.

But I never expected that I would actually win.

And winning was not difficult at all. Most people didn't even move. They just stood there and threw a wave of skills, and the blue bar consumption was less than one-third.

Such an easy victory made everyone unbelievable at first, and then they were immersed in joy.

At the same time, Wang Yuan also gathered a group of presidents together.

"Everyone performed very well this time!" Wang Yuan said to everyone with great satisfaction: "This time, we have really become famous."

"Haha! It's not Brother Niu's command that's good!"

"Yes! Thanks to Brother Niu for giving us this opportunity, otherwise we would definitely not have the ability!"

"That makes sense!! Being able to defeat Huaxia Longteng is all thanks to Brother Niu!"

Everyone said.

Everyone knows very well that although they are the ones doing the work, it is Wang Yuan who takes the lead. Without Wang Yuan taking the lead, the guilds in Thunderstorm City would not be able to get together anyway, let alone challenge Huaxia Longteng. It is simply Just like dreaming.


Wang Yuan laughed and said: "You don't need to praise me. I never let others listen to what I say, but I like to let others see what I do."

With that said, Wang Yuan waved his hand.


A mountain of gold coins was piled in front of everyone.


Seeing the gold coins in front of them, everyone's eyes widened.

Even the boss of a big guild like Longxing Tianxia was dumbfounded.

No way, this is the visual impact of cash, which cannot be compared with numbers.

"One million!!"

After the miracle happened with great force, everyone even exclaimed: "This is one billion!! You can't spend it all in a lifetime!!"

"Tch! I've never seen the world." Shui Linglong couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "This little money is enough to do anything."

Everyone: "..."

Others might say this as a show of pretentiousness, but when it came out of Shui Linglong's mouth, it was extraordinarily loud.

Even the presidents of the major conferences blushed in embarrassment.

"Brother Niu! What do you mean by this?" Long Xingtianxia rubbed his hands and said, "Don't you want to share some with us?"

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