Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 182: Leave a way out for us so that we can meet again in the future

The guild war penalty in "Dawn Breaking" is very severe.

If the losing party of the guild war has a guild station, then the station and all the materials and buildings in the station will become the spoils of the winning party.

If there is no guild station, the losing party will not only suffer a penalty of two levels, but its guild will also be directly disbanded, and it will not be able to respond to the establishment of a guild within one month.

For a small group guild like "Da Li Chu Miracle", the disbanding of the guild is actually not a big impact, and the penalty of demotion is the most terrible.

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But for a guild of scale, demotion is irrelevant, and the disbanding of the guild is definitely a fatal blow.

Especially for guilds with more than 500 people.

You know, the competition among guilds in the game is also very fierce.

Most guilds are small groups composed of relatives and friends. Guilds that can gather 100 people are considered to be relatively capable guilds.

There are even fewer guilds with more than 500 people.

This is also why the Black Dragon Club, with only a few thousand people, can dominate Thunderstorm City.

In the game, a month is neither long nor short.

A month without contact can make players forget one thing or one person, can make two good friends become strangers, and can update the game world.

Once the guild is disbanded, it will not be easy to gather so many people again if it cannot be rebuilt within a month.

Even if a top guild like "Huaxia Longteng" wants to rebuild, it will take a lot of time and resources.

Of course, these are secondary to the concerns of Longteng Sihai and Fengwu Jiutian.

Because once Huaxia Longteng is defeated and disbanded, it is not just a matter of reconstruction.

What size is Huaxia Longteng? What status?

The first guild of Huaxia National Service, a super guild named after Huaxia, and the leader of the game circle.

Huaxia Longteng has too many honors and titles, but also too many burdens.

Once Huaxia Longteng is disbanded, or is beaten to disband, it will undoubtedly be an earthquake-like existence for the game circle.

Everything that Huaxia Longteng has worked hard for for so many years will vanish into thin air.

All reputation, prestige, and other things will be trampled underfoot.

I saw him build a high building, I saw him entertain guests, and I saw his building collapse.

How awesome he was before, how miserable he will be after the disbandment.

Especially being beaten and disbanded by a small guild with less than ten people...

I can't even say it, and I will be poked in the spine for the rest of my life, and I can't raise my head wherever I go.

What's more, what does the largest guild in the national server rely on for income?

In this era where the traffic of game stars beats that of entertainment stars, the top guilds themselves are a kind of traffic.

In addition to the resources of the game itself, GG endorsements and various business capital injections account for 80%.

I signed a ten-year contract with you, and you disbanded it in less than a month!

You can't even afford the penalty for breach of contract.

Whether it is spiritually or materially, if this guild war fails, Huaxia Longteng will suffer a fatal blow.

Perhaps Longteng Sihai had never thought that they would lose.

But at this moment, when they heard Wang Yuan's words, they were silenced on the spot.


"How is it?" Wang Yuan's expression was still calm: "Do you still think it's too much now?"


Wang Yuan's expression, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, was like a devil in the eyes of Huaxia Longteng.

This damn thing is simply not a human being! !

"It has to be Brother Niu!"

The people of Renzhe Wudi on the side cried.

In fact, before they knew Wang Yuan, Renzhe Wudi and his people were not human beings. They formed gangs and did all kinds of bad things, rushed around in the game, and they were second to the boss. They had a bad reputation.

But when they saw Wang Yuan at this time, they realized that their deeds were not worth mentioning compared with the man in front of them.

How much benefit can they get?

It's nothing more than stealing someone's equipment, killing someone's boss, killing ten or eight people, and getting a hundred or eighty gold coins at a time is the best.

On the other hand, Wang Yuan doesn't accept orders less than 10,000. 100,000 is just an appetizer, and a million gold coins are nothing.

At this time, the boss of the first guild in the national server and the largest guild leader in the gaming circle have to be humble in front of Wang Yuan...

What kind of concept is this.

Even Dabai and other ruthless characters who have seen blood are sighing at this time.

"This person, you can't offend... His heart is too dirty." Ma Saner was still frightened. He seemed to want to kill him at the beginning. Now think about it, fortunately he didn't do it.

"This is not his heart, but his insight into people's hearts!" Chun Ge touched his chin and said: "The opponent's psychology is firmly grasped by him."

He can see that Wang Yuan has been grasping people's hearts since the beginning. Every step and every move of the opponent has been seen through by Wang Yuan.

From the moment Wang Yuan declared war, Fengwu Jiutian had already fallen into the trap, step by step, pit after pit, with no way to turn back and only move forward, and every step forward, he was heading towards the abyss.

"Okay! If we pay, can you let us win?" Fengwu Jiutian asked cautiously.

"What are you thinking about?" Wang Yuan said speechlessly: "Do you know how much my guild base is worth? At most, it's a tie with you! No one loses."

"No loss..."

Fengwu Jiutian almost cursed, one million gold coins and no loss, is that human?

"A tie is fine!"

After thinking for a moment, Fengwu Jiutian finally nodded.

What Wang Yuan said was right. The value of the Thunder Bluff settlement is inestimable. If one million gold coins can really win, it is equivalent to buying a settlement for one million.

Wang Yuan does not look like a person who is so stupid as to let others take advantage of him.

If it is a tie, although Huaxia Longteng did not get the desired result, at least the guild does not have to be disbanded.

"What do you think?"

Wang Yuan turned his head and asked the guild leaders.

"Brother Niu, you have the final say! We can all do it!"

Everyone said that they would follow his command without thinking.

To be honest, this guild war was too easy. Everyone just stood there and threw a few skills, and there was no war damage.

The real battle was in the settlement crystal group to destroy the dragon team, and that was the full effort of Wang Yuan and his group.

And this time the guild war was launched in the name of "great strength to create miracles". It can be said that everything was borne by Wang Yuan.

Everyone who can be the president is not ignorant of the ways of the world.

Wang Yuan can ask for everyone's opinions, and everyone feels that they are valued. Which fool really stands up to give opinions? Will he still be able to stay in Thunderstorm City in the future?

What's more, it is the most important thing.

If he gives up, he will get one million gold coins. Wang Yuan must at least give 200,000 points to everyone for military expenses.

If the fish die and the net is broken, then he will not get a penny.

Although the reputation of defeating Huaxia Longteng is more awesome, it is not necessarily unattractive to be able to draw.

The opponent is Huaxia Longteng! Draw! Enough is enough!

Only those who gain both fame and fortune are the real winners.

Moreover, Huaxia Longteng only disbanded after the defeat, not completely gone. They dare not trouble Wang Yuan in the future, so don't they dare to trouble themselves?

Stop when you are ahead, and leave a way for others to meet in the future.

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